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  1. bozebuttons

    THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.

    you can look at salamander cabinets Iuse 2 s40 cabinets
  2. bozebuttons

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    I had a mini meet at my home and compared the headlamp Aristaeus to the Hev90 and preferred the hev90. You have to realize this system will only go up in value ,Purk has a T2 and the Hev90 and the T2 comes out on top.the bhse was voiced for the Stax O2s The Dac is the only week link in the Hev90...
  3. bozebuttons

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    actually the original amp was quite good I owned the system for 8 years with2 He90s sold it to fund kids college . HE60 also sounded incredible with the Hev90.
  4. bozebuttons

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    Senn He90 Hev 90 system for sale on Usaudiomart
  5. bozebuttons

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    He90 just listed for sale on audiogon not mine no feedback so be carefull with transaction
  6. bozebuttons

    THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.

    He90 just listed on audiogon in NJ Not mine for those interested no feedback be careful with transaction
  7. bozebuttons

    Synergistic Research MiG and MiG 3.0 Isolation Footers

    Always recommend to isolate power conditioners first and go from there
  8. bozebuttons

    Riviera AIC-10 headphones & speakers amplifier

    Eddie current Studio T
  9. bozebuttons

    Synergistic Research MiG and MiG 3.0 Isolation Footers

    I use the MIG SX footers I use them in the pinpoint configuration under most components but found I preferred the one down 3 up on my jays audio cdt3MK3 transport. best to try each configuration on each individual component.
  10. bozebuttons

    Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?

    You had hooked up to My theta basic transport ,which I actually still have to show how much the transport maters & it was easily heard.Source maters.
  11. bozebuttons

    THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.

    I should try a pair of these pads on my wireworld eclipse hardwired HE500 which I chose over the HE6
  12. bozebuttons


    I have RK242s & RK 5u4g rectifier in My bal Pacific It fits my system well ,I have a bunch of other tubes in my try but the once I put the Rks in I never looked back
  13. bozebuttons

    HiFiMan Susvara

    I enjoy both headphones & my speaker system for over 40years They both have there merits. Lately its been more speakers But I would not give up My headphones.
  14. bozebuttons


    Did you try replacing the batteries in the Lampi remote its a long shot but easy to try.
  15. bozebuttons

    CanJam New York 2024 Impressions Thread (March 9-10, 2024)

    I would take the amp without the wood if they made it available that way.
  16. bozebuttons

    CanJam New York 2024 Impressions Thread (March 9-10, 2024)

    according to the rep in the room I got to hear the amp it is not a limited Can be built to order but may be a long wait due to the wood used. If I had disposable income I would buy one, best amp I have heard no doubt
  17. bozebuttons

    Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?

    Its a 2A3 amp very clean sounding Different then the Cary as good as the Cary was The Studio is better.and yes Graig retired.
  18. bozebuttons

    Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?

    Don't feel to bad as I am currently using a Eddie Current Studio T :)
  19. bozebuttons

    Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?

    I recently sold it,I loved that amp but had to thin the herd.I have to much gear laying around.
  20. bozebuttons

    Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?

    I still have a ES1 electrostatic amp But sitting in the box I need to pull it out and give a listen Then put it up for sale .
  21. bozebuttons

    Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?

    Hey Steve how's it going!
  22. bozebuttons

    Sennheiser Orpheus HE 90 vs. HE 1 - Impressions of a direct comparison

    looks like he is moving ,also in the ad photo you could see the corner of a HEV90
  23. bozebuttons

    Sennheiser Orpheus HE 90 vs. HE 1 - Impressions of a direct comparison

    He-1 for sale on audiogon for 50k for those interested