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  1. Hicksy

    Paint Touch-Up

    Hi there, I have a pair of relatively old Grado SR60's that paint on the lettering is either scratched or faded from. Just wondering how to go about touching it up and how difficult it would be to do so. (Not too much of a handyman) Thanks
  2. Hicksy

    Post the last thing you bought. Oh fun!

    A cappacino from Gloria Jeans Coffee
  3. Hicksy

    Headphones for gaming ?

    I'm just going to say either the AD700's or DTX800's.
  4. Hicksy

    New pair of headphones for $200-400AU

    Headphonic do express shipping at a slight extra cost which is dependant upon the item being shipped.
  5. Hicksy

    Soundcard or DAC+Amp?

    Ok well i'm half getting into this audiophile business, bought myself a pair of Beyerdynamic DTX800's and soon to have a pair of Grado SR60's, making sure all my music is atleast 320kbps Anyway, question here is what would be better in terms of SQ, an ASUS Xonar Essence STX or an external DAC...
  6. Hicksy

    what player do you guys use on your PC?

    Currently using Media Monkey. Grew out of WMP, iTunes to me is too bulky as I remember it and Fubar looked plain horrible.
  7. Hicksy

    Any albums where you love EVERY song

    The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hits Album. I especially love some of the slower songs such as Waiting. If only I had a pair of headphones to suit, and not just my DTX 800's that I use for Trance.
  8. Hicksy

    Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs)

    The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hits Megadeth Greatest Hits Club Life 91 Best of 2008 DJ Tiesto In Search Of Sunrise Vol. 7 OceanLab Sirens Of The Sea