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  1. pimped_her_out

    Musiland Monitor 02 vs Musiland MD10?

    I am interested in both of these options for driving my 32 Ohm DT880s. Does any1 know which is the better DAC? Also which is better as an amplifier? I see that the MD10 is more expensive so I am assuming it is better but just want to make sure. I can't seem to find a direct comparison...
  2. pimped_her_out

    What is the best USB audio interface to use with DT880

    I need this for laptop use. I bought the DT880 32 ohm recently and want to improve the sound quality. I have been thinking of the xonar external sound card or also the e-mu 0202 or the m-audio gear. Doesn't need to be portable as such but transportable is a must. Budget could be anything up to...