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  1. kraychik

    Looking for some guidance in purchasing speaker enclosures for 165 mm two-way speakers.

    I have a pair of JBL GT5-652s (two-way car audio loudspeakers), and want to buy a speaker box for each (48 W RMS, 135 W PEAK) for use with my computer. I'll use an amp or receiver to power them. I've seen differing types of boxes for this size of speaker, but what type do I need? Do I need the...
  2. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Quote: Originally Posted by tenzip So being a non-gamer, I have to wonder. A lot of people out there are playing games using a stereo speaker setup, or stereo headphones. Not everyone has a 5.1 or 7.1 setup, speakers or headphones, right? Do the game makers perhaps add in a...
  3. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Quote: Originally Posted by moonboy403 I don't know why you can't discern the between front, back, and its depth, but I clearly can. The only way you can perceive that is by turning around and hearing at some point in the turn that the sound is coming from the left or the right...
  4. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Quote: Originally Posted by KingStyles You only have two ears right? But they are able to perceive the surround sound of a 5.1 speaker setup right? Your ears are able to perceive the surround sound by the different volumes and different timings of the signals getting to your ears. If a...
  5. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Quote: Originally Posted by KingStyles Everybodys ears are different. We all perceive sound differently. The equations used in dsp 5.1 are for the "average" ear. Its works great for some and not so great for others. Different cans also make a difference in this perceived staging of...
  6. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Quote: Originally Posted by nhancakes interesting. people do have a tendency to just skim over posts and post their opinion, i've noticed... ?
  7. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Quote: Originally Posted by fraseyboy No. I did not think that. I understand your confusion at my first post. It has been edited accordingly. Ok cool, I understand. There's little doubt that the actual sound quality from a nice pair of stereo headphones isn't going to be...
  8. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Quote: Originally Posted by fraseyboy Because the drivers are closed to ones ears you get increased detail which makes it easier to pick up footsteps etc. Wait, did you think I was comparing 5.1/7.1 headphones to 5.1/7.1 speaker setups? That's not what I was comparing...
  9. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Quote: Originally Posted by fraseyboy Because the drivers are closed to ones ears you get increased detail which makes it easier to pick up footsteps etc. I don't understand your first post... re-read it and you'll understand my confusion. What is it you're trying to tell me? :-\
  10. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Quote: Originally Posted by Oggranak Way to fail on understanding how stereo headphones work. Have YOU owned a quality pair of stereo headphones? I'm listening to my DT770s right now, actually. You are a perfect example of the type of person I am warning speculative buyers...
  11. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Quote: Originally Posted by fraseyboy The positioning isnt the only reason why headphones are better. Huh?
  12. kraychik

    General comment on 5.1/7.1 vs. stereo regarding headphones for gaming.

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to share some information with you all regarding 5.1/7.1 headphones when compared to stereo headphones in terms of positional audio performance. I am compelled to make this post in response to many posts from many people on many sites that claim that high-end...
  13. kraychik

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Quite a few Logitech DiNovos and Antec Nine Hundreds in here...
  14. kraychik

    Think either one of these offers is worth it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by iriverdude I would not run a PC into a poweramp, I've found soundcards make loud pops which may damage your speakers. Also if amps are really old it may need serviced I've noticed those pops, actually. But I think it's from sound settings in the...
  15. kraychik

    Does anybody think you're insane for spending so much on headphones? (and the opposite)

    A friend of my father's has a $100K set-up in his basement for recording/playing music. Quality in anything almost always costs something. And we're talking about audio equipment here, not diamonds, gold, or Picasso originals. Price actually makes a difference in this category (typically). Some...
  16. kraychik

    Think either one of these offers is worth it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by olblueyez Some people like Vintage Tubed or not Tubed Receivers for headphones. The amps your looking at don't have a headphone out so no, they would not do the trick for headphones. Some integrated amps might have a headphone jack. In general terms "Yes" a...
  17. kraychik

    Think either one of these offers is worth it?

    Do you think portable headphone amps can provide better sound for exclusively headphone listening than mid-range vintage amps like the ones listed above? Although my buddy would need the power of a bigger amp for his speaker set-up, I've never had the opportunity to listen to a portable...
  18. kraychik

    Think either one of these offers is worth it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by olblueyez I would go with the power amp then. Have you looked at Audiogon yet? Does it need to be solid state or can it be a tube amp as well? What kind of speakers are we talkin? Big? Small? AudiogoN high end audio auctions, classifieds, hifi chat...
  19. kraychik

    Think either one of these offers is worth it?

    I don't think the integrated preamp features are important to him. I imagine he'll customize the sounds properly through his sound card's software. I think he may also have a decent preamp lying around somewhere....
  20. kraychik

    Think either one of these offers is worth it?

    I'm planning on buying a used amplifier for a buddy's upcoming birthday. Check out these two local ads, tell me what you think. This is a used Yamaha AX-630 selling for $200... YAMAHA AX-630 STEREO AMPLIFIER. 420 WATTS. PROFESSIONAL QUALITY SOUND. Hull Sector (Quebec), Ottawa And here...
  21. kraychik

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Quote: Originally Posted by IceClass Tissues, Stella and five quid. It's a night in! I know this is a late reply... but that is too funny!
  22. kraychik

    Quality sound cards with USB outputs?

    Quote: Originally Posted by iriverdude Not unless USB can carry analogue signal. Also speaker and headphone level is amplified, USB isn't- 5v. Cool, thanks for the information. One of the major missing links in my undderstanding of this whole process was that I didn't realize...
  23. kraychik

    Quality sound cards with USB outputs?

    Quote: Originally Posted by iriverdude Why would a USB DAC have USB output? If it does, it's just a USB hub. Some newer full size gear have USB inputs (Lexicon MV-5) so the Lexicon's DAC circuit and pre-amp is used. Maybe I wasn't clear in my original post with respect to what I...
  24. kraychik

    Quality sound cards with USB outputs?

    Quote: Originally Posted by iriverdude Not true, as a USB DAC could be high end. But do high-end USB DACs typically output their audio signals via 3.5/6.5mm jacks or USB ports?
  25. kraychik

    Quality sound cards with USB outputs?

    Quote: Originally Posted by FallenAngel You commented on my primer, please do go back and read it! I tried my best to understand it, most of it was over my head. I read through the whole thread! I must say I was really digging the picture graphs. Still, I'm a little confused...