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  1. Evshrug

    Neumann NDH 30

    For me, "ranking" headphones is like ranking food. Is high-end Michelin star Paté better than grandma's Mac & Cheese? Of course we'll have preferences, and I used to have one kind of signature that I chased like the Holy Grail... but now I feel fortunate I've accumulated many headphones over the...
  2. Evshrug

    Neumann NDH 30

    Can't imagine it's really about the headphone sounding too similar... more likely there's nothing he could say positive or negative about it that wouldn't be a conflict of interest. Noncompete clauses and good relationships with previous employers and all that.
  3. Evshrug


    I asked Axel (two months ago? How long have I had this?!!?) about the medium gray “L / R” markings on the cable strain reliefs, pointing out that despite the visible drivers people won’t see L/R markings and surely put it on backwards. He said it would be more obvious in the Signature production...
  4. Evshrug


    This will probably continue to be the discussion thread. I’ve seen a number of threads start out with pages and pages of anticipation and speculation, and then somewhere deep inside the ownership discussion starts. It’s all part of the history of the headphone. For my part, since I got to borrow...
  5. Evshrug


    I have an HD 660S and 660S2; I should make a separate review of the HD 660S2. I just scored a deal on an AKG K371 too! HD 600 is one I don’t have though… shocking, right? Would you mind sharing what you like about the HD 660S2 that you didn’t like about the HD 600/6xx? Edit: unless you think...
  6. Evshrug


    I also found some areas where the HD 650 and HD 800 might be to some people’s preference (and mine). But to me, they’re character differences, and it depends on what each person weighs more strongly. If anyone curious is familiar with those two popular headphones, I do recommend expanding the...
  7. Evshrug


    Okaaaaay, so what you are actually saying here is you don’t think I pointed out negatives about the OAE1, or things I would do differently. I spent about a month in my free time off from my fulltime job (eyeglass lens technician) listening and taking notes on the OAE1; I gave the Beyerdynamic DT...
  8. Evshrug


    Why not? It’s not like I haven’t told people (even in this very thread) some headphones I didn’t like, I just move on instead of spending a lot of time complaining. I have never made money from reviewing, so my question in return is if I’m just doing this for fun, why would I spend time on not...
  9. Evshrug


    Ok then 😂 I personally do like the OAE1 and my review actually, but it doesn’t affect me if you are looking for reasons not to like it. The headphones I disliked, I haven’t spent time writing about them 🤷‍♂️ People that say “Sorry, but…” are never sorry, they think they’re right. I’m amused to...
  10. Evshrug


    My impressions might be more from the perspective of a gamer, though I really did try to listen to music and describe what I heard. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that there are is such a wide variety of music and tastes though! And you know what they say, “The customer is always right in...
  11. Evshrug

    Reply to review by 'Evshrug' on item 'Drop + Grell OAE1 Signature Headphones'

    ...always takes some time… it’s easier to make a couple engineering samples and pre-production samples, but it takes a lot more time to gather and make enough parts to assemble into full, QC tested, retail ready products/headphones. I’m anxiously awaiting **my** Signature OAE1 to arrive too.
  12. Evshrug


    There were a series of short impressions at shows, but what few impressions I saw were pretty brief. I couldn’t afford to go, so I asked if I could borrow one in exchange for an in-depth review. They said the vast majority of people who came to the booth were happy about the OAE1, with just a...
  13. Evshrug


    I still use my Momentum 2 Wireless at work… the ANC is pretty light, but it’s JUUUUUST enough to stop the grinding sounds from driving me crazy, and it’s faster than IEMs (I do have a pair of TWS1x at work) to take off if a coworker wants to ask me something (also, the IEMs just physically make...
  14. Evshrug


    Oooh! What other 4 headphones do you have?
  15. Evshrug

    Introducing SMSL DL100 CS43131*4 BT5.1 MQA-CD Audio DAC

    I see that it has two USB modes, but is one of those modes support UAC1 (USB Audio Class 1) to enable DL100 to plug directly into a PlayStation 5 or Nintendo Switch? I realize Xbox doesn’t support usb out, but the eARC HDMI support should take care of them. Thanks in advance! 🙏
  16. Evshrug


    Maegnificant did a great job explaining! It’s translated in different ways… I just got used to the native “umami” haha. It’s the “fifth” flavor, you are familiar with salty, sweet, sour, bitter, aaaaand the fifth is a savory “hearty” flavor that is umami. Like a rich broth that is the opposite...
  17. Evshrug


    I mean, I don’t want to get cancelled, but I understand that you don’t know me. And I’ll admit that I don’t know everything, I never will, and I will make mistakes. Describing sound isn’t easy. There’s some things we agree on and are used over and over again in our niche’s parlance, but ideally...
  18. Evshrug


    @zilax002 got it! Basically, it’s best to use whatever output your amp is best at, and the OAE1 comes with cables that will connect directly to your HiBy without needing any adapters. I have a HiBy R6! It’s stainless steel, so quite heavy, but it sounds great IMO. Hope you’re enjoying yours 👍
  19. Evshrug


    “It is a single sided silver cladded fine strain OFC cable with Neutrik connector.” Price and release date to be determined.
  20. Evshrug


    I don’t know anything, but I can ask Axel via email. If details are firmed up, I’ll let you know, but I might not hear back if grell is still securing a supply. True, a first batch doesn’t constitute success. I don’t think the first batch of TWS1 sold out this quickly; it had an unfortunate...
  21. Evshrug


    I added comparisons to two of those in my review here: You are mis-quoting me there. I never said nasally vocals. I will say that, once I compared against the HD 650, I realized that the OAE1 was a bit...
  22. Evshrug


    So, now that it won’t influence anyone, is it okay to say now that I’m also getting one so that I’ll have one to keep once Drop asks for this review unit back? 😁
  23. Evshrug


    ...lineup from a tour:, so I can’t be too hard on them. It has *not* been my experience that the only difference between DACs and amps is merely due to output impedance… if that was the case, a $9  dongle...
  24. Evshrug

    SMSL New DP5SE HIFI Network Music Player with ES9039Q2M DAC and Headphone Amplifier

    Probably via Airplay only, seems Apple is very picky about letting people take full advantage of their HiRes service for some reason.
  25. Evshrug

    Now Live: Apos Audio 2024 Mid-Year Sale is Here!

    @Apos Audio Any good Bluetooth receiver dongles on sale? My Bluewave GET died, and I can’t decide between FiiO BTR15, Qudelix 5k, or something higher end like an Astell & Kern HB1 or iFi Go Blu. Got any suggestions for a pocket friendly Bluetooth receiver?