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  1. Painterspal

    Pathos Acoustics Aurium - listening impressions

    Thanks for the positive replies, I’m certainly tempted! It’s a shame that power supplies are not something you can easily demo. I’m thinking it’s worth £350 to see what it can deliver - as you say I can resell if it doesn’t deliver. I’ve been doing a lot more listening with my Aurium this week...
  2. Painterspal

    Pathos Acoustics Aurium - listening impressions

    Just how much of a difference does an uprated power supply make to the Pathos Aurium? I’m seeing several mentions and positive posts for the use of the S-Booster BOTW MK2 and iFi Elite PS, but are they really worth the not insignificant additional cost? Are you saying they take the Aurium to...
  3. Painterspal

    Ibasso PB5 the next dedicated portable Amplifier

    Presumably I could use the PB5 from my standard dx320 with the LO from Amp14? Most of the discussion in this thread seems to be about the 320m, but I’m assuming I’d get a significant performance boost vs the unmodified amp 14?
  4. Painterspal

    Should I sell my HD800?

    Have you tried eq-ing your HD800 before selling them? In my case, it made an incredible difference and completely changed my perception of them. Now firmly a keeper again and frequently stunned by their performance.
  5. Painterspal

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    They often come up when you do a Google search with the ex-VAT price, but when you follow it you discover the real price including VAT - bit of a sneaky trick but they’re not the only ones to do it.
  6. Painterspal

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    It's pretty common to see parity on the US Dollar vs GB Pound price on luxury imported US goods in the UK - phones are a good example - but a price £125 higher than that caught my eye and did strike me as somewhat unusual, and not in a good value way. I'd happily stand corrected if the $1999...
  7. Painterspal

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Very disappointing that DCA are ripping off UK headphone enthusiasts with their pricing of the E3. $1999 in the US should translate to about £1600 in the UK. However, it’s priced at £2125. Really? I’d buy one tomorrow, even at £1800, and I appreciate that you often pay a premium for products...
  8. Painterspal

    What is the best single DD IEM available today?

    Another vote for the 7Hz x Crinacle Zero 2. I suspect many in the Headfi community would simply assume that at an asking price of £25 it can’t possibly be a serious hi-end product. That would be a serious mistake. I‘d say it’s quite simply the best value product currently available bar none -...
  9. Painterspal

    Effect Audio cables thread

    Hi All, I’m interested to know whether you think the Evo 10 has superior sound traits to the cables in the signature range, particularly the Eros S? My understanding is that Evo 10 is a slightly older and more expensive cable, but the more recent signatures offer eight wires rather than four...
  10. Painterspal

    Westone W80

    Many thanks for the thought - much appreciated. With EQ I found the sound of the w60 pretty decent, certainly for travel in noisy environments where critical listening is impossible and excellent fit more important. They certainly don’t owe me anything after years of service and I hope the...
  11. Painterspal

    Westone W80

    It was the right one. Nearly went for a refurb w80 at a decent price to replace but just taken the plunge on a hugely discounted Black Friday deal instead.
  12. Painterspal

    Westone W80

    Just one. Unfortunately, they escaped from their case in my bag and the nozzle of one got damaged by my laptop. Freak accident, but definitely beyond repair.
  13. Painterspal

    Westone W80

    Thanks, appreciate the insights. Your comments align with the kind of thoughts I’d been having, but because haven’t had the opportunity to try any of the huge number of releases I’m seeing here on headfi, ive been kind of wedded to a “maybe better the devil you know” idea, but I’ll definitely...
  14. Painterspal

    Westone W80

    Both good shouts from what I’ve read but the Mach 80 is about £1300 here in UK. I’m looking to spend much less if possible. I really just want to find out if folk here think the older premium Westones still compete on sound quality with current models from other makers in the £350 - £550 range -...
  15. Painterspal

    Westone W80

    Thanks, sweet deal, if I was in the US that would certainly tempt me. Suggests there are still well priced options around, I’m just wondering if the performance will still be competitive with other more recent designs. But then again, would something different be such a good fit? That’s my dilemma.
  16. Painterspal

    Westone W80

    My w60 which for years have been my go-to IEM on the road have finally died. I like them due to the excellent fit and good sound once PEQ applied. If I could find a w80 or w60 at a good price used or on sale, would they be worth buying, or has the IEM world moved on so much the, say, £350 - £500...
  17. Painterspal

    Chord Electronics - Hugo 2 - The Official Thread

    Can’t comment on the 2go. Re the Hugo2, I use Neutron player on my DAP to apply PEQ in the digital domain, export to Hugo2 via coax which acts as the DAC and amp for my HD800 and, frankly, it’s pretty close to endgame. Astonishing transparency, grip and imaging, and none of the analytical...
  18. Painterspal

    DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07*******

    I didn't really use my HD800 (original version) much with the stock amp, so I can't remember how good the synergy was. What I can say is that they work well with Amp13 and even better with Amp14. I bought a balanced cable and find that Amp14 has ample power to drive them effectively, and the...
  19. Painterspal

    DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07*******

    Thanks I tried a quick test using the dx320-chord hugo2 via coax and it worked well. PowerampEQ worked with Qobuz but not with the Mango Player. The built in eq in the mango player didn’t seem to work either, which was a bit disappointing - I was hoping the would - as my iems really need it...
  20. Painterspal

    DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07*******

    Probably a stupid question, but if you’re using the dx320 with the mango player in android, does poweramp eq automatically over-ride the eq built into the player, or are you effectively duplicating the eq, I.e. using both at the same time?
  21. Painterspal

    DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07*******

    The modding options are clearly one of the most interesting elements of the amps, but don’t assume it’s necessarily essential. The amp13 already sounds great. I see you have HD800 - I have too and using mine with my DX320/amp13 has been an unexpected revelation. Using the mango player with a...
  22. Painterspal

    Portable Tube Amp Recommendations

    I still have a Fostex HP-V1. Size wise, it’s portable but the easily moved volume control makes it risky to use on the move if you value your ears. I agree that transportable is probably a better description. It sounds pretty good - rich and tubey - if you avoid both sensitive iems and hard to...
  23. Painterspal

    DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07*******

    I’m only too aware of the cost, it was a significant stretch for me personally. I meant to put ‘too’ in italics - my point is that its not too expensive relative to other TOTL DAPs - apologies for not being clearer.