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  • Users: Coelomate
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Coelomate

    Dead Sony D66s: A Flight of Angels Sing Thee to They Rest (What next?)

    Hey everyone, I'm on vacation in Florida now (woo Disney with low crowds!) and I arrived to the worst possible thing ever happening: My... wow, must be 5 year old Sony D66 eggos finally bit the dust. Or I should say, bit the dust again - these were 'toss in the bag and go' phones so the wire...
  2. Coelomate

    Building a mixer...

    Hey everyone! I just started college (At Cornell in Ithaca... it's still pretty hot, so no jokes about the weather - yet!) and am (as always) looking to overload myself on things to do this semester. An idea popped into my head the other day - it shouldn't be that hard to build a basic...
  3. Coelomate

    An idea for a tweak (no burn in required!)

    So I'm (obviously) a newcomer here, and I've been reading a lot about the sonic quality of various materials and configurations in interconects, speaker wire, power cords, and even solder. As I thought about it, the thought occurred to me that each conductor configuration probably merely...
  4. Coelomate

    Can't find BUF634U for MINT anywhere?!

    Edit: Tangent sells them... how on earth did I miss that! Sorry for the bother :P ---- Hey everyone, I just got started building amps, and with 2 working Cmoys under my belt I decided to try something a little ampier. The boards just got here today (Thanks, Tangent!) and most of the...
  5. Coelomate

    It actually works!?

    hey everyone, Second post here, but I'm a long time lurker. About 2 years ago I got the parts for a Cmoy, and got as far as the power supply section before giving up. The board's under belly looked like it had been run over by an angry volcano, and I went through a handful of soldering irons...