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  1. cicatrez879

    Custom reshell/InearZ users: How to get earwax out of mold???

    Hey, This question is strictly for those of you with reshelled/custom IEM's. I'm about to get my reshelled SE-530's in a few days, but am wondering, how do you keep earwax from clogging up the small bore? If it gets compacted in there real nice, how do you get it out? Do you have to send it...
  2. cicatrez879

    Does Amping allow for better dynamic range at lower volumes?

    Whats up ya'll, I'm still pretty new to this amping business, and considering buying a portable amp for a pair of IEM's I own. My main motivation is hearing from a friend that amping allows for a fuller dynamic range at lower volumes. I like to listen to music at very low volumes because I...
  3. cicatrez879

    SE530 users-how loud do you listen?

    After reading a few threads on hearing damage from listening to headphones over 85 dB for extended periods (usually longer than 8 hours), I have become very interested in how loud my Shure SE-530s are playing. The trouble is, using SPL meters like the radio shack version on IEM's are not very...