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  1. gregorio

    My six-year-old daughter flawlessly passed a blind test between a silver-plated wire and a copper one

    Not sure where you got your “facts” from but just making them up, in a Sound Science forum, really? And how is doing that “on a serious note”? Headphones were not invented by Sennheiser, in fact Sennheiser didn’t even exist until around 60 years after headphones were invented by the Bell...
  2. gregorio

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    Couldn’t find much about it. It professes to be a pro unit but I’ve never heard of it, can’t find specs beyond a very mediocre dynamic range of 106dB, no reviews or even mentions on pro audio sites that I can see, it’s quite old (2011), it’s list price is high for a 4 channel prosumer unit and...
  3. gregorio

    My six-year-old daughter flawlessly passed a blind test between a silver-plated wire and a copper one

    I see, so you’re saying that everyone in the USA is from medieval times and are not sane, despite the fact that the USA did not even exist in medieval times and the majority of audio technology we use today was invented in the USA? Not sure that sounds sane to me. How do you think a 2Ω...
  4. gregorio

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    Yep, the E1DA Scaler solves the problem and the cost of the ADC + Scaler looks to be about $350, not sure if that’s within @chrisyak budget but it almost seems like a made to measure product for what he’s after and with world class performance! Good find! G
  5. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Unless you want to misled that someone, you would either not advise them what you’ve indicated or you would find out why you can apparently easily hear something that is inaudible. For example, what exact conditions, are they actually the same master, what is the provenance of the AAC...
  6. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Missed this bit, must have been in your edit but it’s effectively the same as my previous post. And if your transducer is fast enough to make a difference in the bass, what audible difference will it make if that bass freq is inaudible anyway because it’s masked? Again, your assertion comes down...
  7. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    As encoders all (AFAIK) oversample, they generally have to lower the level to avoid intersample peaks but if as you claim the files have been level matched after encoding then that brings us back to: Then that proves you did not understand the “auditory masking” article I linked to! If an...
  8. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    God knows, thousands or tens of thousands of different songs. The testers on Hydrogen Audio were always on the hunt for “killer samples”, again, go and ask from the horse’s mouth! Not sure what the transducer type has to do with it but again, thousands of different people from all over the world...
  9. gregorio

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    I didn’t know about that one, not the sort of thing used by prosumer/home studio users because it’s really stripped to the bone, not even any mic pre-amps. From a quick cursory look, it would appear to be pretty much ideal for the OPs measuring/comparison purposes, very high resolution for...
  10. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    My own tests, tests run at universities with students, the tests of those on Hydrogen Audio, the tests by the EBU, the tests by the AES, the tests by the ITU and by some of the individual members of those international bodies (with significant research departments) such as the BBC, NHK and...
  11. gregorio

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    I’ve been a professional audio engineer for over 30 years and about 18 years ago, for about 6 years, I was a senior lecturer in sound and music recording at a UK university. I’ve messed with a lot of stuff over that time, for my private home use, for my own and the commercial studios I’ve worked...
  12. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Sure but that wasn’t what I was questioning, as @danadam perfectly explained, you cannot use a difference file to judge. Typically a difference file will contain a lot of content, even identifiable content and some of it only 6dB or so below the peak level of the original file and yet all of it...
  13. gregorio

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    Yep, sorry, I didn’t mean to come across quite so harshly. Everything in the audiophile world is so subjective but in the real world almost none of it is. For nearly half a century the audiophile world has been pushing the false narrative that everything is subjective because from the 1970’s...
  14. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Your response indicates the latter of the two options, you didn’t understand it fully. OK, let me try and put it more simply: Let’s say we have a note “A” that comprises a 252Hz tone at say 50dBSPL and then note “B” that comprises a 250Hz tone at 80dB and a 252Hz tone at 60dB. Which of those...
  15. gregorio

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    What are you going to “reset the volumes manually” to? And unless you know this, then … If you don’t compensate accurately for volume differences or ABX as castleofargh suggested, then it will NOT “be about evaluating each piece of equipment to the naked ear”, it will be about evaluating each...
  16. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    It literally says that you are wrong and your observations are invalid! Maybe you didn’t read all of it or maybe you did but didn’t fully understand it? G
  17. gregorio

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    OK, but you really should not have claimed to have scoured the pro music section if in fact you did not even look in it. Ah but that’s the problem. Unless they are synchronised you can not “switch back and forth during the middle of playback” to compare them because you will always be comparing...
  18. gregorio

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    That assertion is incorrect and is the “fatal flaw” that invalidates your posts on the subject of lossy codecs. MP3 and AAC are lossy codecs which achieve their reduction in data by employing “perceptual coding”, as castleofargh basically tried to explain. Relatively high amplitude signals...
  19. gregorio

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    Basically he’s saying we’ve already been doing this for years (at least a dozen or more) with Dante or Ravenna and modular pro audio converters, which is bizarre, because you claimed to have “scoured the pro audio market” but missed pretty much ALL of the main pro audio manufacturers? That...
  20. gregorio

    My six-year-old daughter flawlessly passed a blind test between a silver-plated wire and a copper one

    “Measured in ohms, the difference in the resistance of 24-gauge, 1000-foot-long silver and copper wire is minor. The resistance of the copper wire is a mere 2 ohms higher.” - Sciencing. Do you have a headphone cable longer than 1,000ft? Care to re-assess your assertion? Unless you’re more...
  21. gregorio

    Do solid state amplifiers sound the same ?

    What “definition”? That is NOT in any definition of an amp or even of any circuit or component, you just made-up that assertion yourself and falsely called it a “definition”! And then you have the nerve to state that I’m making up BS! While we’re on the subject of “definition”, don’t you know...
  22. gregorio

    Do solid state amplifiers sound the same ?

    And the butchered quote in my post are your words! So you’re agreeing they’re your words and true to you?! Great, thanks for the confirmation! In this case just doubling down on the crap you made-up to start with! So you think guitar amps all have perfect fidelity and even mic pres? Why don’t...
  23. gregorio

    Do solid state amplifiers sound the same ?

    Sort of but the poster you’re responding to is off-topic because he’s talking about a completely different type of amp with a completely different design philosophy, that has little/nothing to do with fidelity. G
  24. gregorio

    Do solid state amplifiers sound the same ?

    See, I can play at mis-quoting you and then arguing a strawman as well! Honestly, what is wrong with you? Do you really think “every electric guitarist in the world” or “arguably the most successful recording engineer of all time” would try and drive their headphones or home hifi speakers with a...
  25. gregorio

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    Again, as there’s no such thing as an “unlinear relationship”, how do you think you’ve shown a clear example of one? No, but don’t let that stop you from making up nonsense! G