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  1. stalflare

    Ortofon e-Q7 Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by ericp10 Glad we were able to help @ stalflare. and I'm really glad you are enjoying these special IEMs. Happy Listening. Gave them a very good "test" on Saturday, when I went going around Kyoto to see some places that I missed many years ago when I was...
  2. stalflare

    Ortofon e-Q7 Impressions Thread

    Hi everyone, I have posted some questions earlier in this post and the people that replied were extremely kind and knowledgeable and asked me to post some impressions once I got the eq7. Well here it goes, please consider that I am not a great audiophile so take my impressions with a pinch of...
  3. stalflare

    Ortofon e-Q7 Impressions Thread

    Once again thanks everyone. I will post my comments when I get hold of them (roughly at the end of the month when I arrive in Tokyo)... :P Will try the Sony hybrids, they are not THAT expensive, at least the model that they have in biccamera (ep-ex10) is around 3,5 Euro...
  4. stalflare

    Ortofon e-Q7 Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by ericp10 Hello stalflare, The e-Q7 has WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more bass than the HF5. So bass will not be an issue for you with the Ortos. It will have bass no matter the tips you use. Just some bass helps bring it out more. The Shures tips will not fit the...
  5. stalflare

    Ortofon e-Q7 Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by ericp10 Hello @ stalflare... I have both and I like the HF5 quite a bit, but to be honest, I haven't listened to the HF5 no more than maybe twice since owning the Ortos in early December. To get right to it, they are two completely sound sigs. HF5s are more...
  6. stalflare

    Ortofon e-Q7 Impressions Thread

    Hi everyone, I am planning to upgrade my very first IEM (ETY-HF5) with the EQ7 and I was wondering if some of you have them both and could give me some pointers into the main differences (and basically if I am actually taking the right decision to move from one to the other)... My main...
  7. stalflare

    Advice for the second round

    Hi frenchbat, I managed to try the HF5 on at Biccamera, plus I speak Japanese so there is no problem in terms of language barrier.. :P Of course if they do not have them on display it's going to be a pain and probably they will just refuse, in that case Akiba is the best choice. I will try...
  8. stalflare

    Advice for the second round

    Thanks I'll certainly try them on, my dealer in Japan is Biccamera (got their point card), the reviews I have seen are pretty encouraging, though I did not find anything that puts them in comparison to the HF5...
  9. stalflare

    Advice for the second round

    I have seen the pictures and the shop has got them (of course), price is right, how about performance for bass and insulation? I'll try to dig out some reviews...
  10. stalflare

    Advice for the second round

    Thanks for the advice, what dynamic driver IEM do you use? On the Turbines, after a more precise look at the website, the shop has the "standard" Turbines, not the PRO version... But they also have the BTS IE CT - looks like they have a flat cable... any good those ones?
  11. stalflare

    Advice for the second round

    After checking the onlinestore apparently the do have Monster Turbine PRO... I am going to check out some reviews, although the first two I have read say that bass is not as great as the non-pro version and insulation has some issues...
  12. stalflare

    Advice for the second round

    Hi everyone, thanks to the advice of this forum I bought more than one year ago my first pair of IEM, the ETY hf5. Like everyone told me once you start hearing music through serious IEMs you can't go back, and this is why I am writing to you all... The hf5 have got a great fit, nice highs and...
  13. stalflare

    One year after

    Hi everyone, almost one year ago I bought my first pair of IEM, the ETY hf5. I have used them all year around and they surely are a great buy, but I am considering upgrading to something that might be better in terms of bass sound (hf5 are pretty weak there), but that can still have the great...
  14. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    Thanks again for the help guys. I will try to wear them before buying although the samples are cased and locked in a shelf, but I think that that shouldn't be a problem at all... fFH5, CK9 or FX500 this is going to be race I think, the 80cms cable is quite short on the FX500 might prove a bit...
  15. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    Unfortunately the shop where I will buy the earphones do not have them
  16. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    Thanks Jyle, I am not an audiophile so the subtle differences in the bass or mids/highs probably will escape my hear, especially as I come from crappy earphones. What I am most concerned is with general features such as quality of the cable, leght (too short cables are a pain), and of course...
  17. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    So nobody else? At the moment I am getting more and more convinced by the JVC FX500, the review that I found here seems to speak of them in a very nice way... how do they compare to the AudioTechnica? Anyone uses them (or used them) to comment on insulation and microphonics? (same question...
  18. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    I actually love Japan to bits, I used to live near Yokohama... Never been to Fukui, the countryside is much better than the city, I found that Tokyo or Osaka tend to wear you down a lot... Anyways sorry everyone for the digression! Audiotecnika seems the solution to go for most of you...
  19. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    Hi Phang and cusp, thanks for the replies... It seems that CK9 are "winning" this little race hands down, so far all the people that replied (thanks everyone) suggested them... I am going to dig some reviews on them as well, I am not an audiophile (yet) but let's say that I am studying...
  20. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    Eheheh you are right Cali... After I started reading in this forum, I started to develop a "need" to try something better than the Apple standard in ears.... Reading the reviews of the JVC/Victor, I am starting to think that they are the ones to go for... The cable is 80cms long, not a lot...
  21. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    Yes the last one was a mistake I meant to write IE-1 not ie-10.... As for the JVCs they are exactly the ones that they sell here I am going to look for some review in english, unfortunately my Japanese is not good enough to read the Japanese reviews...
  22. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    Alas no PFE are available at that store (biccamera is the biggest electronic store in Japan but it's quite generalist when it comes to special accessories)... Given my budget the chances that I have are: Klipchs C2 Victor HP Fx 500 (never heard before must be a Japanese thing)...
  23. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    Thanks Ka-boom, I have read you reviews, they are very well made. Unfortunately the shop doesn't have Jays but the do have C2, I did not consider them at first so I'll do more research on them... Originally I thought that Monster Turbine would be a good choice but the shop doesn't have them...
  24. stalflare

    Advice to a newbie

    Hi everyone, I have spent the last two weeks going around the forums here at, and finally I have decided to ask for some help. I am not an audiophile, but I listen to a lot of music, and that makes my future choice for IEM quite hard. On my Ipod, I have more than 60GB of...