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  1. hanskey

    Hifiman RE-800

    ...given my experience though. Lol I've owned 8-10 hifiman iems over the last 15+ years and none of them lasted anywhere near that long. Sure, I was in the lowest-cost tier because I didn't feel I could trust that the extra cash wouldn't be wasted, but still - *not one set made it a year*. 😂
  2. hanskey

    Hifiman RE-800

    ...I'm getting at least one more pair. Edit: I will say hifiman has dug their own grave in having to price these so low due to QC. Over 16 years they *never* increased the durability of their iem products, with simple solutions, like replaceable cables, reasonably thick internal wires, better...
  3. hanskey

    Hifiman RE-800

    ...real reason I learned that. You all might give that a try? Edit: Sorry for multi-posting. Pretty excited about these. Did not expect what I got. *Way above expectations.* I had to check to see if I had the EQ running, because the bass and sub-bass is so unreal. No EQ, yet subjectively...
  4. hanskey

    Hifiman RE-800

    These are just absolutely stunning in my LG V60. Holy &$-$-@_
  5. hanskey

    Hifiman RE-800

    Mine have zero driver flex and I use the largest included triple flange tips.
  6. hanskey

    Hifiman RE-800

    They seem to be legit. I bought a set and they match all the characteristics of RE800 perfectly. I recall reading on audiosciencereview that a user measured the cheaper ones from AliExpress against a set purchased from hifiman and they are either genuine or such a perfect counterfeit there's no...
  7. hanskey

    Shanling M1s - Ideal Compact Portable Player is allowed to screw up the brand's image in the marketplace, but this isn't actually a hard problem. The devs just haven't listened to their *paying customers* for over 6 years and frankly the reason(s) for that are beside the point. The paying customers don't care anyway. We just want...
  8. hanskey

    Shanling M1s - Ideal Compact Portable Player

    😂 Not offended, but isn't the entirety of head-fi devoted to solving first-world problems? If the limit was advertised, which it is not, I just wouldn't have bought it, because I would have known it didn't suit me - no biggie. Obviously I found out about the limit after I could return it for...
  9. hanskey

    USB Audio Player PRO (UAPP): 24- and 32-bit playback, ubiquitous USB audio support for Android

    Hell yeah! I was thinking it was kinda power-hungry, but I objectively measured it using my phone's battery reporting and it's not. It's a great app! I think the included EQ is good too - no audible distortions, but I only slightly bump the bass on my more bass-lean "neutral" headphones, for...
  10. hanskey

    USB Audio Player PRO (UAPP): 24- and 32-bit playback, ubiquitous USB audio support for Android UAPP will just send that directly. That's why UAPP, in your screenshot shows "Direct 16/44.1." Some people like to make double sure and enable "bit perfect" mode, but that's not really necessary to avoid added *theoretically audible* distortion from resampling by UAPP. Have a good one!
  11. hanskey

    USB Audio Player PRO (UAPP): 24- and 32-bit playback, ubiquitous USB audio support for Android

    Why would anyone want UAPP or anything else to upscale? It does not improve 16 bit sound to upscale to 24 or 32. In fact, it can sound worse and can introduce distortion and noise (if badly implemented, if well implemented it's still just source-transparent with no audible issues) not to...
  12. hanskey

    USB Audio Player PRO (UAPP): 24- and 32-bit playback, ubiquitous USB audio support for Android

    Well, I've been using PowerAmp and UAPP, and in their default configurations they both seem to draw very little power. I think the power draw of the actual headphones/headphone jack and DAC/Amp circuits is much higher than either app and they are both very, very low power draw apps according to...
  13. hanskey

    USB Audio Player PRO (UAPP): 24- and 32-bit playback, ubiquitous USB audio support for Android

    Hi fellow UAPP users. Is it just me or is UAPP a power hog compared to PowerAmp? Both apps are excellent music players imo, so I'm not concerned about the subjective experience of either. Both are source-transparent on my V60 to my ears in non-blind A/B testing, but as I was switching back and...
  14. hanskey

    Shanling M1s - Ideal Compact Portable Player

    So basically what I said - change one number, issue gone. Just unacceptable. This also confirms my other, unvoiced, hypothesis that the track limitation in library comes from someone that is not the end user deciding what acceptable performance looks like and not from a true limitation. Most...
  15. hanskey

    Shanling M1s - Ideal Compact Portable Player

    Well I'm glad to hear it is not an intentional sales tactic, obviously. Thank you for this helpful insight into the software development history. Unfortunately, none of that resolves the issue. I had and have no expectation that this issue will be addressed in a timely manner, if at all, and I...
  16. hanskey

    Shanling M1s - Ideal Compact Portable Player

    Yeah, I understand that software is constrained by hardware. I write embedded device code too, my dude, but I really doubt it is that hard to fix. Yeah, probably fair to say not quite as easy as I represented, but certainly not unresolvable by any stretch of the imagination. Hiby, Rockbox and...
  17. hanskey

    Shanling M1s - Ideal Compact Portable Player

    I understand it's out of your hands personally, but there's no excuse for this limitation. I am spelling out exactly how easy this is to fix, and giving you arguments to take back to the dev team and superiors to get this nonsense issue resolved once and for all. Your software devs are ruining...
  18. hanskey

    Shanling M1s - Ideal Compact Portable Player

    Yes, but I removed all files from folders, because I decided I want to shuffle all tracks, which isn't possible for tracks in separate subfolders using folder browsing and not using the library. Of course, that basically means that playing an individual album straight through is now practically...
  19. hanskey

    Martin Logan Mikros 90 On-Ear Headphones

    Thank you to ESL-1, and hillbilly559 for selling me their Mikros 90 headphones! LOL. I went on a buying spree on aftermarket pads, plus the set ESL-1 sold me had mint condition original pads to compare with, so I did a fair amount of pad rolling. I now agree with earlier assessments of the...
  20. hanskey

    Martin Logan Mikros 90 On-Ear Headphones

    To be honest, once I have a working set again, I'm very tempted to go to Vesper for custom pads. Real leather, and/or natural fiber materials that will last way longer than protein leather and plastic fibers, plus I could have them stuff in memory foam as thick as I...
  21. hanskey

    Martin Logan Mikros 90 On-Ear Headphones

    Turns out the channel imbalance was partly bad positioning on the left ear. Only partly though! LOL. The right and left speaker on this set surely would not measure the same frequency output curves. However, when you haven't used these in a while it is easy to forget how finicky the positioning...
  22. hanskey

    Martin Logan Mikros 90 On-Ear Headphones

    I am in the market for a new pair, but having difficulty finding any on sale. If I lived in Canada I could buy some (new/never opened for over 10 years?) from Star electronics for $150 CAD ( I'm hoping to hear back from some...
  23. hanskey

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    Well, I have to disagree somewhat there because there is a misapprehension about who is at fault for Android OS's behavior. I see this with folks blaming LG for Android 10 dropping DSD support when the reality is that Google introduced a bug to DSD handling which they did not find before...
  24. hanskey

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    The V60 is extremely tempting!! The only two complaints I ever had about the V20 was the struggle of getting the music player app software to use the full resolution of the DAC and the battery life is terrible. The V60 solves the battery life issues and software already caught up a few years...
  25. hanskey

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    Thank you for that honest opinion @gordec. I very much appreciate when people who've spent the money on the hyper-high end gear will speak to whether it is worth the money. All the high-end DAP's I look at seem so severely compromised in some way or another that the SQ would need to be far...