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  1. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    I think I’ll like this one. Eagerly waiting for it to land 🎉 This one vs the Ziigaat x Fresh Review vs P8 would be interesting
  2. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    Beside adding a nylon filter on the nozzle, I don’t think there is much you can do with this one. The shell are actually filled, just like Blessing 2.
  3. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    Nah, even established Chi-Fi brand still has longevity issues. IMHO, buying random IEM from random mom and pop shop on Aliexpress is the ultimate lottery game. But I find it interesting that more and more of those DIY shops share all measurements publicly in the product page rather than...
  4. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    Howdy folks, My review of Intuaura Splendor II is online on head-fi and my blog.
  5. o0genesis0o

    Review by 'o0genesis0o' on item 'INTUAURA Splendor II IEM'

    Today, we look Splendor II, a single DD IEM from the Chi-Fi manufacturer Intuaura. It’s a fun one. Let’s talk about it. Forewords What I look for in an IEM is immersion. I want to feel the orchestra around my head, track individual instruments, and hear all of their textures and details. I’m...
  6. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    If it is possible, I think you would have even more "discovery" enjoyment by hunting for weird, unknown sets from Asian mom and pop shops on Aliexpress. That's the path I'm thinking about after finalising my core set up. The other day, I saw a 5DD set (each ear) on Aliexpress :dt880smile:
  7. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    Would you guys publish the actual methodology and math of this work in an article on Arxiv or make a reproduction package on GitHub with the Python script or whatever used to do the described calculation? At least one day? Or is it already published somewhere but one needs to be in a certain...
  8. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    The lack of 5k peak and extra 150Hz might make this IEM more desirable for many
  9. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    Well said, mate! One question, what is JM-1 target? I saw that on the graph db of a fellow reviewer. I like -10dB DF target though (ala AFUL Magic One)
  10. o0genesis0o

    Price Point For Reference Quality IEMs Before Diminishing Returns Kick In

    I reviewed both I do think the resolution of Pilgrim is one step ahead.
  11. o0genesis0o

    Price Point For Reference Quality IEMs Before Diminishing Returns Kick In

    The diminishing return kicks in when your wallet taps out. Edit: from your description, maybe the Elysian Pilgrim would be a good choice.
  12. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    I'm pretty sure that Moondrop has 5128. Their tuning got worse. Edit: at least folks still show the raw 5128 graph (which I highly appreciate) rather than compensating to the preference boundary thingy that they developed.
  13. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    One of my favourite things about doing “review” is when a manufacturer or a retailer ask me specifically for detailed feedback, good or bad, so that they can make certain decision. They might also ask a hundred other average joes, but it feels fun. Though my insistence on hitting a certain range...
  14. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    On on off off (all the bass, none of the upper mid boost)
  15. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    It seems like a different IEM for different user base. IMHO, don't buy pro-audio gear for audiophile enjoyment (but sometimes thing do work out nicely, like the A/U12T)
  16. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    64 Audio kicks ass.
  17. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    I think the graph loses resemblance to reality above the resonance. It does not mean that it stops working. I keep thinking about the statement from SuperChonk: couplers are tool for factory to check channel balance. That said, how do we know which coupler is more realistic than others? I...
  18. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    Idk, I think it would help if the reviews use some sorts of consistent terminology that has differentiation power. One of my frustration with reviews in general is that I don't understand what the heck the reviewer is talking about with strange, poorly defined terminology. Now, of course there...
  19. o0genesis0o

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    A waste of YouTube storage space and CDN bandwidth
  20. o0genesis0o

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Can’t say that I am a fan. I think the V-shape is overcooked. But there is a lot of potential and it looks lovely in real life.
  21. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    I used we will rock you and hotel California on spotify to audition FD3 and FH3, using my macbook (it was my very early days, okay 😂). The FD3 bass does not separate from the mid and thumps as much as FH3, so I went with FH3 (bad, bad, bad, horrible decision). Thinking back, I think FD3 was...
  22. o0genesis0o

    Aful Performer Impressions Thread

    I did an AB between these in my pilgrim review As a nitpicky listener, I find these practically identical, technical wise
  23. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    They are good. The FD5 is thumpy and engaging, more than Blessing 2, but noticeably less resolving, especially at the sides of the stage. (They use to retail at the same price) FD7 is flatter across the board, making you turn up the volume, which pushes the bass and treble up to a U-shaped...
  24. o0genesis0o

    The discovery thread!

    Is it just me or it graphs more like FD7 than FD5