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  1. midwestnowaves

    Yamaha EPH-100 a Good Replacement/Upgrade of Etymotic MC5s?

    Many thanks for the timely and detailed response. So annoying that the build quality of the Etys is suspect, as I loved them other than that. Both times they broke from me simply removing them from the ear canal on one side.  
  2. midwestnowaves

    Yamaha EPH-100

    Does the isolation on the EPH-100s come close to Etymotic models? (say, a 4.5 out of 5 compared to 5 for the Etys)? Need a new pair as two pairs of Etys have broken. Top 3 needs: isolation, durablity, balanced sound (little more bass than the Etys would be fine, but I don't want a Monster-type...
  3. midwestnowaves

    Yamaha EPH-100 a Good Replacement/Upgrade of Etymotic MC5s?

    For the past two years I've had and enjoyed a pair of Etymotic MC5s. Well, 2 pairs, as the housing broke on the first one. Now it happened to the replacement pair.   So I'm looking to move away from Etymotic, and am strongly considering the Yamaha EPH-100s. My chief considerations are:  ...