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  1. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    For me, "pairing the same class" means performance, not cost. It is easy for DDC (such as the Douk) to do 130db (or whatever other metric you like), harder for DAC, and etremely hard or impossible for speakers. When you connect them, the overall performance is determined by the weakest...
  2. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    Douk is a solid choice. With better clock and power supply, I think the gap won't be big. At least for me, it reaches the point of diminishing returns. I'd keep the Douk and spend the money on other stuff.
  3. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    Good to hear! Did you compare it to Audio GD DI-20? I am waiting on my NDK.
  4. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    Interesting. Maybe different cable quality? I slightly prefers toslink, because it has slightly cleaner background, but I doubt I can pass a blind test.
  5. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    Does coax sound better than toslink when coax plays at a higher resolution or when both play at the same resolution (say 24/96)?
  6. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    Thank you. I agree R2R is less sensitive to jitter than DS. But isn't that because DS has a higher frequency (period reduces) than R2R? I think because higher frequency is more sensitive to jitter, all DS DACs need to filter. Same is true for R2R over sampling. It isn't over samping decreases...
  7. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    Thanks. So it is not directly, but jitter out of DDC could make it harder for DAC to work. I am using a R2R DAC with over sampling. Correct me if I am wrong, I think over sampling is more sensitive to jitters. I am not sure jitter only affects the maximum value. At least for R2R, I think it can...
  8. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    The Aliexpress product is manufactured by Breeze Audio. There are some review of breeze audio products (not the same one). For example, Although not the same product, I...
  9. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    :dt880smile: Actually, I was waiting for you to do the clock upgrade, so I can decide if it is worth it. Now you are asking me to do it. :beerchug: I haven't solder anything in the last two decades, but I will try to solder in the NZ2520SDA. Do you think I am too optimistic?
  10. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    Thanks. Very informative. I am just curious what better clocks could do to SPDIF, and I am fine with the antipated disappointment of no audible difference.
  11. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    Nothing changed other than swapping the inputs from one to the other on my DAC. It is hard to believe. I hope someone with correct equipments could do measurements to prove or disprove.
  12. utneo

    Douk Audio U2 Pro DDC - Poorman DDC for an affordable & clean digital signal

    I bought both Douk U2 Pro basic version and the Aliexpress product with TCXO based on the recomendation here. The Aliexpress prouduct sounded having punchier bass and more details. I was so happy to find something even better than the Douk until I realized the Aliexpress product seems to be 0.5...