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  1. jerryneyk

    V-Moda - six star customer service- verified!

    I have had a V-Moda for about two years.   I had a problem where the small screws on the left side bracket sheared off.   If I could have gotten them out with my tools I would have borrowed two screws from the side and have been done with it, but I did not have any tools that could grab and...
  2. jerryneyk

    VMODA good?

    Got mine and love them. Got the xl pads, and boom Mike,.
  3. jerryneyk

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    I use mine with a portaphile 627, not mandatory as I have a Fiio x3 but it definitely adds snap and space. Great combo but pricey.
  4. jerryneyk

    V-MODA Crossfade M-100: Am I doing something wrong?

    Man he like all of us likes music, his way. Not a bad thing to help out a brother.
  5. jerryneyk

    V-MODA Crossfade M-100: Am I doing something wrong?

    Oh shoot should mention, I am running my m100 through a Fiio x3. I tried it just now on my smart phone and it's pretty anemic. I could now not live with it or any cans on a phone, not any I have...
  6. jerryneyk

    Momentum vs IE80?

    Shure not share...
  7. jerryneyk

    Momentum vs IE80?

    They are different beasts. I have the share 535 in ears but they have been idle since getting the Vmoda m100 which I much prefer to the momentum.
  8. jerryneyk

    V-MODA Crossfade M-100: Am I doing something wrong?

    Bobby, man, times like this I wish all of us could come over my place, i'd crack a few bottles of wine open, we'd bring all our equipment and hash this out in person.  Here is where unfortunately words fail and again unfortunately unlike refrigerators where you can find a ton in any appliance...
  9. jerryneyk

    V-MODA Crossfade M-100: Am I doing something wrong?

    ...bass, not muddy.   I dunno maybe it was a defective unit that happens sometimes, the two complaints I hear most is that the sound is too V shaped (*yawn*) and that it's 'too bassy' and not neutral.  I'm no headphone guru, I have only the Grado SR325i, M100, and Shure SE535s, each has their...
  10. jerryneyk

    V-MODA Crossfade M-100: Am I doing something wrong?

    Agree 1000 percent, could not be better said. Our main issue unfortunately is not being able to demo headphones before we buy them, would save much trouble.
  11. jerryneyk

    V-MODA Crossfade M-100: Am I doing something wrong?

    I know this is a stupid question but is the cable fully inserted? I was just listening to daft punk and it sounded bassy, clean bossy to me anyway... Best of luck man, I mean in addition to a classic figure, I like women on the bigger side, in our beloved hobby, it's all up to our picky ears...
  12. jerryneyk

    V-MODA Crossfade M-100: Am I doing something wrong?

    Seriously? I love mine because of the heavy bass! If it's a song with heavy bass mine trembles very deeply, seriously. They are great for anywhere you don't want sound leakage like at work or on public transport. Give a week, there is an initial combination of excitement in all hifi purchases...
  13. jerryneyk

    buying two headphones and amps in the next few days..

    You said you have the Grado SR-60. Have you looked at the Grado SR-225 or 325i? You like an open sound, there is a difference between the HD650 and Grados in terms of type of sound! Also, for the future if it's relevant, the Grados are Much easier to drive than the Senns in a portable setup...
  14. jerryneyk

    Headphone Price Justification?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Doogie Howser M.D. I always thought people who paid alot for a pair of headphones were crazy. That was until I thought about how much money I spent on music and how silly it was to pay all that money and listen to it through a crappy pair of $1 headphones. I...
  15. jerryneyk

    Grado SR325i 'vs' Shure SE-530

    Thank you everyone on the board for your discussions! Based on your feedback, and based on a listening session with a Grado SR325i and AKG 701 and Sennheiser HD650, I ended up with the Grado SR325i. I do not find them uncomfortable, honestly I don't know what all the fuss with the comfort...
  16. jerryneyk

    Most Comfortable Headphones?

    I tried on many pairs before settling on my Grado SR-325i (don't buy them I think you will be one of the ones that complain about their 'uncomfortableness'-I love them to death). For COMFORT and looks, AKG 701. They really sound nice-I just like the 'front row center' sound of the Grados even...
  17. jerryneyk

    Recommendations for Best headphones on the market (new and old)

    Thanks to everyone on the forum for helping me take the plunge! I bought two headphones, one for home, and one for on the road which includes a motorcycle. Home headphones, Grado SR325i. Why? Immediacy, presence, 'on the stage'. I was just listening to Leonard Cohen's Suzanne and it was...
  18. jerryneyk

    Portapros or iGrados?

    How about a non obtrusive in ear? I just got the Shure SE530s and they are great. You don't have to spend this much for decent quality, my E2Cs are not that bad for the money and I don't feel self conscious on the bus riding to work.
  19. jerryneyk

    Vocals on Grado seem weird to me now...

    The only advice I can tell everyone, is that YOU ALONE have to listen to headphones and make up YOUR OWN mind. It's YOUR ears and YOU have to determine what makes you smile. Honestly in reality there is not a HUGE difference in quality as you move up the price ladder but there are different...
  20. jerryneyk

    Ok so my Hardrive just crashed.... Now what

    I would for sure hook up your hard drive some way to your USB or whatever and see if you can get it back. I have three backups of my 25 GB music collection-no, four. One on my iPod, one on my laptop's hard drive, and two on two other separate backup drives. How much time did you spend...
  21. jerryneyk Best of CES 2008 Winners (Belated, I Know)

    I wonder how they compare head to head to say the Shure SE530 or the UE Any comments?
  22. jerryneyk

    Best recorded albums of 2007 / 2008 ?

    Quote: Originally Posted by virometal Hey Eugene! by Pink Martini I'll quote an Amazon review: Imagine music that falls somewhere between French cabaret, classical symphony, Latin jazz and pop - and throw in a few touches of Japanese film noir, big band anthems and romantic...
  23. jerryneyk

    Best Sub 300$ IEM's?

    Hi Rev, I have a bike too and am replacing my good but aged E2Cs. Looked online at everything, and it was down to the Ultimate Ears and the Shure SE530s. Picked the SE530s based on much internet research-looks like the Shures fit better and-unless you listen to alot of classical music...
  24. jerryneyk

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    DSOTM - Floyd
  25. jerryneyk

    Review: Portable amp roundup! 56 portable amps reviewed and compared - FINAL update 12-20-10 added RSA SR-71B

    Great review! My amp is a Crossroads Amp (never seen this in print or on the net) which I purchased at Jaben in Singapore when I was on a business trip there. Jaben by the way is amazing, lucky people in Singapore they have tons of portable and tube amps, lots of headphones. It's cramped and...