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  • Users: ecwl
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  1. ecwl

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    Hmmm. That sounds more like a Cayin n8ii question rather than a chord m-scaler. There should be a Cayiin forum on head fi that you can ask
  2. ecwl


    Yes but actually, the Naim website says Supernait 3 expects your sources to be at 2V so if you set DAVE to DAC mode by bypassing the volume control, it’ll pump out 3V (RCA) and might clip your Supernait 3. Your best bet is actually to leave the DAVE in preamp mode as -3dB setting is 3V and -7dB...
  3. ecwl

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    I was thinking of apps like Audirvana or Roon have good Tidal/Qobuz integration while allowing for EQ. But if you have good system-wide EQ apps, that would work too.
  4. ecwl

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    I think there are three issues with hardware EQ, often they do sample rate conversion so everything becomes 24/96; the EQ is not as accurate as software EQ due to hardware limitations and they don’t always dither post EQ. As a result you can get sonic issues. Reading your profile, to me the...
  5. ecwl

    Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)

    I have never had a meet in the garage because I joined so late. So I vote for old school. But ultimately, the host should decide.
  6. ecwl

    Watts Up...?

    As a Chord fanboy, I have to admit, I sort of agree with what you are saying... except... It's also taken a bit out of context. What usually happens is that 1) Someone who loves their non-Chord DAC comes to the Chord DAC forum to praise/rave about their non-Chord DAC (which is fine but a bit...
  7. ecwl

    Watts Up...?

    Fair enough. 400kHz = 400,000Hz = 4 x 10^5Hz. Looking at the graph, it's about -80 or -90dB, rather than -20dB. But it's still a limit of how much noise shaping you can do with DSD256.
  8. ecwl

    Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)

    Haha... Yes. It's the same owner as back in the 70s. The owner has told me he used to be on Hargrave.
  9. ecwl

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    Interesting. I think our interpretation of “software limitations” are completely different. Obviously, you can make software record at any frequencies. But my understanding is that in the industry, most people use Logic Pro by Apple or Pro Tools by Avid and those software currently don’t do...
  10. ecwl

    Watts Up...?

    I have to admit I’m sometimes confused about some of your comments. It sounds like you are asking Rob Watts questions about his DAC design. And so he answered you (now and actually in the past when I did a search): 1) In the digital domain, the digital reconstruction of the sound wave actually...
  11. ecwl

    Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)

    The owner is getting older so he hired help. And now American HiFi sells under two names on Canuck, American HiFi and C Doms.
  12. ecwl


    I think since 3V is -3dB, 2V is closer to -7dB. So with Blu2, 2V is closer to -4dB
  13. ecwl

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    To me, having USB out in the new Quartet M-Scaler would just open a new can of worms. If people try other DAC brands with the Quartet, and they say they don’t like it, it could be: 1) Their DACs could not adequately resolve the signal optimally (or can’t take full 768kHz output) 2) Their DAC...
  14. ecwl

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    could be Big Boss WTA?
  15. ecwl

    The New Chord Quartet M Scaler Discussion Thread

    Maybe BBWTA means Big Bad WTA
  16. ecwl

    Watts Up...?

    @macfan 1. If you’re asking, you should get M-Scaler later. Enjoy one thing at a time 2. The issue is mostly that different people listen at different volumes. At my Head-Fi meet, I find people who listen at -10dB quieter than me and at +25dB louder than me. It’s not possible for us to know...
  17. ecwl

    Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)

    I only asked because sometimes if you only treat the mid- to high-frequencies, you can make the room too dead instead of just evenly damped. Imagine if the bass is at 0.8-0.9 and you treated the mid- to high-frequencies to 0.1-0.2, it'll sound a bit weird. But I guess you would hear it and just...
  18. ecwl

    Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)

    What’s your RT60 measurements?
  19. ecwl

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    No. I don’t hear a sonic difference between my iPad into Chord products vs my streamer Toslink into Chord products. As long as you’re not using some weird USB-C splitter where you’re charging your iPad while feeding USB signals to the M-Scaler. The problem of RF noise going into the USB of Chord...
  20. ecwl

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    You can dim M-Scaler like you can dim TT2. Whether the dimmed light is still too bright for you as hard to predict.
  21. ecwl

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    I checked some more. I don’t have usb input connected, just Toslink. When there is no signal, all 3 buttons on the right are dark. But if I press on the third button from the right (DX OP), it’ll change color twice and then go back to dark and when it changes to the other colors, the DX volume...
  22. ecwl

    Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    I’m trying to figure out why your M-scaler lights for the DX volume buttons are on (the two right most buttons) Mine are always dark.
  23. ecwl


    I thought @number1sixerfan was trying Toslink and USB a few years back but there were some dropout issues. I was wondering if you have had a chance to go back to Toslink before contemplating the power supply mods. I have tried many times to get my USB source to be as clean as possible and I...
  24. ecwl

    Watts Up...?

    Haha... Same here at my local head-fi meet last time where I setup DCA Stealth/Chord Hugo 2. People hated it. They much prefer Hugo 2 with pretty much any other headphones. But they almost all use class A or tube amps to drive their planar magnetic or electrostatic headphones so they are also...
  25. ecwl

    Watts Up...?

    With time, I'm more and more convinced that many people just prefer euphonic distortions, particularly for poor recordings. Daniel Hertz by Mark Levinson recently came out with new products that uses a technology called C-wave. The patent is available for review...