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  1. beefcrinkle

    Looking for new headphones

    Hello all, I am currently have an asus DS and plan on getting a Fiio E9 to power some new headphones. I currently have the ultrasone DJ1 headphones. I play alot of games as well as movies. So i was looking at some DT880 pro 250 ohms and was hoping to get some firsthand input on what users think...
  2. beefcrinkle

    Looking for some advice

    So i have an  Asus DS sound card and am looking to get some more sound out of it. I have been looking at items such as the Fiio E9 and was wondering how that would sound during long gaming sessions. My current headphones are Ultrasone DJ1. For music I listen to some electronic and rock. I watch...
  3. beefcrinkle

    Looking for some advice

    Well to start I am running a xonar DG from asus. I am planning on upgrading to a STX in the future but am thinking of getting some new headphones first. I believe that the DG has a 64ohm amp might be less not quite sure. My current headphones are an sennheiser 428 and they sound good but not...