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  • Users: juanderful
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  1. juanderful

    New Sennheiser HD 598's sound "narrow" vs my old pair of HD 595's

    I just received a new pair of 598's from Amazon and am a bit disappointed in its sound signature compared to the 595's I've owned since 2009.   The thing that bothers me most is that I've read the 598's sound "fuller" than the 595's, except after doing A-B comparisons with multiple songs, the...
  2. juanderful

    Headphones that sound like the HD595 but with more bass?

    So right now, I own 2 headphones:   Sennheiser HD595 Ultrasone HFI-780   They both are awesome in their own rights. They both sound good on any device.   The HD595 sounds open, and airy, like I'm watching a live performance. Though, as good as it sounds, compared to the HFI-780...
  3. juanderful

    Nuforce uDAC-2 HP disappointing... Using with HFI-780. Imbalance Issue.

    I got the Nuforce uDAC-2-HP from Amazon in the mail just yesterday and I must say that I'm quite disappointed with its quality. Two issues:   1) Low-volume channel imbalance. The right side dies out way before the left side at low volumes (6-9 o'clock). At around 8 o'clock there's absolutely...
  4. juanderful

    Just got my HFI-780's!!! Imbalance issue... Owners of these headphones, PLEASE HELP!!!

    Okay, so this is directed at you HFI-780 owners, whether you own it currently, or have owned it in the past.   I got my HFI-780's 2 days ago, and listened to them for a good 3-6 hours right out of the box. They sounded great already.   BUT there was one gaping issue with the headphones...
  5. juanderful

    HELP! --- DAC/AMP for HFI-780? - uDAC2 vs iBasso?

    So I just put in my order for a new set of HFI-780, and I'm hoping to get the most out of these set of cans on my laptop. I've heard that even though the 780's can run fine without a dedicated amp, they will really shine if paired with one.   Do any of you know if a dedicated dac/amp is...
  6. juanderful

    ATH-M50 vs. HFI-780... or anything else?

    The criteria that I'm looking for in my next set of headphones:   1) Portability. Must be able to fold or be easily stored. 2) Requires no amp to sound good. (Will be used on a laptop/mp3) 3) Closed-back for isolation. 4) Circumaural (around-ear) as opposed to on-top-of-ear. 5) Good...
  7. juanderful

    Alternative to MDR-7506? I need your help! No headphone amp!

    Hey Head-Fiers! I'm currently in the market for a new set of "laptop headphones".   For the past 4 years, I've been using the Sony MDR-7506's, and have definitely enjoyed these headphones so far, as they reproduce an almost unbelievably accurate sound without being biased in any frequency...