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  1. Smirk 24

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Does the non-shielded version have a better timbre? If that’s the case I’m interested. I’m curious how much of a technique hit the non-shielded version takes.
  2. Smirk 24

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    MusicTeck Cable Demos Post From top to bottom and left to right: Astral Acoustics Mars, PW Audio 1950s shielded, Eletech Aristotle, and Eletech Euclid I’ve been in a cable phase lately, running through whatever @MusicTeck is kind enough to send over to me. I started with Astral Acoustics...
  3. Smirk 24

    Mid Fi - General chat for all discussions and general chat a Thread for all.

    I’m demoing the Eletech Euclid with my Singularity and it synergizes really well. Cleans up the bass, adds bass dynamics, better treble extension and staging. Will be trying it with Eletech Aristotle next. Edit: Aristotle is also a good pairing. Emphasizes the mid-bass and pushes the mids...
  4. Smirk 24

    Mid Fi - General chat for all discussions and general chat a Thread for all.

    I love my Superior EX! It’s such good IEM. Surprisingly spacious as you described. Sounds more spacious than my Singularity, which admittedly isn’t the most large sounding IEM, but it is many multiples of the Superior EX in price. Superior EX is the only set in this price range that I would...
  5. Smirk 24

    DX320MAX Ti The musical event worth the wait. ROHM X 4. !! NEW Firmware: 2.03 !!

    To start with, no qc issues. Probably get rid of the stepped attenuator as well. Faster UI (already implemented in newer iBasso DAPs). Reduced weight.
  6. Smirk 24

    Reply to review by 'Smirk 24' on item 'Nightjar Acoustics Singularity'

    Thanks! I’m excited for the Duality release as well. Should be any month now :)
  7. Smirk 24

    iBasso DX180 Got your music? Enjoy the concert! Manual download on the 1st page. Firmware 1.01 Update.

    Thanks! I did see your post. I'll be sure to take another look at it when I decide to go the SD card route.
  8. Smirk 24

    iBasso DX180 Got your music? Enjoy the concert! Manual download on the 1st page. Firmware 1.01 Update.

    Hi DiFazio, my DX180 is from the original stock (with the 128GB/4GB upgrade). I haven't checked the SD card slot yet, honestly, I'm a little scared to test. If it does end up having issues, is it possible to send it back to you guys to have the SD card slot updated? Thanks.
  9. Smirk 24

    Elysian Annihilator 2023

    Has anyone tried Anni 23 with Eletech Aeneid or Toxic Cables Phoenix V2?
  10. Smirk 24

    CanJam London 2024 Impressions Thread (July 20-21, 2024)

    I was going to ask the same. 74E sounded like it had more mid-bass to me.
  11. Smirk 24

    Symphonium x Elise Audio Europa

    The Crimson colorway is nice but I kinda dig the Europa colors too, especially with the Dark Matter cable. Looks really classy.
  12. Smirk 24

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    How is the Brise cable? In my experience, Brise cables and interconnects tend to lean bright.
  13. Smirk 24


    The Z1R arrived! Came sooner than expected. Surprisingly, they fit my ears much better than I remember. The stage is effortlessly large, spherical, with impressive height. Vocals are better than I remember, the vocal presentation being my main nitpick during my first stint. Bass is quite...
  14. Smirk 24

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    @third_eye shared some photos of the CanJam floor and it looks like Symphonium has a new release! Can’t wait to hear impressions of it 😄
  15. Smirk 24

    CanJam London 2024 Impressions Thread (July 20-21, 2024)

    I spy a new IEM on Symphonium’s banner called “Europa” 😱
  16. Smirk 24


    It looks like their store is closed on Saturday so we may have to wait until Sunday before we see it ship in earnest 😢
  17. Smirk 24


    Hey did yours ship yet or are you also just seeing the label created?
  18. Smirk 24

    Elysian Annihilator 2023

    You might be right. That splitter looks like an EA splitter.
  19. Smirk 24

    Elysian Annihilator 2023

    Looks like a Viking Weave cable. Maybe the Asgard?:
  20. Smirk 24


    Oh that was quick. I didn’t get my shipping info yet and I ordered about 5 hours ago. Edit: Nevermind just found it!
  21. Smirk 24


    That would be amazing LOL. Z1R MK2s are way past due.
  22. Smirk 24


    I sensed the Z1R era slowly coming to a close as well. It's what pushed me to pick up a pair before they're gone for good. Assuming the pair I purchased is legitimate, I'm glad I got a good price on a new set as well.
  23. Smirk 24


    Did the set from Focus come new? Just wanted to check. Edit: asked and answered, apologies. Just placed an Z1R order though Focus as well! Will provide an update once they arrive.