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  1. erics75

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Are there any cheap basic testers that don't break the bank and let us know if the tube is safe? To test new tubes i buy i just plug them in and watch they don't explode or make my amp smoke.
  2. erics75

    Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S

    I don't have that amp so no comment there, i don't know. But as for the 620 directly into a phone, it won't be as good as the 569. The 569 is much more sensitive and easy to drive, and needs far less power to sound it's best. Though the 620 is reasonably sensitive, you still want to feed it a...
  3. erics75

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    I get the feeling you've got ears like mine :beerchug: I also find the Atrium to be great with metal. I love the meaty power it adds with it's warmth and dynamic punch. I find the CO/CC (how about just C going forward...) to be less engaging for metal. A few things are in play as to why...
  4. erics75

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    My CC does this. I call it the planar crinkle. Many closed planars over the years have exhibited this sound, and none stopped working or were negatively impacted by it for me. It's the driver moving from the pressure waves created when you push the ear cups in a vacuum. Unless you notice they...
  5. erics75

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    I would definitely try the Calderas just in case. I'll say this, upon first hearing the Caldera (open in this case but applies to both), it was instantly recognizable as a planar sounding headphone. It was also instantly recognizable as a ZMF sounding headphone. It's got that technical prowess...
  6. erics75

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    I do agree amps are critical for planars if you're sensitive to them like I am. I love how the Calderas sound on the Aegis, it helps mitigate a lot of that metallic signature. The DNA Stratus and Ampsandsound Kenzie also do well in this regard.
  7. erics75

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    Agree 100%! I love the ideal of one system, but my reality is I need a few different setups for my moods.
  8. erics75

    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    The Bokeh on the Aegis is crazy good. It's amazing how well these headphones scale. I'm using medium impedance and the SE output of the Aegis, and the synergy is excellent. Bass hits like a truck but there's no slop or boom. Powerful and tactile are the two words that keep coming to mind. Mids...
  9. erics75

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    What I find with headphones is when going up the resolution ladder, you start to get into metal drivers. The highest resolving headphones all have them. I find metal drivers to impart a hardness or harshness to the sound, which dulls my engagement. I like to listen moderately loud, and any...
  10. erics75

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    I have the CC and CO on demo, and though technically brilliant, I still have more fun listening to the Atriums or Bokeh. I just like their tuning more.
  11. erics75

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    The Verite will have a very different tonal balance vs the Bokeh. It's mids are less forward, it's bass tighter but less in quantity, and its highs will be more present. Yes it will easily out resolve the Bokeh, but it's impossible to say if the VC will fatigue you or if you'll like it's tuning...
  12. erics75

    Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread

    That's a gem of a little amp, I love mine! Not the most technically adept amp, but so sweet and musical sounding. I prefer it to my Jotunheim 2 by a large margin.
  13. erics75

    ZMF Caldera Closed

    It's a super tight fit. I got it to close with no cable in the case, but again, very very tight.
  14. erics75

    ZMF Atrium Closed

    Yep, they're my go to pad for the AC. And yep, they're a pain in the buttocks to mount until you really stretch them out. But what I love about them is they are very very similar to the stock Caldera lamb pad, but with a bit more bass and upper mid presence. A very musical and engaging listen...
  15. erics75

    ZMF Atrium Closed

    I find the Bokeh protein pad to have the most bass. The protein material forms a better seal and really slams hard. They've replaced the stock pad as my favorite.
  16. erics75

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I'm lucky my dept (accounting) has a small side office apart from the main corp office, but in the same center. There's only 3 of us in here, and no one really comes down here, so i'm pretty comfortable leaving it. Also the one facility guy who works here is an older guy who's really nice, he...
  17. erics75

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I need it to start raining tubes, i'm starting to get the itch hahaha
  18. erics75

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    20 hours old? That's still an infant! :) My Atriums definitely needed some hours to settle down. For me by the 70th hour or so I noticed it wasn't changing dramatically any more, just taking on a more refined and polished nature.
  19. erics75

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    hahaha oh yeah, my lineup is almost exclusively closed now since I do most of my listening here at work. the kiddos take up my off work hous. i do have an AO for when they actually leave me be though :)
  20. erics75

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I'm lucky, my boss works from home most days :) And most of my work is just routine stuff I can do half asleep, so i've gotten really good at getting my work done while still enjoying music pretty intently. I do have those days though where music tends to dominate my time... shhhhhhhh don't tell
  21. erics75

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Finally got the Aegis to work. Makes my 9 hours in the office quite enjoyable.
  22. erics75

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    Are they different woods? I'm wondering if different woods could have that effect.
  23. erics75

    Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S

    Given you like the Beyer sounds so much I'd skip the HD650. It's going to be darker and more rolled off up top vs the 620. If the 620's high frequencies were too dull for you, the 650 will probably sound worse. The 650 is also more picky with amplification vs the 620 and Beyer.
  24. erics75

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    The Violectric would be really fun to try. I had a V280 long ago that I used with MrSpeakers planars, and it drove them with such authority and finesse. I still watch the classifieds for a Vio on the cheap.