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  1. zschwartz

    Classical Music Headphones for Entry Level (ATH-M50, HD598, DT880 250ohm, AKG Q701)

    I wanted to get the best headphones under $200, without spending part of the budget on an amp. Figured I'm better off buying better headphones with that money, than poorer headphones but with an amp. Spent $160 on HD598, $140 on the DT880s - I'll likely be sending back the DT880s afterall
  2. zschwartz

    Classical Music Headphones for Entry Level (ATH-M50, HD598, DT880 250ohm, AKG Q701)

    Hey all,   So I ended up holding off on sending back the HD598's because I just couldn't give up on them so fast with so many good reviews about them.    It's been a few weeks of testing the 598s vs DT880's and I have to take back some of my strong opinions above. I went to the philharmonic...
  3. zschwartz

    Classical Music Headphones for Entry Level (ATH-M50, HD598, DT880 250ohm, AKG Q701)

    Thanks Kodhifi for the great input! Couldn't agree more with you - the DT880 really is phenomenal. Very even, with crystal clear separation. It is fantastic for classical. My goal was to help an entry-level enthusiast make an informed decision on whether they need the DT880 if they already own...
  4. zschwartz

    Classical Music Headphones for Entry Level (ATH-M50, HD598, DT880 250ohm, AKG Q701)

    So for any others with this same question who are curious to hear people's opinions, I ordered the Beyer DT880 250ohm and have been testing it all day. Please take this all with several grains of salt - I like my music very vivid as if the live instruments are there in front of you, also I do...
  5. zschwartz

    Classical Music Headphones for Entry Level (ATH-M50, HD598, DT880 250ohm, AKG Q701)

    When you say DT880 is unforgiving, isn't that a good thing? My goal is for the headphone to reproduce the sound I would have heard from the orchestra. Where it's spacious, but nonetheless detailed.   I felt that the HD598 was coloring the sound too warm and too distance, to the point where I...
  6. zschwartz

    Classical Music Headphones for Entry Level (ATH-M50, HD598, DT880 250ohm, AKG Q701)

    Hi all,    I listen to lots of music, especially classical and jazz. I bought myself ATH-M50s in college and have loved them since. I felt that I was missing out on real sound though because I was aware of the stigma that M50's are the most entry level you can get among enthusiasts.   I...