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  • Users: worrblade
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  1. worrblade

    O2 amp charger

    I am not sure if this is the right place to post this! so sorry I am currently in china and i need a charger for my O2. I was looking around online for the wau16-400 but its a pain for me to try to set up an account and try to order something online because i dont have a chinese bank account. ...
  2. worrblade

    making normal phones into noise cancelling headphones

    Every year i spend a few months over seas and some times the flight is up to 16 hours. i really enjoy the headphones i have now but when i am on an airplane having noise cancelling seems like it would be really nice! It seems like it would be pretty easy to have some kind of program that you...
  3. worrblade

    O2 DIY 1/4 jack help please!

    I am wanting to build an O2. I found the parts list so i think i can find everything i need. other than building it with the 3.5 jack i wanted to build it with a 1/4 jack.  Have any of you done this before? If so do you have a part number for what i would need? and did you need a different...
  4. worrblade

    where can i get Fostex T50RP at a good price??

    i have been looking all over online. i read that a website was selling them for 75.. and an other website had referbs for 65.. i have been looking for 3 days and can't find anything other cheaper than the amazon price of 100. do any of you guys know a place that sells them at a cheaper price...
  5. worrblade

    headphone and amp advice please!

    I am an EE student and i guess you could call me an audiophile. I have spent a majority of my time and money on the system i have in my car going to comps and listening. bad news is that my car has had some problems and i am going to have to sell it. I dont have time to rebuild kick panels...