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  1. Investinwaffles

    Ibasso D2 Boa . . . new and smaller . . . with updates on 1st page. .

    Ok, i borrowed one from my friend (its for his digital camera) and it works with my d2. i just traded him cables (mine works with his camera perfectly). I noticed that the one that didnt work did not have that little round thing on the cable (almost like a box??) What is that thing? (you...
  2. Investinwaffles

    Ibasso D2 Boa . . . new and smaller . . . with updates on 1st page. .

    I have a mini to regular cable but it wont work with the amp I have no idea, but when im using the generic cable my computer wont pick it up (it will still charge), but using the same USB port and the stock cable it works every time. My guess is its proprietary... Also, If I am going...
  3. Investinwaffles

    Ibasso D2 Boa . . . new and smaller . . . with updates on 1st page. .

    Woot, Im loving my D2, I had no idea what i was missing without it Now i realize how low quality my songs are though, LOL. One question: It uses a special USB cable right? Is there any where to get some on the cheap (i want to leave on in each of my bags so i dont have to disconnect the...
  4. Investinwaffles

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XIII]

    Quote: Originally Posted by qusp yep these total protection cases are chunky alright. and no chance of the ipod getting damaged inside. the dock opening needs to be ground away a bit to fit the LOD in. Do you, by chance, have any pics of the back of that case? Is it...
  5. Investinwaffles

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XIII]

    I think this one would be well suited to me. I would have preferred a side hinge (opens book style), but this will do just fine.
  6. Investinwaffles

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XIII]

    Quote: Originally Posted by KillersAreQuiet ULTIMATE PROTECTION Back to the pictures! jesus I was looking for something a little cheaper, and with a hinge so i can remove/replace my ipod quickly and with minimal hassle.
  7. Investinwaffles

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XIII]

    Whats up guys? Im looking for a hard case with hinges that i can use to velcro my ibasso d2 to. I have it rubber banded but it is way too ghetto-rigged for me to risk taking it out with me and having stuff break. It has to be hinged because i dont want to deal with losing the front peice...
  8. Investinwaffles

    BeyerDynamic owners unite...

    Hey guys, I picked up a pair of DT770's (80ohm) over the summer and I think i need to pick up a portable amp to use with my iPod. What would you guys recommend? I like bass (not too disproportionate), and i cant spend a lot of $ (freshman in college, not exactly a high roller yet, LOL)...
  9. Investinwaffles

    DT770's sound great through my Ipod, but horrible through my desktop...

    Yeah, my DT770's sound very good through my Ipod, but are extremely staticy and distorted through my computer. The highs (snare drums, high notes, singing) are all riddled with static and the lows (bass) sound extremely blown out. If i switch to my ipod (exact same song, played through...