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  1. goodvibes

    Best IEM tips?

    Tips that I hate on one phone are nirvana on another. Good to have a stash.
  2. goodvibes

    Feedback by 'goodvibes' on listing 'Moondrop S8. Like new with extras. Includes shipping and fees. price drop.'

    thebigcanman was very easy to work with. Quick and positive transaction.
  3. goodvibes

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Don't dismiss old cables that didn't work on other IEMs. Never know when the voicing works with another combo. I have a Penon Mix that hasn't worked elsewhere and is very good witht he SLT6. As good as with it as the Copper litz I'm using now with a bit more weight and sparckle and both better...
  4. goodvibes

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Sliivo SLT6 update: I guess me not done, LOL.:thinking: Not sure if it's cable/IEM breakin or simply time with them but the highs have reemerged as too prominent so back to the tip bag. Now using soft small nozzle double flanges. I think from this set...
  5. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    I haven't listened to a bone conductor IEM. I'd love to try one sometime but I also have a bias against them. I don't like the idea of maybe causing some IM or less defined leading edge being caused by shaking an IEM. It's also a reason I like double BAs per range as they have vibration...
  6. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    It's always surprised me how much of that there is by hobbyists. It's fun a learning experience but it's also nice to get stable for a while and just tune out. I'm kinda lucky because I have a relatively narrow window of what i expect and not too much into flavors but it hasn't stopped me from...
  7. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    I remember having an Ipod touch and buying a Fiio amp for it that was a bit larger and heavier. It was worse with my IEMs, LOL. For home kit. It took me a long time to adopt digital sources but I was used to Linn tables with Naim aro etc. I'm sure some were able to match their analog with...
  8. goodvibes

    The discovery thread!

    Sliivo slt6 update. I got the azla xelastic MS size tips and they seal. The MS is closer to M in other tips. Tonally, they do what I expected and slightly warm the bass to mid transition but the perspective and tunefulness is better with the M's I was using before. Me done. :ksc75smile: These...
  9. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    I was very resistant to using digital sources until it was better, at least at home, and it still isn't always better than vinyl. More to do with the transcription and bit rate but I'm used to 5 digit TTs etc. I did adopt it for portable sooner as it certainly became the better way for that...
  10. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    I still prefer low voltage Stax Lambdas to current Stax. I prefer Quad esl 57 speakers to anything new if you have the correct (small) space and setup. Analog pre and power amps from 20 years ago are as good as today. Portable has come a long way as have digital sources. I still feel CDs were...
  11. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    Don't want to nit pick here but to be correct. they are still operational amplifiers even if they're not on a separate wafer.
  12. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    I get where your coming from and it sounds more like a diminishing returns argument which is always valid as it's easy to go down paths that are dead ends where there's a chicken and not all ducks in that row. Beyond the fun aspect which is the hobby portion, there is goodness to be had but you...
  13. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    Even if it measures identically?:ksc75smile: No one is proving what can be heard on a message board and why sound science exists.
  14. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    Won't last long anyway.
  15. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    Same cable. Different direction. These never go well. Have fun.
  16. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    Maybe you missed the part where iBasso has something in between. A load is a load, dude. Beyond this point, you need to take your personal biases and zealot attitude to the sound science forum as this sort of nonsense is prohibited from the product forums.
  17. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    Dx260 has voltage summing/averaging and a linear amp after the DAC chips. When I listen, I absolutely go for the original sound and can listen to music recorded in the same space. Distortion below .05% or in use bandwidth beyond 20k is meaningless if the system doesn't ring or show phase issues...
  18. goodvibes

    Do audiophile hate advancement in technology?

    Static measurement are not the same as use and level of expectations is different for everyone. In a revealing setup you can still here the difference between 2 device with 'inaudible' amounts of distortion or nonlinearities. If it was all so perfect, they'd stop improving them. You can easily...
  19. goodvibes

    The discovery thread!

    So I thought I'd fiddle with the Sliivo SLT6 and see what was up with the bass tuning since the isolation is good enough to think it's a sealed unit. I put some tape over the vent and it got LOTS leaner. I then switched the bass to the plus position and it was still very dry and lacked note...
  20. goodvibes

    The discovery thread!

    Thought I'd post the enhanced Myer audio Sliivo Slt6 factory response graph. Blown up and graph more standardized. The added lines are bass and tweeter switch effects. I've got old ears but can very noticeably hear the tweeter switch. :ksc75smile: That 4 to 5 K bump is known for making things...
  21. goodvibes

    The discovery thread!

    Here you go. Took 1 minute in a paint program.
  22. goodvibes

    Price Point For Reference Quality IEMs Before Diminishing Returns Kick In

    It's a percentages thing. If you find your golden fleece, that can happen in the $500-600 price range but may take more voicing with cables and tips etc.. As you spend more, there's a greater selection of goodness and makers finding ways to make different voicing work with better cohesion and...
  23. goodvibes

    Chronicle's graphs

    It's 'crinacle' and while a great tool, response is overrated by most. Find an IEM you like the tonality of by listening to a few, use the response library to find others with a similar response and chose by balancing technicalities vs price after an audition. If you can't audition a lot of...
  24. goodvibes

    Tanchjim in ear monitors Impressions Thread

    get a small 5 minute epoxy syringe. Superglue spreads so easy and is so thin that it's too easy to cause a cosmetic issue. Good to have some working time and be able to clean any mistakes within that.