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  • Users: kartk
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  1. kartk

    Feedback by 'kartk' on listing 'Stax SRD-7mk2'

    Quick response, fast shipping. Highly recommended.
  2. kartk

    Feedback by 'kartk' on listing 'LH Labs GOV2+ dac amp with free ve monk'

    Prompt communication and shipping, great seller. Highly recommended.
  3. kartk

    Looking for assistance from DIYer in Oakland / East Bay

    @Snake0IL415 this looks like something you can help with?
  4. kartk

    Cancelled: San Francisco Head-Fi Meetup 2022/23: Saturday, January 28, 2023

    @DimitriSF We have been doing monthly meet-ups now for past few months now, a small head-fier's community is building up in Bay area. Here is link to the same:
  5. kartk

    Stax SR-X9000

    X9000+3ES was best setup I heard in Canjam Socal, though X9000 unit connected to BHSE had severe channel imbalance (10dB). Picked up 3ES to use with SR-009, X9k hopefully next upgrade once these teething issues are resolved.
  6. kartk

    Anyone in the SF South Bay Area?
  7. kartk

    Elekit TU-8200 DX Headphone/Speaker Amp Review

    Updated TU-8200 with some suggested mods on diyaudio, higher value filter cap. Upgraded oscon caps for bias reference, higher value cap for heater voltage.. Headphone out is dead silent, and even speaker out seems to have lower noise floor. It sounds way more cleaner. Using Brimar CV4003...
  8. kartk

    Anyone in the SF South Bay Area?

    Received this a day back, amazing amp in such small footprint. Elekit TU-8200.
  9. kartk

    Anyone in the SF South Bay Area?

    I have ordered Aya 5 DAC which should be delivered early June, if you are interested we can follow up once its here. Though from my experience with Soekris build, R2R DACs SQ is affected a lot by PSU, analog stage design. So what you end up hearing is not just R2R signature but the whole...
  10. kartk

    Anyone in the SF South Bay Area?

    This should entice few more guys. :) I can bring SR-009/Yiggdrasil A1/Stax T1S.
  11. kartk

    Anyone in the SF South Bay Area?

    We can plan a meet-up for 28th May, if more people are interested?
  12. kartk

    Anyone in the SF South Bay Area?

    This time maybe closer to Fremont. :)
  13. kartk

    Anyone in the SF South Bay Area?

    Thanks, there are more gears but difficult to carry everything :)
  14. kartk

    Anyone in the SF South Bay Area?

    I am in, can get Stax T1, SR-009, Modded Soncoz LA-QXD1, BS HD650, Craft ears 6, Modded XD-05+, RU6
  15. kartk

    Feedback by 'kartk' on listing 'Sennheiser HD580 Precision Headphones, xlnt'

    Fast shipping and prompt communication, great seller.
  16. kartk

    Anyone in the SF South Bay Area?

    Moved to Fremont recently, would be interested in such meet-up.
  17. kartk

    Feedback by 'kartk' on listing 'Yamaha YH-1 (vintage planar magnetic on-ear headphones)'

    Good seller, fast shipping. Highly recommended.