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  1. David58117

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

      Naxos has good stuff, but they are a budget label - although they have gotten better over the years.  I don't really go by labels too much anymore, but Naxos isn't a label I equate with audiophile quality, and I have sooo many releases of theirs to back that up.  They're more the label you go...
  2. David58117

    Bose QC35 Wireless Noise-Cancelling Headphones

    Sounds like the antenna is on that side then. My old jaybirds use to do that - water absorbs Bluetooth signals, and the body is composed primarily of water. Interesting that your other pairs didn't do that.
  3. David58117

    Bose QC35 Wireless Noise-Cancelling Headphones

    Are you streaming music when this happens, or playing a file? I had this happen when outside with my QC35, but assumed it was due to streaming and a range issue. My soundsport also did it, but I was streaming the radio when outside.
  4. David58117

    Jaybird Freedom or Bose Soundsport wireless?

    For what? Gym, general listening, jogging outside? The freedoms are somewhat difficult to put in, but they completely isolate. They have the better sound quality, they don't have that warm veil senns have, they're pretty clear - black is black. Bass is also tighter and more controlled. I was...
  5. David58117

    Any good wireless IEM's?

    For excersize, or just general listening? I've pretty much settled on beats Powerbeats for excersize (fun sound sig, that handles excersize well), and then JayBird Freedom F5 for when I want better sound quality/isolation/lay down. The Jaybirds can be kind of difficult to fit, and the battery...
  6. David58117

    Best Earphones For Cycling....?

    Wow this thread is old! Anyway - I don't see how cyclists/joggers could do it with closed iems/phones, especially when open iem solutions are readily available. I bought Bose IE2 iems years ago for this purpose, and they've served well. Before that it was portapros. Now it's the Beats...
  7. David58117

    high end iems not as "high end" as I thought?

    This thread reminds me of the portapros. Cheap, but very fun and for many people - the gateway headphone.
  8. David58117

    Monster Miles Davis Tribute thread

    Yes, they certainly do! I've been listening to stuff I never even cared to before just because of them.. Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
  9. David58117

    Monster Turbine dead after two months in and support does not reply? EDIT: Monster Support Sucks, do not buy.

    Quote: When I did it I just printed what they sent in the email, took the tips off and tossed everything (copy of receipt, iems themselves, label they sent + description of problem) in an envelope.     Paid for tracking, kept the box + cd + super tips and everything included with...
  10. David58117

    Please Explain "Boring"(of Etymotic HF3/MC3) to a Noob Like Me...

    Generally:   "boring" = uncolored "fun" = colored   Uncolored = more neutral frequency response - neither the bass/mids/highs will be emphasized, it will be more balanced..that kick drum isn't going to sound like a cannon on these.     "Fun" headphones will color the sound - the...
  11. David58117

    Monster Turbine dead after two months in and support does not reply? EDIT: Monster Support Sucks, do not buy.

    Are you guys kidding?   Monster offers one of the best (actually probably the best) warranties in the business - unlimited lifetime replacement for any defects, in addition to a "once in a lifetime" - completely at your fault - replacement, however long after purchase.  And in my experience...
  12. David58117

    AKG K3003 High End 3 Way System Headphone

    Would this be the pair to get for someone who primarily listens to classical music?     Coming from ER4S and AKG K701s   After accurate timbre, clarity, speed, instrument separation......something that could play Mahler's "Symphony of a Thousand" without a hiccup and sound as lifelike as...
  13. David58117

    Best isolating IEM under 100$ ?

        Hf3/5 can sometimes be found under 100. Etys are great, but know what you're getting...analytical, clean, balanced (bass light to some), ..great for acoustic instruments, rock etc. If you're more into electronic or something that needs more thump - get something different.
  14. David58117

    Monster Turbines Pro Gold Warranty Question

        I can't speak of that (because its not what I experienced), but I read that thread too and was surprised by people not calling. I've heard of monster going out of their way and offering upgrades etc if something like that came up, and the person called. Otherwise you're just one in probably...
  15. David58117

    Monster Turbines Pro Gold Warranty Question

    The onetime replacement I believe is if its your you accidentally severe the cable, run over them (I don't know..) or damage them through something stupid of your own doing. I don't think there's a timelimit on it - just keep your receipt and call monster if anything, whenever...
  16. David58117

    Worst $100 I ever spent

    Quote: Unless you're the person seeking bass centric headphones and don't want to spend more money on quicker, better quality bass, etc etc.     Then the S4s (when they came out) would of been a good option, while the M6 would be laughed at and lacking etc etc.     We're not...
  17. David58117

    Worst $100 I ever spent

    Quote:   The M6 is a different sound signature though.  I also prefer the M6 s/s to the S4, but..that's not really a fair comparison.     Eh, I don't know why I'm defending the S4, I can't stand boomy and lingering unclean bass either.  I thought they were better than the original...
  18. David58117

    Bose IE2 vs Logitech ue 500vi

    ...$100) - but of course require you to have a phone or bluetooth player with you, and the JF3 in particular can be picky about placement when outside* (hint - get use to your phone on your R arm),,.but my god they're comfortable and dislodge proof!  Also they're sweatproof and have a lifetime...
  19. David58117

    Bose IE2 vs Logitech ue 500vi

    Quote: +1 about the HF3.     They do have more bass quantity than the ER4's though, but unless you're planning to EQ them (they respond very well to it) you're probably better skipping them.  They would work well for the alternative you listen to sometimes though, if you're after...
  20. David58117

    Bose IE2 vs Logitech ue 500vi

    I haven't heard the Logitech ones (only the Superfi4s, which were horrendous), so I can't really comment on them.     However - the IE2s are an open design.  You'll be able to hear things going on around you while you listen to them.  I can even have conversations with them in and hear the...
  21. David58117

    Monster Turbine dead after two months in and support does not reply? EDIT: Monster Support Sucks, do not buy.

    Quote: If that's true, then their service must have gone down since I last used them (about 5 months ago).     I don't remember thinking wait time was bad.  But either way - when I spoke to a person they were very helpful and the issue was resolved within a few minutes.  And a 40...
  22. David58117

    Can a Noob/Audiophile-Wannabe Really Tell the Difference Between a $60 and $200 Ones?

    Quote: Yes - this is what you want to do.   You're only going to find fake S4is for $40, unless you hit the jackpot and stumble upon some clearance or something from a reputable site (which I doubt).   However, rather than the MC3, get the HF3.  The HF3 will better represent...
  23. David58117

    Monster Turbine dead after two months in and support does not reply? EDIT: Monster Support Sucks, do not buy.

      Quote: Agreed.   I don't get waiting months on end with only an email sent.  A phone call will get you a live person to resolve the issue that hour..
  24. David58117

    Monster Turbine dead after two months in and support does not reply? EDIT: Monster Support Sucks, do not buy.

      Quote: For a lifetime warranty against defects (which mine fell under) + a one time accidental damage replacement - paying shipping is a bargain.  