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  1. bangengeman

    [REVIEW] Superlux HD381F --- Bargain Bin Bliss

    I still have to receive my order, so I can't tell yet. 
  2. bangengeman

    [REVIEW] Superlux HD381F --- Bargain Bin Bliss

    Detail-wise, it's not going to be much better. It used to be my favorite dynamic IEM for a really long time, but it's a ticking time bomb in terms of build quality. If you want much more detail, maybe you should look at the Hifiman x Massdrop RE-00.
  3. bangengeman

    [REVIEW] Superlux HD381F --- Bargain Bin Bliss

    I hated the Piston hybrids. Too grainy and dark. The Piston 3 however, I like as much as the 381F. The Superlux is flatter overall, while the Piston 3 is quite V shaped. If you can still get these, then go for it. No pair of mine lasted a year. The Piston 3, however is still going strong for me...
  4. bangengeman

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    You mentioned that you have the Krell clone amp. How's it pairing so far with your T50MK3s so far? And how is it doing in general?
  5. bangengeman

    XDuoo XD-05 Portable Dac/Amp Introduction - Impressions

    Heals, a couple of things: 1. How's the sound stage and separation? 2. Does the bass boost push the sub bass well? Other than those two, not much I can think of. Just a matter of hearing it and making sure it's "right". Also, I got to check the Aurem Fidelity templates that airwyn...
  6. bangengeman

    XDuoo XD-05 Portable Dac/Amp Introduction - Impressions

    Thanks. I am in Metro Manila. I'll check that page out.
  7. bangengeman

    XDuoo XD-05 Portable Dac/Amp Introduction - Impressions

    I'm planning to get this to be paired with a Fostex T50rp3. Pretty much everything I've read has made me come back to this amp here. Unfortunately I don't really like making blind purchases. Anyone in the Philippines who might be willing to let me try the Xduoo xd-05 for a while?
  8. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs! those who are rooting for OKC, it took a trancendent night from Dirk, a hot streak by JJ, an awful night by Westbrook, and they lost by *just* 9, and kept it close throughout. Not to take anything away from Dirk, but too many ticky-tack fouls. OKC has got to commit to giving him just...
  9. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    Just a quick info, in case some may not know: Max salary as per the current CBA is estimated to be ~1/3 of the salary cap per team. So if the cap is at $60M (for argument and easy computations sake), the max a team can offer any free agent is ~$20M. Various restrictions/exemptions apply, but...
  10. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    Quote: INSTANT CLASSIC!   Thank you Grizzlies. You gave OKC a hard time, and you guys are no longer as under the radar now.   I'm surprised the Bulls gave the Heat some serious ass-whooping. I was expecting something closer, maybe the next few games will give us that. Heat coming...
  11. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    The bad guys have won. Pencil them in for the finals. No way the Bulls beat them. The "get out of Derrick Rose's way" offense has to have a limit, right?   Big ups to Rajon Rondo. Since seeing the injury, I've been shaking my head wondering how the heck he sucks it up.
  12. bangengeman

    Android 3.1 will support USB Host mode... DAC's?

    Nokia N8 and C7 (and I think all other Symbian ^3 devices) support acting as a USB host. Now if they support DACs, I cannot confirm. Can somebody help check please?   What I'm more curious is if there is a way to get the Mini HDMI output of some devices (LG 2X, the new Xperia phones, etc)...
  13. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    Quote: None taken. Rondo's playing in Game 4. I just hope it's not as bad as I think it should have been. As a basketball fan, more games = more fun for you, me and everyone who's chimed in on this thread.   And what's this thing about Gasol, his GF, Kobe's wife thing going on? Why...
  14. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    Quote: My main deal with them really is the consistency. Down 0-2 and with the crown behind them, Boston HAD to play with some sense of urgency. But Rondo just amazes me. The one player in the NBA who can dominate both sides of the ball without scoring. Not even Ben Wallace or Rodman...
  15. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    Now you see why I keep saying to stay away from betting on Boston.   Down 0-2, their catalyst, point guard and arguably their best player scores just 6pts and goes down with a dislocated elbow.   And they win.
  16. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    Great points by virometal and lbj. The Lakers' bench has always been an issue, but come playoff time, bench really doesn't matter, since coaches tighten the rotation. But between Miami and LA, the Lakers still have more options and versatility (something that I probably should have pointed out...
  17. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    Quote: I agree, but *if* the Lakers are playing possum for the regular season, we have to admit, Pau+Bynum+Odom+Kobe+Artest > Bosh+Wade+LBJ (pro basketball player, not to be confused with lbj, head-fi member). And the Lakers are a MUCH much deeper team than the Heat.   One thing I've...
  18. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    Quote: There, fixed that for you.
  19. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    Boston is the only team making me look good here. Falling apart at the seams. In fact, they're beginning to look like they don't even have seams.
  20. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    ...exactly the way I did not predict it. Did anyone expect Boston to be out-bullied, and Pierce to lose his temper? Did anyone expect Memphis to be *really* this good, that Perk and Ibaka can't even keep Z-Bo decently in check? Did anyone expect Jeff Teague (!?) and Jamal Crawford (?!?!?!)...
  21. bangengeman

    Describe your hate to the white little headphones

    For something that is essentially free, and we're complaining? I don't think that's being fair, right? iBuds are there to get you started right out of the box. And mind you, they don't sound awful. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that they sound just fine (not to be confused with good). Nothing...
  22. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    *** Flashback 1998: I played some pickup ball on a freshly sprained left ankle, thinking I can go easy. Wrong. I twisted it again, stepping on a foot. ***   *** Fast-forward 2007: First full-court game that didn't really involve any decent pain ***   *** Fast-forward 2010: Still can't...
  23. bangengeman

    Are you rich enough for this hobby?

    No, I'm not rich enough for this hobby. And maybe only a few on this community are. But it all lies on where you prioritize your expenses, and how you control your spending (a common theme here).   Sometimes, we really don't need a T1, HD800 or a LCD-2. Sometimes, we just need a SR60 to...
  24. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    I actually have told friends to bet on Memphis on beating the spread (not winning the series). But I think the respect that we aren't giving the Grizz is because, well, they're an 8 seed. Really, when was the last time an 8 seed went so far? NY in '99, in a strike season, where the regular...
  25. bangengeman

    NBA Playoffs!

    The MEM-OKC game started 1:00AM local time, the MIA-BOS game started 3:30AM local. Still too groggy to think. I regret watching it now that I'm at work.  