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  1. eyeshield21san

    Received headphone, but nameplate on upside down?

    Hello,   I have just received a pair of headphones (MB Quart 805). However, I have noticed some strange things. On the left earcup, the nameplate has been put on upside down, and the headband was overly straight instead of curved to fit one's head, so the pressure on the top of the head when...
  2. eyeshield21san

    How much more expensive should my set up be for improvement?

    Hello,   Currently, I am running from source>Fiio e7>UE Super.f1 5 pro.   I am looking into getting fullsize headphones now and am wondering how much would I have to spend for the headphone to sound better than the 5 pros. I was looking at headphones around $150-250, and was...
  3. eyeshield21san

    Using Fiio e7 with Desktop Computer Speakers

    Hi Guys,   I have recently gotten a Fiio e7 and am very pleased with its sound. Especially as a DAC I am satisfied because for some reason my fairly new laptop has one of the crappiest sound quality I have ever heard.   I also listen to music and play games with my Logitech Desktop...