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  1. GoldenSound

    RAAL-requisite CA-1a Circum-Aural Ribbon Headphone is here! @HeadAmp

    The cable impedance still has an effect with the trafo box. It's not possible to get past a series voltage divider like that. We actually did a video using a silly cable on the CA1A (with trafo box) to see what changed:
  2. GoldenSound

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    I really don't think this is fair. Aseem may come across as 'blunt', but that's just cause he doesn't give the waffle and sweet-talk other dealers often do. He's an enthusiast and has opinions on gear, but quite frankly he knows his stuff. He's just being straight with people and I think some...
  3. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    There's a few units of the Wandla GSE at the Ferrum and VikingWeaveCables booths at Canjam London! I'd suggest bringing some headphones you're familiar with if possible
  4. GoldenSound

    dCS Bartok

    I've actually been using the Wandla GSE for my headphone setup for a while now anyways. The May had been in my speaker system. I would very much like to rebuy the May when possible. But for now I've still got plenty of options useful for comparison in reviews. Lina, Wandla, Laiv, Yggy...
  5. GoldenSound

    dCS Bartok

    I would really ask that people stop contacting dCS. Things are resolved, and it seems David is genuinely trying to steer things in a better direction. Giving dCS employees a hard time won't help anything and will just cause stress to people who had nothing to do with the decisions made in the...
  6. GoldenSound

    dCS Bartok

    Main issue at CanJams is the LINA is usually there as a full stack, meaning it's a comparison between two different DACs and Amps, rather than just the DAC. I actually feel the stack is a bit held back by the amp based on my playing about with the units individually in the past (will see once...
  7. GoldenSound

    dCS Bartok

    I'd definitely like to compare it to the May. Unfortunately, I had to sell my May during this situation to cover legal costs, so will need to wait and buy it back/buy another unit first
  8. GoldenSound

    Goldensound being threatened with a lawsuit by DCS over a negative review

    I would just like to quell the rumours about the employee misleading people being an excuse. Its up to dCS how much they wish to disclose. But there was absolutely deception going on with concrete evidence now surfaced. And I'm glad that David acted quickly upon it. Im satisfied with the...
  9. GoldenSound

    Goldensound being threatened with a lawsuit by DCS over a negative review

    I am pleased that this whole situation has come to an end. I'm looking forward to visiting dCS next week, and for now the most important thing I ask is that people refrain from giving anyone at dCS a hard time. Particularly at CanJam this weekend. The individual involved is no longer with the...
  10. GoldenSound

    CanJam London 2024 (July 20-21, 2024)

    Ferrum themselves won't be at the show. There will be GSE units on demo though at the Hifonix booth and VikingWeaveCables booths.
  11. GoldenSound

    Goldensound being threatened with a lawsuit by DCS over a negative review

    Our response to dCS' response:
  12. GoldenSound

    dCS Bartok

    A response to dCS' response is posted here:
  13. GoldenSound

    Goldensound being threatened with a lawsuit by DCS over a negative review

    I will have a full response shortly. For now I'm leaving this here
  14. GoldenSound

    dCS Bartok

    I'll just share this for now. "There was no threat of litigation"
  15. GoldenSound

    CanJam London 2024 (July 20-21, 2024)

    I just want to say to anyone going, DO NOT harass dCS staff at the show. The people staffing the dCS room are not the people that are involved in these decisions and they should not be given a hard time about this.
  16. GoldenSound

    Tube based DACs?

    A tube preamp is a tube buffer (just with vol control and/or input selection)
  17. GoldenSound

    Tube based DACs?

    A tube DAC doesn't imply anything about the converter design itself. The actual DAC in a tube DAC could still be R2R, an ESS chip, or any other design. Basically a 'tube DAC' just means that the output stage is a tube based design rather than solid state. Some people really like this...
  18. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    A few updates!: - The next batch has arrived and there's a few units remaining! If you want one, would recommend grabbing it before they're sold out again: - The conversion program will be out this month, there were a couple...
  19. GoldenSound

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    As mentioned, it's exactly the same
  20. GoldenSound

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    For USB specifically yes. USB does not carry a clock signal for audio, data is sent in chunks, and is actually done so when instructed by the DAC itself. Everything is buffered and converted according to the timing of the DAC's own clock. The only factor to be concerned about with USB is noise...
  21. GoldenSound

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Jitter isn't really a thing on USB. It's a fully asynchronous protocol. The jitter at the output is 100% identical regardless of which USB source device you use or whether you use it as a network streamer or DDC
  22. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    All the features work with any rate PCM, but only the tube mode will work for DSD. You can't do any sort of DSP on DSD without first converting it to PCM, and we wanted to keep the option for actual DSD playback there, so spatial enhancement and impact+ will not work with DSD. Tube mode will...
  23. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    So I would say that the HD650 is unfortunately probably not an ideal headphone to try these on, as they don't really have much soundstage at all, and also fairly notable subbass rolloff. As a result, both the impact+ and the spatial enhancement will be much less obvious. The spatial enhancement...
  24. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    352/384 khz will do it too. But then that means you're using USB and you might as well do 705.6/768khz anyway
  25. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Yep! Hifonix will have it on demo