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  1. clivemilk

    Emmeline "The Shadow"

    Just receive mine @ S047 and charging now Full packing Out of box Size compare
  2. clivemilk

    Emmeline "The Shadow"

    Hi Ray, Already send the payment to you via Paypal
  3. clivemilk

    Emmeline "The Shadow"

    Hi Ray, please reserve one for me. Thanks.
  4. clivemilk

    Westone ES3X Appreciation Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by pila405 What can you hear? and what you can't hear? Without playing music:i can hear what people talking about beside me clearly and even worst than wearing my IE8 With music play:i still can hear a little voice while people talking around me but...
  5. clivemilk

    Westone ES3X Appreciation Thread

    After using my EX3X for two weeks, i find the sound isolation is not as good as i expected. Is it my fitting problem or my reletive small size of my ears? Does anyone feel the same like me?