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  1. Xtreme3X

    Bought a pair of WE396A NOS tube from ebay but was faulty

    Hello everyone,   I am in need of help with a pair of faulty Western Electric 396A Tube that's bought from eBay. I recently bought a pair of WE396A tube, but it turn out to be faulty. I even went to an audio shop to test the tube to prove that my gear is not faulty. The shop owner tested it...
  2. Xtreme3X

    Audio-gd FUN

    Was surfing around and saw this Audio-gd FUN . This is new equipment from Audio-gd comes with DAC + Headphone amp + Preamp and is going to replace the current Compass! Now i know why the sudden of stopping the production for Compass. Wonder anyone ordered it yet?
  3. Xtreme3X

    Maverick Audio DAC/Amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by bearmann I have the AD797ANZ - A series. What are the differences to the B series?! best regards. bearmann I read this review that the AD797B sounds very different from the A series. From the review the B series, is like the combination of A...
  4. Xtreme3X

    Maverick Audio DAC/Amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by bearmann Some good news... well, sort of. I changed the gain of the headphone amp today. IMHO you don't need to bother trying the headphone amp with sensitive headphones unless you reduce the gain significantly. Thanks to Ryan, who provided me with the...
  5. Xtreme3X

    Tianyun Zero DAC - New 2009 Edition

    Quote: Originally Posted by coolfungadget 1. Yes. Don't turn on the pre-amp. 2. Not necessarily. 3. No. Wooooo coolfungadget thanks for clearing my doubt Oh ya i got another question.. after removing the headphone amp part, i feel thats there is more bass? Is it placebo effect...
  6. Xtreme3X

    Tianyun Zero DAC - New 2009 Edition

    Hi guys! My opa-moon finally came! But after a few run the opa-moon became very hot and added a lot more heat to the DAC. So i have decided to remove the headphone amp part to reduce the heat inside the dac. But i have a couple of question regarding the removal. Anyway here it goesis the...
  7. Xtreme3X

    Tianyun Zero DAC - New 2009 Edition

    Quote: Originally Posted by higo If You want to control the volume through control panel, You have to disable the preamp section. Doing this, the zero will work only like a DAC. You have to press the preamp button. Hmm i'm using preamp mode off i think? (No light from the...
  8. Xtreme3X

    Tianyun Zero DAC - New 2009 Edition

    Quote: Originally Posted by coolfungadget Sounds normal. Hmm how come the volume can't be controlled over at the windows control side? Previously i using an Styleaudio DAC USB, volume can be changed using windows tho. Got another question! Going to get an OPA-Moon, the...
  9. Xtreme3X

    Tianyun Zero DAC - New 2009 Edition

    Hello everyone! Just got myself a Zero DAC 2009 edition. Btw i connecting this to my PC using the USB. But i can't seems to adjust volume through my windows volume control.. I'm only able to control the volume through my speaker control pod. Is that normal?
  10. Xtreme3X

    AKG K701 and Sens HD600 Comfort level for bigger head

    Quote: Originally Posted by oldwine I think the oval earpad of HD5/6xx series may not be comfortable to those who have big ears, in this case, K701's circular earpad will be ok for them. For the headband part, it's another story. Hmm the ear pad for HD600 fully fits my ear...
  11. Xtreme3X

    AKG K701 and Sens HD600 Comfort level for bigger head

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1Time Click on the link in my signature. There is no reason why you cannot adjust the HD600 to fit you comfortably, and of course it won't spoil a thing. Wow the guide is awesome I have the same issue with the guy that posted, the ear pad somehow like...
  12. Xtreme3X

    AKG K701 and Sens HD600 Comfort level for bigger head

    Hello everyone! Just when to tried a couple of headphone today and the above 2 feels/sounds the best for me! But i have issue with Sens HD600 the headband seems very tight and uncomfortable for me, where else the AKG K701 are so comfortable plus they have rounded ear pad for bigger ears. I...
  13. Xtreme3X

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Hello ccbw and everyone that helped me out, thanks for all the tips and suggestion I actually gave up everything, and tried moving the A5 to a bigger room to test it out. But still can't do "pressure" feeling is killing me.. I think my ear is pretty much damaged, listening back to my old G500...
  14. Xtreme3X

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Quote: Originally Posted by BoseFan I have the same problem with my A2's and they're about 2 arm lengths away from me. For what it's worth, you've also got the exact same desk and corner setup as me which probably isn't helping our speakers at all. Another popular compact active speaker...
  15. Xtreme3X

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. B Thanks for the kind words? A couple questions. How much space is between the back wall and your speakers? Also, are they sitting right one the desk? I don't have the best trained ears but I've noticed incredible differences in sound solely in...
  16. Xtreme3X

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Quote: Originally Posted by fjf Did you try to lower the volume?. At the same volume, two speakers of the same maker will sound similar. Maybe you are pushing them (and yourself) too hard; Using the a2 at high volume wont solve that. Hmm i don't really turn my volume very high...
  17. Xtreme3X

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. B Is there any chance of relocating this setup out of your six foot square room? I have to admit I found your situation somewhat absurd and perplexing until I read how small a space you have to work with. The A2's may very well serve that space better but...
  18. Xtreme3X

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Quote: Originally Posted by brown274 I love mine, had them for a year and listen to the everyday. I am 3ft from them with 3ft apart. Hmm 3ft distance i guess you should be using it as desktop speaker too? Can i ask you how far apart the speaker are from each other? Btw when you...
  19. Xtreme3X

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Quote: Originally Posted by TheMarchingMule My first thought was: Maybe you should buy those stands on Audioengine's website for $30? But now my more rational and wallet-conserving side reasons that the sound signature just may not be to your ears' liking. Now, the flipside to that...
  20. Xtreme3X

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Quote: Originally Posted by roker are your speakers elevated to the correct listening height? How far are they apart? How close are they to you? Hello roker Hmm my speaker are about: Apart from each other: 60cm Distance from me to speaker: 1 Arm length Tweeter are...
  21. Xtreme3X

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Uncle Erik Why don't you rearrange your room so you can use the A5 as room speakers instead of as desktop speakers? Hello Uncle Erik Hmm i can't really shift my speaker tho, as my study room are only 2m x 2m...
  22. Xtreme3X

    Audioengine A5 downgrade to A2?

    Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and pretty new to audio stuff i guess.. Anyway here's my story.. About 2 weeks ago i decided to upgrade my Creative G500 to an Audioengine A5, so i when down and gotten myself a pair! But here's where the problem comes in.. Initially the very first few...