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  1. a1m80t

    Ultimate Ears 10 Earphones for $99 at Amazon!

    I didn't read all 56 pages, but for people who order from logitech, the representative said the next batch is supposed to start shipping on the 18th... At least orders didn't get canceled.
  2. a1m80t

    Gamma-2 (γ2) DAC Thread

    Does anyone know what kind of torx screws are normaly included in the box enclosure? I ruined four torx screws tapping the enclosure (I used a flat screw driver)
  3. a1m80t

    Gamma-2 (γ2) DAC Thread

    Thanks for the heads up. I’ll go patch it up. On a different note, I found that the y2 to be sound noticeable better than y1.
  4. a1m80t

    Gamma-2 (γ2) DAC Thread

    I have my y2 working great, but I damaged the solder mask in a spot. Is it necessary to cover that the damaged solder mask?
  5. a1m80t

    $15 soldering iron worth even trying?

    Check fry's electronics for specials. The hakko 936 goes for sell for about $50 randomly.
  6. a1m80t

    Hakko? Weller? Other? Help me choose a Soldering Iron

    Hakko 936 is all you really need for this hobby. If you wait around, Fry's will occasionally have them for 50 bucks.
  7. a1m80t

    Headphone recommondation needed. Budget is $125~

    in my opinon the grados and the alessandro are not for the bass head
  8. a1m80t

    Grados utterly horrible customer "service"

    I always thought people just ignored all the copy and paste (or automated) BS that companies give out and focus on the whats important - will you fix it, and how much. For example: I worked for a company and i sent out similar short responses (as well as the rest of the RMA crew) and we...
  9. a1m80t

    Lone Star Audio Fest

    It looks like its more geared for speakers rather than headphones right?
  10. a1m80t

    Just picked up SR225's...

    The sr225 needs a long burn in before they start to sound good and for the bass to kick in. An amp with a properly configured bass boost helps a lot. I would just play some pink noise on them for a few days and see how it turns out. If you still don’t like it, try a different brand of...
  11. a1m80t

    Grado driver mod?

    I dont think it matters too much what you put on the drivers, but you also dont want something that will deteriorate the drivers either.
  12. a1m80t

    I'm set on it.

    I always felt the zero was a huge risk to buy. If it doesn't work, you will have to send it to china, and the seller would probably make you eat shipping twice and that’s not cheap(at least $50, maybe double). Also if you buy a zero with the 50 dollar shipping fees and decide to return it, they...
  13. a1m80t

    First expensive headphone purchase

    It’s hard to beat grados for pure sound and is my personal favorite, but it’s not without its compromises - leaking sound, questionable build quality, and comfort. The bass is also not as pronounced as some of the other headphones. For your friend part, keep in mind bose is mega popular and...
  14. a1m80t

    Grado SR60 v. SR80--what are the exact differences?

    With a typical CD player and receiver at local audio store, the sr80 was noticeable better than the sr60. It wasn't huge, but it was there. I could justifiy a 20 dollar differences but not much more than that. In another view, the differences of a low quality mp3 vs good quality mp3/flac is a...
  15. a1m80t

    Grado Burn In

    For me, Grados improve with burn in - without a doubt. Running pink noise for 24 hours made a difference
  16. a1m80t

    Grado 225 woody project in progress!! now it's finished(more pics)!!!!!

    They look really sweet. Do you mind giving the dimensions, i'm planning on making one too
  17. a1m80t

    New Mini3 for $60?

    glancing at it, it looks assembled, but the kicker that its shipped from mexico.
  18. a1m80t

    Holepunch Problems!

    If your just going to make just one $20 cmoy just borrow your neighbours or stick with the hole punch. If you are careful, you can actually hide the bend or mess ups with the outside washer
  19. a1m80t

    AMB Beta 22 & o22 Enclosures??

    Quote: Originally Posted by scytheavatar If he spends his entire course on the beta22 and still can't get it to work at the end of the course, that would truly be too late. Yeah, i guess i wouldn't chance an intro level class with such a big project when an cmoy would work. Oh...
  20. a1m80t

    question on Grados

    Quote: Originally Posted by Baimi On a side note, you won't be getting the most out of the 325 if you drive it with your ipod. Lets not fuel the headfi addiction
  21. a1m80t

    mdr v6 appreciation?

    These were the first decent set of cans I tried was pretty amazed at the time. But I heard some other headphones shortly after and realized maybe it wasn't so good. I do not agree that these cans are without a sound signature from your reasoning, but I supposed its not bad set of closed cans for...
  22. a1m80t

    Holepunch Problems!

    I tried the hole punch trick. It was pretty hard but it works. Theres no real tricks to it, either try a new, sharper hole puncher or find someone stronger than you.
  23. a1m80t

    AMB Beta 22 & o22 Enclosures??

    well, the guy already bought the betta 22 and sigma 22 so its too late. But in my opinion, its a bit risky to spend $85 on a case that doesn't really fit all that well. You might consider an old compaq or dell computer case
  24. a1m80t

    And they say that crack is addictive

    Quote: Originally Posted by moonboy403 So what's your rig like now? Y1 gamma, M^3, Sr225 soon to be woodied (because my recently retired dad is bored and has all the parts and tools to do it for free). Bad purchases because i upgraded within a few weeks: sr80, cmoy, mini^3...