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  1. BassicScience

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I find it hard to believe that HFM wasn't fully aware of the various meanings of the word "unveiled". Maybe at some point someone will ask Fang, who is rather fluent in English, to confirm or deny that. I find it even harder to believe that intelligent adults are getting triggered by a product...
  2. BassicScience

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I'm guessing they mean it both physically and metaphorically. Why not, it doesn't cost the marketing department anything extra to use a double entendre. Of course, a lot of people (the HFM hater brigade, mostly) are making way too much of the name of the product. Ultimately, who really cares...
  3. BassicScience

    THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.

    Well, that and you don't want to have to remove all the tubes when schlepping the amp between gigs.
  4. BassicScience

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    Well, Immanis is a Latin adjective meaning "huge, vast, immense", so has no existing plural. "Immani" might work... unless "you're not into the whole brevity thing" (with apologies to The Dude). :darthsmile:
  5. BassicScience

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    In fairness to him, what could he possibly have said of use or interest about EQ based on such limited exposure and without a loaner, his own equipment, and maybe a FR graph to play around with? Honestly, I wish we'd just let this sub-discussion rest until Resolve and GS properly evaluate the...
  6. BassicScience

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    So far, all I've seen are reviews based on short sessions under non-ideal conditions from people whose taste in sound and music I'm unfamiliar with. I generally get the sense that the majority of those folks like the SUV at least as much as the OG, but beyond that I haven't really taken anything...
  7. BassicScience

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    OK, but then the DCA headphones are given an "advantage" by AMTS tuning inserts, the HifiMan headphones are given an advantage by "stealth" magnet design, the ZMF planars are given an advantage by their proprietary damping system, etc. I simply don't draw a distinction between a designer tuning...
  8. BassicScience

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    Well, you're making my point. Someone who habitually EQs all of their headphones is looking/hoping for a different review than someone who prefers to avoid EQ. Even if the reviewer EQs to what sounds best to them, there's no guarantee it'll be your optimal EQ profile. Trying to standardize this...
  9. BassicScience

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    I'm reluctant to chime in, as it seems this thread is getting hijacked onto a tangent, but here's my $0.02 for posterity: EQ built into the product, and which can't be defeated, is a different animal than user-applied EQ. It's part of the default tuning of the headphone (system), as delivered...
  10. BassicScience

    Introducing HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled: Elevating Audio Excellence!

    I think it's just you, considering there have been headphones priced far higher than $8k on the market for a number of years. And as others have pointed out, $8k is roughly in line with what the original Susvara was priced at ($6k in 2017), accounting for inflation. Probably comes down to the...
  11. BassicScience

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I think a lot of the Susvara "magic" had to do with the thinness of the diaphragm and the geometry and positioning of the ("stealth") magnets, innovations that subsequently trickled down through the HFM line of planars, to a degree. The diaphragm itself is not conductive. HFM could have simply...
  12. BassicScience

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Beryllium is a mediocre conductor (about twice as resistive as gold, and 2.5x versus silver), meaning the headphone would be even less efficient unless you used wider or thicker traces. A much bigger issue is that beryllium is brittle, which is a non-starter on a flexing diaphragm. It works well...
  13. BassicScience

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Rust (iron oxide) and tarnish are both forms of oxidation, so it's a distinction of semantics and accepted English usage to some degree. The thing about tarnish is that it forms a surface layer on silver, which usually inhibits further oxidation to the underlying metal. Rust is far more...
  14. BassicScience

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    As previously mentioned, I've observed a fair amount of variability between the thickness of pads from the same manufacturer (be it HFM or Dekoni), but my current pair of Dekoni FSS pads is shallower on both sides versus the stock pads.
  15. BassicScience

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Stock pads (installed) vs. Dekoni Fenestrated Sheepskin (thick side facing camera). I've owned multiple pairs of each over the last five years, and while there is some lot variation on thickness for both, I assess the stock pads to be thicker and cushier on average. I've exclusively used stock...
  16. BassicScience

    Introducing HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled: Elevating Audio Excellence!

    SUV is being marketed as the new, improved Susvara. Everyone would have been talking about it anyway, no matter the price.
  17. BassicScience

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Several of your recent posts gave me the impression that you're at least value-conscious, if not price-conscious. I consider that a fine and admirable quality, to be clear. *I* think you'd likely get better sound by driving Susvara with a speaker amp, using your MZ3 as a preamp, as opposed to...
  18. BassicScience

    HiFiMan Susvara

    OK, I'll try to revisit the pairing again at a future date, perhaps at CanJam SoCal. I just remember repeatedly turning up the volume trying to get more (bass) dynamics, and never being quite satisfied in that department. The Z10e paired with the STAX X9000 also didn't blow me away, so maybe the...
  19. BassicScience

    HiFiMan Susvara

    FWIW, I did a brief home audition of the Z10 driving my Susvara, and was rather underwhelmed. The amp didn't have a ton of headroom, and the presentation sounded a bit undynamic. If your present headphone amp has preamp outputs, you'll likely get far more satisfying results (at a fraction of...
  20. BassicScience

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I actually think "this kind of debate" can be healthy and enlightening, as long as the parties act in good faith, and with civility towards one another, which seems to be the current status here after an initial period of emotional turbulence. I understand that many Head-Fi members are either...
  21. BassicScience

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    With all due respect, this response doesn’t seem appropriate or proportional. Aleksandar is an engineer by trade, and not a professional marketing person. He also has human feelings, and hasn't had to deal with much negative feedback about his creations until just recently. Maybe cut him some...
  22. BassicScience

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Arguing subjective opinions, especially on this forum, is a dangerous and slippery slope. My advice is to point out that they listened under show conditions, and then basically disengage. They heard what they heard, and were responsible for making a show report video. In my experience, serious...
  23. BassicScience

    Schiit Mjolnir 3 - Impressions Thread

    I agree, in that typically preamps attenuate the signal from a DAC or other source component. In certain outlier situations, amplification is necessary in the preamp stage, which is what I was referring to. You are also correct in that some amps have very low input impedances, which might not...
  24. BassicScience

    THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.

    DoP is strictly a wrapper format for transporting "native DSD" to some DACs. The data is exactly the same once the DAC unpacks DoP. Just FYI. Your Meitner MA3 upsamples any incoming data (PCM or DoP) to 16xDSD prior to converting it, so you are in fact always listening to DSD. Of course, the...
  25. BassicScience

    Schiit Mjolnir 3 - Impressions Thread

    Using MJ3 as a preamp shouldn't have any impact on an OTL tube amp's ability to drive low impedance planars, unless your DAC's output voltage range is insufficient to drive the tube amp to its rated power. And if all you need is some voltage gain, dedicating an MJ3 to that purpose seems like...