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  1. tdockweiler

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    Hitman - 7.75/10 Would have been an 9 for sure if it wasn't for the terrible ending (IMO). It also kind of strange how this is being marketed as a comedy. I guess maybe it does have a couple funny parts, but that's about it. I mostly enjoyed this and think most people would like it. How to...
  2. tdockweiler

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    On the Basis of Sex - 6.5/10 Biopic movie about Ruth Bader Ginsburg taking on a gender discrimination case at the Supreme Court. The movie is just so...average. I can't think of anything the film does very well.
  3. tdockweiler

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    I watched this last night too. I'd give it a solid 8/10. One of the few Godzilla movies I've actually liked. Only negative is the excessive over-acting. It got really annoying. I liked the end, but that final scene could have been done a little better. Can't say I was expecting that though. PS...
  4. tdockweiler

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    The Gentlemen (TV series) - 8.75/10 I was surprised. I really enjoyed this one and hope to see a season 2 some day! The only negative is that the last episode wasn't that good. One average episode out of 8 isn't bad. The whole series is 8 episodes and it was good enough to finish in just 2...
  5. tdockweiler

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    Power - 5/10 New Netflix documentary. I was surprised how little I learned watching this documentary about the police. I don't think it really gave me a whole lot to think about at all. It was rather slow and not very interesting. The soundtrack is a bit annoying too. I'm not giving it a low...
  6. tdockweiler

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    The Courier - 7/10 New one on Netflix. Worth watching, but barely. One thing that surprised me was the amount of sex/nudity in this one. There is one scene that I couldn't believe Netflix allowed. PS Still hoping Amazon Prime decides to release more seasons of "Documental". They stopped...
  7. tdockweiler

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    The Bricklayer - 8/10 I really enjoyed this one. Not as bad as I expected. Reminded me at times of part Get Smart and True Lies, but of course way more violent. BTW Renny Harlin also directed Die Hard 2. That's an old favorite, but of course it's not as good as the original. Cliffhanger is...
  8. tdockweiler

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    Our Living World - 8/10 Similar to the Planet Earth series. Worth watching. 2024 Netflix release. Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut - 8/10 The subject of the microbiome is pretty fascinating to me so I found this documentary very interesting. There is a lot of good information here...
  9. tdockweiler

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    Baby Reindeer - 10/10 A few days ago I had seen the best TV series of the year so far. Now this one is probably in my top 5 in the last FIVE years. This is a true story about a comedian who had to deal with some really traumatic events in his life. One day while working at a pub, a woman comes...
  10. tdockweiler

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Rebel Moon Part 2: The Snoregiver - 6/10 What happened? Loved every second of the first one and watched it twice in 2 days. Gave it a 10/10 and still stand by that score. The entire movie I had this blank stare on my face. It's like my brain was completely shut off. Didn't think or feel much of...
  11. tdockweiler

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    The Hijacking of Flight 601 - 10/10 Probably the best new TV series i've seen all year so far. It's new on Netflix. Definitely deserves to be seen by more people. Love the "retro" look of this movie. Feels like you're taken back in time to the 70s. Perfect cinematography, costumes and set...
  12. tdockweiler

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    Unlocked: A Jail Experiment - 7.5/10 New Netflix reality series about an experiment to run jails differently. Due to overcrowding and not enough guards, some jails have had to have 23 hour lockdowns. Here they decide to do a test and allow them to have all cell doors open with no guards...
  13. tdockweiler

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    Fallout (episode 1) - 5/10 OK, this will be the first and ONLY rating based on one episode. This looked pretty good visually, but it's like they spent their entire budget on set designs and visual effects. The entire episode has such weak character development. None of the acting is really good...
  14. tdockweiler

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    What Jennifer Did - 8/10 (new Netflix documentary) If you like crime documentaries and don't have time for a series, this one is perfect. It's one episode. Not going to say if she did or didn't do it. Let's just say that someone who seems incapable of crime in their life can do very evil...
  15. tdockweiler

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    Physical: 100 (Season 2) - 5/10 In this competitive reality series, 100 of the most physically fit men and women compete in events. There's a massive ton of filler material in here and the entire show is not very entertaining. One thing I have to point out is that the women in the show had such...
  16. tdockweiler

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    ...a single crime and then it's covered in length the entire series. Or at the least least, covers more than one episode. One of the best is "Don't *** with Cats". I also loved the Manhunt series. One is about hunting down the Unabomber. "Confession Tapes" is also amazing. But that deals with...
  17. tdockweiler

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    The one positive thing that came from watching this series is that I now have heard about the books and how good they are. They're on my must read list and I plan on getting the first in the series ASAP. I wasn't aware when I watched this that it was based on a book series by a Chinese author...
  18. tdockweiler

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    3 Body Problem - 4/10 I watched this at random because I liked the trailer and it has the same producers as "Game of Thrones". Such great ideas here, but such a wasted opportunity to make something really amazing. They could have. They really messed up. I don't know if it was a rush job or they...
  19. tdockweiler

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    Arthur the King - 8/10 True story about a group of people who come across a dog that teams up with them on a cross country race through the jungle. I went to see this movie without having any idea what it was about. I figured it would be another film like "Beethoven", but I was definitely...
  20. tdockweiler

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Reacher (Season 2) - 9/10 This one was a lot better than Season 1. This is just what I needed right now. Sort of like a faster paced detective show, but in the Die Hard style in a way. It's very very violent/graphic, but also has some comedy in it. Probably the most fun/entertaining show i've...
  21. tdockweiler

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    Queenpins - 7/10 This is about a group of 2 female couponers who decide to get rich off selling stolen coupons for a profit. It's based on a true story and they made up to 40 million I think. I actually thought the scenes with Ken played by Paul Walter Hauser were pretty funny. Reminds me of my...
  22. tdockweiler

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Spaceman - 8.5/10 New Netflix Sci-Fi movie with Adam Sandler in a serious role. I probably wouldn't have watched this if it wasn't for it having the same director as Chernobyl (Johan Renck). This one is pretty slow going through the whole movie. I didn't mind and I enjoyed it. I imagine a lot...
  23. tdockweiler

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders - 9/10 You know a documentary is good when you're glued to the TV screen for a full FOUR hours in one sitting starting at 2am! This one takes awhile to get going at first. I would have given it a 10 if it wasn't for a big let down towards the end. I hope...
  24. tdockweiler

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    Lover Stalker Killer -10/10 OMG. Hardly seems possible. This is the latest documentary from Netflix. Woman stalks a guy after their first date and never lets up, but it gets worse and worse. Something out of a movie. Makes this guy's life a complete nightmare and he eventually has to go to the...
  25. tdockweiler

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Rael: The Alien Prophet - 7/10 It's good enough to watch all episodes, but I ended up being a bit disappointed. This one is about a man who had seen a UFO and ended up forming his own religious movement. It grew so much that they wanted to build their own compound to eventually invite the...