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  1. agile_one

    The Members Lounge thank you to Tyll!

    Tyll is the heart and soul of the high end headphone listening hobby. Truly a man with a vision and a clue who went out there on the ledge and made things happen. Tyll never lost sight of what it is all about, however, and always kept the fun and "people first" attitude in any business dealing...
  2. agile_one

    Fort Myers Meet on 2/27/2010

    Nice pics, Miguel. Looks like a nice time was had at a very pretty place.
  3. agile_one

    NorCal - SF Bay Area Feb 27 Meet Impressions

    Another great NorCal meet! Thanks, Al for all the hard work of organizing after jp had to bail to the east coast for job move, and even more thanks for hosting the Florida travel team over a fun filled weekend. First off, here is the hands down, no argument best of show. Frank Cooter and his...
  4. agile_one

    NorCal, San Francisco Bay Area Meet 2/27/2010

    x2 on single malts. @ Sarasota airport waiting to board now. then hook up with NightWoundsTime in Atlanta for the hop to SFO. Psyched for a great weekend with good friends and great gear.
  5. agile_one

    NorCal, San Francisco Bay Area Meet 2/27/2010

    Boarding passes printed .... wheels up at 0710 tomorrow.
  6. agile_one

    NorCal, San Francisco Bay Area Meet 2/27/2010

    Quote: Originally Posted by Voltron Contract signed, countersigned, sealed and delivered! Party officially on! woo-hoo! locked and loaded. Quote: Originally Posted by mikeymad Dang, got to get my equipment (beverage) list together... looking forward to this...
  7. agile_one

    HeadAmp Pico Slim Amp: Pre-Order Requests

    Quote: Originally Posted by Audio Addict Please go ahead and remove me from the list. Thanks Cool ... more for the rest of us. Justin, I'll take this slot. Silver, U.S.A. with cable. egsweeney AT comcast DOT net Thanks!
  8. agile_one

    Accuphase Just Love It

    Quote: Originally Posted by Albinoni Is it true the person who founded Accuphase was an ex worker or engineer from Kenwood? He left Kenwood and opened up his own business and called it Accuphase. Also is Accuphase and Kenwood a complete different company ? Yes to all the...
  9. agile_one

    Mccintosh MA 6100 with Grado RS-1's?

    The McIntosh MA 6100 is a 70 watt/channel integrated amp manufactured from 1972 - 1979. This is classic solid state Mac that you are lucky to be getting. Headphone out should be ok, but that is not what this old boy is about.
  10. agile_one

    Accuphase Just Love It

    All Accuphase gear is top quality, near best of class. The same cannot be said for Luxman, especially since being acquired by Alpine in 1984. Lately, since being spun off from Alpine in early 2000s Lux is getting more consistent. In the mid - late 80s and all through the 90s, however, they made...
  11. agile_one

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Quote: Originally Posted by myk7000 I was wondering if the 2nd input on the wa6se can be used as a loop out. I remember someone mentioning it once. Can it work that way by chance? No. The two inputs are selectable by the input switch. When one is selected, the other is dead...
  12. agile_one

    AKG K1000 Amplifier (Airtight, WA5 & Millett 307A)

    Of the amps being considered by the op, I have heard the Zanden only, and it is, indeed, wonderful with k1000s. The only other tube amp I've heard was the Cary CAD 300SEI, which was very good, but not close to the Zanden. Many have reported excellent results with pure Class A solid state amps...
  13. agile_one

    The NIKON Thread (Talk About Nikon Stuff here)

    Quote: Originally Posted by SiBurning Think I need a new camera. Maybe not. Could use advice. <snip> ... Steve ... would tethered shooting help you? I am no expert - just know that it is possible to "tether" the camera to the computer via usb while shooting. Camera preview is via...
  14. agile_one

    SoFla Meet 12/5/09

    Quote: Originally Posted by mikeg Holly and I just got back from visiting family and grandchild in Cleveland. Like previous visits with grandchild, we came back with bad colds. The unhappy result is that we can't make it to this meet, but hope to make it to a future one. We hope that...
  15. agile_one

    SoFla Meet 12/5/09

    Bummer, Gary - some other time, then. Hugs to Xenia, Melinda, and Cole.
  16. agile_one

    SoFla Meet 12/5/09

    The Zu party sounds terrific! Will be a nice change in pace from a normal meet, and I'm looking forward to meeting and hanging with the Zu crew. It has been interesting following their morphing from a cable maker to full blown speaker house. Their speakers look gorgeous, and I am hoping will...
  17. agile_one

    SoFla Meet 12/5/09

    Quote: Originally Posted by raffy Count me in Mike! Love the avi, raffy. Glad the most interesting man in the world will attend. There's just one thing ... perhaps instead of Dos Equis, we could have some real beer? Not that there is anything wrong with Dos Equis - I've drunk...
  18. agile_one

    SoFla Meet 12/5/09

    Forget Mike, I want to see Holly. Mike's and interesting guy with great gear and lots of audio knowledge to share, but Holly is an opera chick! C'mon! Who do you want to spend time with, the audio geek. or the opera goddess?
  19. agile_one

    SoFla Meet 12/5/09

    Will there be a buy-sell-trade table? I've got a bunch of crap I don't like very much that I'd like to unload.
  20. agile_one

    The NIKON Thread (Talk About Nikon Stuff here)

    Quote: Originally Posted by lan Those are some pretty sweet images! Thanks, lan. Quote: Originally Posted by lan How do you get the focus spot on? Do the best I can by eye, and when time permits, use the green light focus confirm in the vf for confirmation...
  21. agile_one

    The NIKON Thread (Talk About Nikon Stuff here)

    Quote: Originally Posted by dj_mocok ... How many Ai (or older lenses) have you got by the way? ... atm, I have 3 - 135 2.8 and 55 1.2 that were both pre AI and got converted, and a Lester A. Dine 105 2.5 macro (same as Vivitar and Kiron, I'm told) that is spectacular. The Dine...
  22. agile_one

    The NIKON Thread (Talk About Nikon Stuff here)

    Peter ... your 135 Q is even older than mine. At least mine has multicoating (Q-C, the first to have it). I think you may have a winner. Ugly is only on the outside, however, as I'll wager you will make some beautiful images with it if you do get it converted. Yes, I'm having a go with a...
  23. agile_one

    The NIKON Thread (Talk About Nikon Stuff here)

    Well, Peter, my 135 2.8 dates from 1973 or 4 according to the serial no, and sure won't win any beauty contests. Like all those old Nikkors, though, it is built to last, and produces great results in patient hands. Here it is ...
  24. agile_one

    The NIKON Thread (Talk About Nikon Stuff here)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer Any of you guys performed Ai conversion on a non-Ai lens? I just picked up a few for chicken scratch on craigslist, and would like to see how they do on the D700, especially the 135/2.8. Quote: Originally Posted by dj_mocok...