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  1. Digital-Monk

    Signal Cable or Straight Wire?

    I'm looking for a fairly cheap set of interconnects. I've been looking at these two: Which one do you think is better? I've read that that JMT thinks the Straight Wire lacks in the bass, but I...
  2. Digital-Monk

    What do you find missing in MP3's?

    I was just wondering out of curiosity what you guys thought about this. Assuming adequate bitrate, what is the major reason that you prefer CD's over mp3's? I guess what I'm wondering is what sonic differences do you hear between the two (assuming similar quality sources)? Does it have any...
  3. Digital-Monk

    What do you find missing in MP3's?

    Assuming adequate compression is used, what is the major quality that you find missing in mp3's?
  4. Digital-Monk

    Static Crackling in phones

    I've got a lot of static in my office because it's so dry. I can hear it through my headphones whenever I move. As soon as I discharge to my computer case the static pops go away. I'm sure others have experienced this. Is there any simple trick to solve this short of wearing a ground clip?
  5. Digital-Monk

    Grado RA-1 Opinions

    I'm looking at getting the SR-325's and the RA-1. Primarily for listening from a PC, and my Ipod. I'm going to audition them this week. I have SR-60's and I love them. I know that Grado stirs a lot of strong emotions in the community, both good and bad. But apart from this is the RA-1 worth...