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  • Users: HDMan
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  1. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   LOL, yeh Justin.
  2. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   I had the same problem at step 1, I fixed it by following Justin's instructions on another forum.   "XLR pin 1 should not be connected to star ground,  it should be connected to the chassis through the shortest path possible.  how you connect the chassis to circuit ground...
  3. HDMan

    Long awaited Smyth SVS Realiser NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE

    Quote:   LOL, funniest thing i ever heard, do some research
  4. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Want to buy my Khozmo for cheap? I am building the AMB instead.
  5. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   Grounding is ok, there is static like noise, it is quite though not loud. Yes the transformer noise is cut out when signal is passsing through, ground is taking effect.   Does this design use caps to eliminate DC offset noise from the inputs, or is that what the offset pot is...
  6. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    I already tested it, works good, sounds good, but there is interference from the Transformer, is there anyway to counteract this without building a seperate power supply box?   Mumetal casing are expensive?
  7. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   Your going to have to explain in simple terms for this noobie :)
  8. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   Ok, I'll try it out, really wish the Khozmo was not hyped up so much, a more well known supplier would have been preferable.
  9. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   Would it be advisable to remove the Khozmo and connect the inputs directly to the channel board for testing purposes?   or   Use not Pot at all?
  10. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    I have been experiencing some strange background noise, almost like a slight hollow noise in quite scenes on movies, the noise goes away if the Khozmo is turned up to almost full volume and the DAC (or Realiser) is turned down.   What kind of interference is this? Is there to much gain from...
  11. HDMan

    Matrix Mini-i Balanced DAC+HP amp

    Quote:  I got it from this source, but I may be misinterpreting it:   Quote: "First I compared the Mini-i with the Audiotrak Dr. DAC2 DX for its single ended DAC functions, while sending the line out signal to the TPA6120 balanced amp (which takes single...
  12. HDMan

    Long awaited Smyth SVS Realiser NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE

    Quote:   GET STAX >   No other headphones can provide you with the speed and detail that the Stax can, this actualy is more important in the accuracy of the Realiser, not bloated hyped up bass. I noticed when i introduced the Stax to my System, I was like holy crap, now I see what...
  13. HDMan

    Long awaited Smyth SVS Realiser NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE

    Quote:     After some time with the Realiser I have come to the same conclusion, as good as it is, it can never quite rival the real thing.   Edit:   After watching War Horse, I have to say it comes mighty close, the bombs flying over your head in that movie   The only...
  14. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   I have not heard the DACT, but apart from the popping while turning the knob, it honestly sounds really good.
  15. HDMan

    Matrix Mini-i Balanced DAC+HP amp

    I returned the matrix for a refund, i found out it uses a phase splitter to convert unbalanced to balanced, essentialy it is not a true balanced DAC. This was not good news to me as I am running a high end balanced stax amp.
  16. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   Yes the AMB δ1 relay-based stereo R-2R attenuator looks nice. Especialy with a remote control and a LCD display     I could build it in it's own box, essentialy in between the source and the KGSSHV, kind of like a portable digital volume control?
  17. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   So it's still good although it doesn't have constant impedance?
  18. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Got a refund on the Matrix, back to the original plan building the Buffalo Dac.   Anybody know how good the Joshua Tree is?   And how well it would be with the KGSSHV.
  19. HDMan

    Smyth SVS Realiser - PRIR Exchange Thread

    Quote:   You need to save settings to permanently fix changes.   There are 2 ways to save settings, each of these types will save different settings on the Realiser:   Press ! > save system config   and   Press menu > P1 > save preset     I can't remember which one...
  20. HDMan

    Yulong Sabre D18 thread: reviews, impressions, discussion (full review added 2/5)

    Is the Yulong D18 Truly balanced? Does it use a SE to Balanced phase splitter?
  21. HDMan

    Anedio D2 DAC release

    Is the Anedio Truly balanced? Does it use a SE to Balanced phase splitter?
  22. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   The Matrix uses a phase splitter, it's going up on ebay, ignorance was bliss.
  23. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Pops in the Khozmo are not there if I turn the knob fast.
  24. HDMan

    Long awaited Smyth SVS Realiser NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE

    After carefully A/Bing back and forth with a single DTS-MA test track, plugging the RCA's then back to the XLR's, I now can here there is a more powerfull sound through the XLR's. This was nicely explained in another thread.   "I believe that technically, double the voltage swing as signal...
  25. HDMan

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote:   Yep your right, after carefully A/Bing back and forth with a single DTS-MA test track, plugging the RCA's then back to the XLR's, I now can here what you mean, there is a more powerfull sound through the XLR's.   Pops are not so prominent now, XLR's and the Khozmo pot turned...