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  1. Negative818

    DAC/AMP Comparison Question

    I'm still learning the ins and outs of amps and DACs and have a question I hope that some of the more experienced users can help me with.   Currently I have a DAC Zero DAC/Headphone amp ( that I have connected to my PC via...
  2. Negative818

    <$200.00 DAC with Built In Headphone Amp

    I'm looking for my first DAC to use with my PC. I have active speakers so I don't need an amp for them, but I want a DAC with a built in amp that is powerful enough to drive more demanding headphones. Currently, the most demanding that I have are the DT990 PRO 250 ohms, however, I anticipate...
  3. Negative818

    Fiio E10 and Fiio A1

    Greeting all. First post, but long time lurker.   Sorry if this has been posted before, but I could not find a thread asking this question:   With the following setup: PC>E10>A1 will I still be able to use the headphone amp in the E10 and then just run my PC speakers (Harmon Kardon...