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  1. sleepr

    Review: the Cyclone PR1 Pro - Another $50 bang/buck heavyweight

    I finally got these in the mail after a grueling two weeks of waiting, and all I can say is wow, everyone was right. Hopefully ecci brings these back from the dead so I can call them Jesus and worship them for the rest of my life. not. but kind of....
  2. sleepr

    Review: the Cyclone PR1 Pro - Another $50 bang/buck heavyweight

    ECCI PR100(Cyclone) for all iPod & MP3 - eBay (item 180467803033 end time Mar-11-10 21:52:47 PST) pr100s for 30USD shipped. sounds like a deal to me. somebody get us a comparison! (he's also selling the pr200 for 42 shipped)
  3. sleepr

    Review: the Cyclone PR1 Pro - Another $50 bang/buck heavyweight

    I finally gave in to my pr1 pro obsession and bought them off of gyratech. Really really looking forward to giving these a listen. What did you guys use to burn in your pair?
  4. sleepr

    Review: the Cyclone PR1 Pro - Another $50 bang/buck heavyweight

    the wait for a pr100 review is so painful. I kind of would like to wait to see if the new phones are any better than their predecessors, but the pr1 pro seem to be so well liked that it may be worth it to buy it before gyratech discontinues it... decisions decisions
  5. sleepr

    Alessandro MS1000 and MS Ultimate - DIY & modding [56K warning]

    is there an agreed upon answer as to whether to ms1 or ms1is are more suitable for modding?
  6. sleepr

    New cans for electronica, post rock, and sprinkles of jazz and metal

    Been lurking around on these forums for awhile, and looking to get a legit pair of headphones (finally) for college next fall. I mainly listen to electronic music (as if that wasn't obvious) but am still looking for a pair of cans that would be fairly diverse. For awhile, I was set on getting...
  7. sleepr

    Is It Worth Getting?

    what kbps rate justifies buying high end headphones? (eg grado sr80s or above)
  8. sleepr

    On airplane with iPhone - which cans to use?

    jvc marshmallows. done and done.
  9. sleepr

    The best headphones for street use

    if youre looking to spend a little less than 300 (more like 20) then a pair of JVC marshmallows would do the trick. i use them all the time because i know that they're not too expensive, but the sound quality on these things is great. (that and "street use" sounds like you might be getting a...
  10. sleepr

    Biggest "bang for your buck" PMP?

    would a sansa fuze be okay working with a pair of grado sr80s?
  11. sleepr

    Biggest "bang for your buck" PMP?

    Title says it all. I'm looking to invest in a good PMP/DAP that will last me well into the future. That being said, I still don't want to spend ludicrous amounts of money on electronics, so it would be great if someone would point me in the right direction. (somewhere around a hundred bucks?)...
  12. sleepr

    Grado and Grado Prestige?

    Oh I forgot to add, the normal ones go for 93 (for the SR80s) while the prestige goes for 95, which makes me kind of wonder a little bit. But you're probably right, they're all probably just the same.
  13. sleepr

    Grado and Grado Prestige?

    Is there a difference between the two? The only reason I ask is because amazon seems to have both "normal" grados (ex: Grado SR80) and "prestige" grados. Is there a difference? or is it just like an update?