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  1. UntilThen

    McChanson amps appreciation thread

    The next Super Ultimate has everything. It is a hamburger with the lot. I am excited for Matt and that's not me. It's the other Matt. :wink: However I will be testing, auditioning and posting my impressions of this wonder amp. The specs for the build:- The things that stands out in this build...
  2. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    It's been a blast with 5a/152m for the last 2 weeks. I wish it's call an easier name like Marilyn Monroe or James Dean. In the quietness of my own time, I was able to put it through with a lot of power tubes and frankly it's hard to pick a favourite combination. What makes Super Ultimate so...
  3. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    I've heard my son's V281 many times. It's a good ss amp with a slight warmth but it is not the level of my Super Ultimate. I would have given up a lot more capable tube amps for Super Ultimate - such as Wa22, GOTL and Studio Six.
  4. UntilThen

    McChanson amps appreciation thread

    It's very likely that 300 ohms headphones are a perfect match with Ultimate. That means almost all of ZMF headphones and most Sennheiser.
  5. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    Higher gain drivers will do the KT170 a lot of good. C3G, 5A/152M and ECC35 are all good candidates. On the McChanson KT170 amp, 6EM7 were used as drivers and those are powerful drivers.
  6. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    All avid Ultimate tube rollers should have a pair of these but I don't. :relaxed: Kind of got to the stage where I just stop buying tubes. Just 3 weeks ago I was listening to the KT170 tubes in McChanson KT170 amp and Odyssey. It's a life changing moment.
  7. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    I have had STC 5A/152M for close to 2 weeks now and have run it with a variety of power tubes. Compared to c3g, the treble is a bit rounded off and it's a little less transparent but that's a good thing imo. C3G and 5A/152M as drivers in Super Ultimate takes the amp up another level. There has...
  8. UntilThen

    McChanson amps appreciation thread

    Making a rare appearance just for you Albert. :) McChanson Super Ultimate is a thing of beauty, a joy forever. :relaxed: Coincidentally I had the same tubes on it right now. I am just wondering what life would be without Ultimate. I think it would be missing something important.
  9. UntilThen

    Oblivion | UltraSonic Studios

    I have open up Odyssey many times and I am always amazed at what I see. Nothing is loose. It is meticulously built. All solder joints are solid. I call it a work of art. This is a AUD$7500 amp and Tomas put all skill in it and the sound shows. I've lost AUD$7000 in Telemachus because Tomas...
  10. UntilThen

    Oblivion | UltraSonic Studios

    To get a mere tech guy's opinion on a masterclass builder's work is like getting a trainer chef to criticise a Michelin star chef. :relaxed:
  11. UntilThen

    Oblivion | UltraSonic Studios

    @Slade01 I commend you of your defense of Tomas. It's rather pathetic to be criticising a custom amp builder's amps when he is no longer around to defend himself. It is pouring mud on his legacy. Interestingly only 2 of Tomas's clients complained about his work and they were the 2 Tomas told me...
  12. UntilThen

    Oblivion | UltraSonic Studios

    Oblivion is so quiet. The 2.7w is more than sufficient for driving Susvara and HD800 for my normal listening volume level. I have 5 sets of 6AV6 and EL81, all different brands. I don't tube roll anymore. I left Marconi 6AV6 and Siemens EL81 in there for many months and will likely remain there...
  13. UntilThen

    Oblivion | UltraSonic Studios

    Congrats. :relaxed: A healthy Oblivion will make you smile. I'm not surprised the technician is intrigued by the unique circuit design. It is @MrCurwen schematic design and Tomas is his protege. I received my Oblivion on the 23rd Dec 2019, 2 days before Christmas. The initial intention was for...
  14. UntilThen

    McChanson amps appreciation thread

    I use a Susvara too for about nearly 2 years now.
  15. UntilThen

    McChanson amps appreciation thread

    Eric of McChanson amps have been using a lot of Silk transformers for his customers. You could say that SAC Thailand loves him now because of the many Silk orders. This goes back many years. My present Super Ultimate use Silk output transformers. I have another amp that use Sower UK...
  16. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    Adapters are here. It better work.
  17. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    When you get hum it can really rattle you. Fortunately I have no such problem. It takes the enjoyment out of a tube amp if you have to fight hum problems. For me nothing short of solid state quietness would do. I get this level of quietness with my Super Ultimate.
  18. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    Probably only DecentLevi would do such a thing. I rather not use the tube if I had to wrap aluminium foil in it.
  19. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    You're welcome Greg. I hope one day you will transition to the Super Ultimate seeing you're very keen to tube roll. Life is just so much easier and neater with the Super Ultimate. You don't need 2 x 6C5 into a single 6SN7 adapter. So far no one has done this experiment. Using 6J5 / 6C5 in the...
  20. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    No idea then. It's probably just your particular 6C5 tubes are humming.
  21. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    Where did you get the 6c5 to 6sn7 adapters? I see only 6j5 to 6sn7 adapters on ebay .
  22. UntilThen

    McChanson amps appreciation thread

    KT170 bias at 54.1mA in Ultimate. That's pretty good and will prolong the life of the tube. On the KT170 amp, Eric's recommendation is to bias it at 60 or 70mA. At 70mA, the attack is really attack and you will hear the urgency and force. It's one of Eric's specialty amp. This customer is so...
  23. UntilThen

    McChanson amps appreciation thread

    One of the top ten power tubes in Ultimate though admittedly it sound better in the KT170 amp because of the fullness of sound and more pronounced bass in the latter.
  24. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    When I like c3g after owning it for 4 years it's not because the price have appreciated. It's because good sounding tubes stand the test of time. c3g is what I consider a good driver. Similarly for ECC35. I had that for GOTL and love it and sold it. This is the 2nd time with it.
  25. UntilThen

    McChanson amps tube rolling thread

    Moving along is what I do best until I get tested. :relaxed: