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  1. wildebeest

    Gym phones

    I got the ex71 and the sound is quite underwhelming. However, at ~$30 and for watching TV at the gym, these are comfortable and practical. I was going to spend more on some shures, but after realizing how I just stuff them in my pocket, it doesn't seem like such a good idea. Maybe I'll try...
  2. wildebeest

    Gym phones

    Everything I've read makes it hard to choose. I'd like canalphones for their discreet and isolating characteristics but #1 is that they have to stay in my ears and remain comfortable. Now I wonder what my ears are shaped like because everyone has a different "falling out" experience with each...
  3. wildebeest

    Gym phones

    What do you wear at the gym and what do/don't you like about them? I use the elliptical and lift weights, but my earbuds always end up falling out so much I end up stuffing them back into my pocket, content to listen to grunting testosterone-factories. I don't think Sony V6's would work any...
  4. wildebeest

    where to audition?

    I'm looking finally to move up from my v6's and even though I can read countless reviews, it sounds like the best thing is to hear it for myself. I live in a fairly small town, but I'm going up to Portland OR tomorrow, so I was wondering what kind of major stores I should visit to audition...
  5. wildebeest

    Why 24bit sound card for 16bit CD's?

    for recording/playback at 24bit maybe? it is a professional level card, right?
  6. wildebeest

    akg k301xtra (review/comp)

    Just picked up a pair from Guitar Center to try out. I've been listening to all kinds of music on my ad8620 pimeta. I'm kind of new to headphones, so this is just my subjective opinion. Feel free to contradict or criticize at will I've been looking for a easier-listening set to replace my...
  7. wildebeest

    Building CMOY: Very confused wouldn't this be the next step in tangent's article? that had all the info I needed. sorry if you were looking for something else, but hopefully this is enough
  8. wildebeest

    Finished PIMETA (pics)

    Yeah, but I have no dremel. The hacksaw might be a little big for the project. Let my wallet recover for a few weeks and I might splurge on a nice kit And yes, everything is working fine now. No more internal bbq's. Thanks for the suggestion!
  9. wildebeest

    Finished PIMETA (pics)

    Thanks for everyone's support on this forum, especially tangent who made this all possible! This has been my first DIY electronics project other than installing some fan switches in my computer It's inspired me to make some CMOYs and give them out as presents in the near future as well. I...
  10. wildebeest

    finished my pimeta but...

    thanks to everyone who helped out! this forum rocks! my buffers are no longer numbing the pads of my index fingers. they're barely warm now. it sounds great too. I can hear all the imperfections in my 128-encoded mp3s I made sure to check and touch up every solder joint, and I think that...
  11. wildebeest

    finished my pimeta but...

    Now I know why they call it amp ****. I feel so naked revealing the insides of my amp. Then yall point and say "lose a little weight here" and "a little more solder there." For real though, thanks for the suggestions. Looking at my work, I know I should have been a little more fastidious...
  12. wildebeest

    finished my pimeta but...

    Quote: Originally Posted by flecom holy flux batman... you may want to clean it off... dont think it should hurt anyhting? and dont think this the wrong way but i think you need to work on your soldering techniques... two good guides...
  13. wildebeest

    finished my pimeta but...

    Quote: Originally Posted by tangent Are you sure your ISP doesn't give you a little web space? Yes, but my father can't remember the password he set it up with. Anyway, I know it got kind of messy in there when I had to swap out the RLED after all the bulky components were in...
  14. wildebeest

    finished my pimeta but...

    Quote: Originally Posted by scottder Opps, bandwidth all used up. Damn Geocities! where's a good place to host big PIMETA nudes? obviously geocities isn't delivering
  15. wildebeest

    finished my pimeta but...

    Quote: Originally Posted by tangent What is in R11? (220ohm x LR) Quote: Are they stacked? no, just pushed into dip sockets Quote: How high? 1 each in L/R/G Quote: Does the problem move if you swap buffers among the channels? Yes...
  16. wildebeest

    finished my pimeta but...

    My Pimeta is plugged in and working (it sounds great) but I burned myself on the buffers. I think the opamps are warm but not so much as the buffer. Is it dangerous to be running the amp like this? Is there a problem that I need to fix? Here are some pictures. The buffer that hurt me was the...
  17. wildebeest

    2 quick questions

    Thanks, I guess I'll throw it back in the box'o'parts. What about the 8620?
  18. wildebeest

    2 quick questions

    1. Will this switch work with an elpac 24v for my pimeta? I picked it up from my brother-in-law so it didn't cost me the $13. Says on the side "0.4VA, 20V MAX" C&K 7201 2. Do I need to order the adapter to use a ad8620(dualLR)/8610(G) combo on a pimeta? Or is that just so it's...
  19. wildebeest

    Almost set to order for PIMETA?

    Actually, it's right there on the line below. I have three more sockets for the buffers. Anyone else? I hope to get this ordered by tomorrow so I can stop driving myself crazy second-guessing part choices
  20. wildebeest

    Almost set to order for PIMETA?

    After much lurking on the forums, I think I'm ready to make my purchase. I just wanted a little input before I commit to these parts. I'm kind of proud that I managed to keep it ~$150 including ICs and an Elpac PS. And thanks to sanaka for the excel sheet. It has been invaluable in keeping my...
  21. wildebeest

    Unregulated + regulator?

    So would this work with the velleman? budget ac-ac Then I add a 1-amp fuse and I've got a PS superior to the elpac for about $10 cheaper? Thanks for being so patient. Little by little this project is coming together
  22. wildebeest

    Unregulated + regulator?

    After reading a little bit more it looks like the velleman kit would make this a lot easier. That way I have a premade board to work with. Would the kit and the $4 wall wart be all I need or do I need a fuse too?
  23. wildebeest

    Unregulated + regulator?

    Hi, I'm a newbie here obviously, but starting my first Pimeta. Let me first say this forum is really awesome and Tangent is an amazing person for providing me/others with such detailed tutorials and info. I'm still compiling my parts list (quickly growing past $100) and now I'm looking for...