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  1. D

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    LOL. I love seeing how "cheap" people could build these units, yet I don't see anyone actually doing it. So there must be something else in building IEMs than just buying cheap parts from Digi-Key. Right? For God's sake, just stop posting how cheap MEMS drivers are, or how "fake" the AMT...
  2. D

    Comment by 'DrewVz' on listing 'Another Price drop - IMR Titan (quad EST + BC)'

    Sorry, I'm keeping this. Worth more than my asking price.
  3. D

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Lol, it's hilarious that the last 20 pages have been focused on Enigma, but honestly Titan has 99% of the sound of Enigma anyway. It's still running double duty with Enigma as IMR TOTL. On a related note, are there any IEMs out there that compete with IMR with regard to bass? I've run through...
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    The PENON official thread

    To my ears, Voltage and DTE900 have two completely different sounds. Not much overlap at all. Both are very high end, but have a different approach to sound reproduction and technicals. I'll share my opinion: Very different. DTE900 is much more V-shaped with crisp treble, a very wide...
  5. D

    Comment by 'DrewVz' on listing 'Hagukei Healer cable'

    Still available.
  6. D

    The PENON official thread

    Just wanted to throw in another good word for the Voltage. It's occupied 90% of my listening time this week and deservedly so. For me, Voltage gets the highest marks in clarity, imaging, layering, and overall balance. Syrupy mids provide a hugely deep soundstage, which never gets congested...
  7. D

    The PENON official thread

    I always wondered how much different a CIEM would sound compared to a UIEM, based on the fact that the sound definitely varies considerably with different tips. So, without any tips for the CIEM, what would it sound like? I'm very happy with the combination of the Voltage and orange Liqeuer...
  8. D

    ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN H60!

    I have to admit that I'm starting to dig this dual-DD arrangement in modern IEMs. Seems like the impact, depth, and texture are all present without encroaching on the other frequencies and/or sounding bloated in any way. I expect this trend to be contagious in the IEM world. The future is...
  9. D

    The PENON official thread

    The word of the day for me listening to Voltage is "refined". It's not "bombastic", or "dynamic", or "detailed". It's definitely "refined". Best description I can give it right now. Soundstage is deep and tall (almost too tall), but not wide. Again, I believe this is a consequence of the...
  10. D

    The PENON official thread

    Liqueur Orange tips work well with the Voltage. I'm pretty impressed. They're the only "sticky" tips that I've liked so far. They bring out a little more air to the Voltage sound, which it seems to need. The details are there, but the edges are softened, possibly due to the gold in the stock...
  11. D

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    So many variables. Mood, food, alcohol, etc. all play a huge role. I've listened to the same tracks on the same IEM on different days in different moods and came to different conclusions about how well an IEM performs. Always good to have a variety of different IEMs on hand to find the best one...
  12. D

    ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN H60!

    Any way to compare these against the EST50?
  13. D

    The PENON official thread

    Seller claimed he was re-ordering it as a custom.
  14. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    That's news to me. I guess I can see how the extra detail can help, though. I never thought of the DTE900 as missing detail or having a overwhelming bass. I find its imaging and staging to be top notch.
  15. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    What? "Too colored"? How much accuracy in frequency response and timbre do you need just to play games? You're not remastering a Mozart symphony. Lol.
  16. D

    ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN H60!

    Nothing yet. I've only tried the DTE900 and Neo 3. I don't think my other IEMs would be suitable based on how the GS849 affects the sound to my ears. I get the impression that bright sounding IEMs with a very up-front presentation would benefit from it.
  17. D

    ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN H60!

    Huh?? I wrote OG849 and then changed it within a few minutes to GS849. You just happened to post your reply in that short window. Jeez. Bottom line is that the GS849 doesn't sound good with the ISN Neo 3 nor the SR DTE900. And in particular, it sounds REALLY bad with the Neo 3. I'm glad you...
  18. D

    ISN Earphones impression thread. New ISN H60!

    Tried the Penon GS849 cable on the ISN Neo 3 and it was absolutely terrible. Flat soundstage, too much lower mids, details were smeared. Nothing good at all. Just not a good match at all. Went back to my EA Ares X Cadmus 8W and it sounded like a $1k IEM again. Amazing what the right cable can...
  19. D

    The PENON official thread

    Anyone on the fence for buying a Voltage send me a PM, I may have a proposition for you. Thanks.
  20. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    Personal preference is a big factor. Also source quality and amp/dac chain are huge as well. I've got ~$6k sunk into my desktop system and I've compared it against many DAPs. There just is no comparison in terms of accuracy, detail, stage, and imaging. But if you're working from a certain DAP...
  21. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    Honestly if you're in the market for a $750 IEM, and you like the sound of the Neo3, then you can't go wrong with the DTE900. While similar in sound, it takes many aspects to the next level (or higher). The air, soundstage, and imaging are on a completely different level. Bass and punch are...
  22. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    I haven't heard a DTE900 equivalent yet. Possibly the UM Indigo or MEXT are similar, but fall behind the DTE900 in many areas. Strangely enough, the ISN Neo3 has a similar sound profile, but a flatter soundstage and less bass impact with less realism overall. But I'd say they are of the same...
  23. D

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    Just "upgraded" my DTE900 with an EA Cadmus X Ares 8W cable and it really beefed up the lower end. Brought more resonance to the lower mids and expanded the stage in all directions. Also corrected some tonal inaccuracies (certain vocals). I would say overall the DTE900 lost some "crispness"...