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  1. PixelSquish

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    Just checking, 4215 pages later,. are we there yet?
  2. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    It would seem the agreed upon best sub 100 IEM is the CCA Trio? That's what I have kind of gathered in the last couple of months.
  3. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    You do realize there are rules in how one posts in this forum right? I am simply following the rules while still getting a point across, based upon the reality of other people's repeated posts on the subject. This is not rocket science. It's not my reality I have created here. I am merely...
  4. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    Ha. Not at all. I've been in a bunch of forums and never cared about thread count in any manner. The thought never even occurred to me. But someone has made it something they like to speak about. The originator of the water cooler thread has posted many times about how quickly the page count...
  5. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    Awwww. As I said the post count of this thread vs that thread would have never occurred to me here. But since someone has brought it up multiple multiple times, it's something I (oh and others) have noticed, so it's a valid subject. I'm not spam posting about it. It's once post. Get over it...
  6. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    Folks, peasants, countrymen. We are now over 1K pages ahead of the Watercooler. Only reason I even thought to notice this is because the Watercooler king @Rockwell75 - has made it an obsession of his to count the differences between the Watercooler and the Discovery thread in page count, not...
  7. PixelSquish

    The PENON official thread

    I don't think the Voltage has bad bass or is seriously lacking in that department at all. I said it's very close to what I'm looking for, so there is plenty to love. And if I had the kind of cash to keep a great kilobuck IEM like the Voltage, I would.
  8. PixelSquish

    The PENON official thread

    Yes. It's super close to what I want, just missing a tad for me since too much of my music is electronic bass driven.
  9. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    :L3000:As someone of Greek descent, I can confirm this is true. He was from the lesser known philosophical thinker movement known as the Kockaballsodopoulos school of radical logic.
  10. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    I auditioned them twice. They were very comfy :)
  11. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    Just in case anyone is interested, listing my like new Penon Voltage. Going to put the funds towards a Trifecta and stop buying anything else until then I hope.
  12. PixelSquish

    The PENON official thread

    Will be listing the Voltage, feel free to PM me if interested. These are so so close, but while the bass is most likely more than enough for 90% of users, at the kilobuck range I need just that bit more in the sub-bass. Would love to keep it in the collection but at a kilobuck price point, I...
  13. PixelSquish

    The PENON official thread

    I literally just came here to post this exact sentence lol Add my name to this query folks!
  14. PixelSquish

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    Besides the first connection to my Pixel 8 pro, which starts in one bud and the other bud takes 10 seconds to also play music, the connection with the MTW4 is very stable after that initial connection.
  15. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    I have like no music files lol Just a bunch of records I ripped to mp3 which I own. When the Microsoft Zune came out ages ago I went full subscription model. So I rarely bought music, just kept evolving with the subscription services - Google Play Music to Tidal to Spotify back to Tidal back to...
  16. PixelSquish

    ~ $400-range IEM

    yep. I bought the Hype 10 thinking it would be an upgrade actually, but I'm returning the Hype 10 and keeping the 4. I like them better. That smoothness, texture, and timbre is so so good.
  17. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    I'm not mad. I'll return the hype 10 for credit. You implied I didn't do my research. You are the one being a bit angry.
  18. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    Yes I read that before. Your point?
  19. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    After a couple hours A/B'ing - I think I prefer the Hype 4 to the Hype 10. They just have this organic smooth sound with details. The Hype 10 seem to have some sort of extra upper mid frequency that makes things more harsh, with vocals and certain instruments. Some instruments have more of a...
  20. PixelSquish

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    Yeah that's a good plan. Buy a pair of Gen2 Elite 10 later in the year since that is it for Jabra.
  21. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    Yeah the Monaccha was high on my list but then the Voltage drew my attention away for less money, after a user with both did a solid comparison. I still really want to audition it. I find that besides that I have to have a DD for bass, I could care less about BA vs EST or anything else...
  22. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    That started around me earlier this year. Pretty much anything over 200 bucks now has this type of delivery system. It's annoying as fook. So what do you think of the Hype 4 btw?
  23. PixelSquish

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    Yeah, kinda a weird release. Really? If true I have to buy a set as I love the Elite 10, and want a backup pair if that's it for Jabra.
  24. PixelSquish

    The discovery thread!

    I get Bloom Audio. Since I had free time right when I received my IEM from them, I'm sitting here listening and comparing, and I have some skittles to keep me going. Not too many that it's a huge sugar bomb, but enough to be satisfying. When it's cold again, it will be Kit Kats. I'm gonna...