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  1. Raidersfan8118

    DUNU - Discussion/Impressions Master Thread

    I’m wondering if anyone thinks that an iPod classic would drive a dunu talos iem fine ?
  2. Raidersfan8118

    Grado Fan Club!

    I figured I’d share some thoughts on the rsx1 I received 2 weeks ago. Music I primarily listen to is hard rock and metal and that can be anything from 80s rock and nu/alternative metal to death metal. I really enjoy the in your face guitar sound this produces it’s something I always prioritize...
  3. Raidersfan8118

    Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution

    I use the matrix Sabre pro dac with the iha6
  4. Raidersfan8118

    Grado Fan Club!

    I’m sure this has probably been asked before but I’m wondering what guys impressions of rsx1 vs rsx2 are? I’ve tried searching the net and really haven’t found much.
  5. Raidersfan8118

    Grado Fan Club!

    I looked into them and a few guys on another site called them the grado goat so I figured I’d give them a whirl. Another member here has recommended me trying them for years but my main concern is the earpads on my ears.
  6. Raidersfan8118

    Grado Fan Club!

    Rsx1 is what I ordered. Sounds like you enjoy yours
  7. Raidersfan8118

    Grado Fan Club!

    I have one currently on the way and this is exactly what I’m looking for. I think I can deal with next to no bass if guitars shred.
  8. Raidersfan8118

    Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution

    Here’s the graph I was sent
  9. Raidersfan8118

    Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution

    I think it kills the sub bass which I don’t care about but idk how much of the other bass is lost. I needed it because the upper mids and lower treble come up a lot. I have eq’ed the missing bass but I don’t bother anymore. There was a graph in the Caldera thread comparing the ultra perf to the...
  10. Raidersfan8118

    Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution

    I had to put ultra perf pads on my Caldera to bring mids more forward.
  11. Raidersfan8118

    Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution

    This is interesting also I believe the he1000 stealth has less recessed mids than he1000se but same idea. I’m surprised the lcd 4 has such good guitar sound with the upper mids lower treble being recessed.
  12. Raidersfan8118

    Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution

    What’d you think of lcd 5 guitar sound vs lcd 4? I had the lcd 5 for a while and the soundstage was on the smaller side and guitars sounded soft and lacked any kind of crunch. I think the he1000 stealth I have even has slightly more edginess than the lcd5.
  13. Raidersfan8118

    Save the date: a Sennheiser CES debut

    I’m with a lot of others hoping for hd800s successor but I’m gonna say I doubt it will happen.
  14. Raidersfan8118

    Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution

    I’ve read quite a bit on grado headphones and have debated getting one. Seems like the general consensus is that the gs3000x isn’t much better than the sub $1000 ones. I’ve been thinking of getting the rsx1 myself.
  15. Raidersfan8118

    The (Un)Official Amp Thread For ZMF Headphones

    I appreciate the response. I like a more neutral sound if that makes a difference on recommendations. Less warm for me.
  16. Raidersfan8118

    The (Un)Official Amp Thread For ZMF Headphones

    I was wondering if anyone could comment on how the ferrum oor sounds with a caldera? I currently have an iha6 and was wondering how much of an upgrade it’d be.
  17. Raidersfan8118

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    I figured I’d share some impressions with my 2nd try of the caldera. My issue was with the upper mid dip so I ended up selling them and giving the lcd 5 a try. I received the Caldera and when I put them on same issue happened so I took those pads off and tried the ultra perf pads that Zach...
  18. Raidersfan8118

    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    Do you prefer the homage over the iha6 for caldera?
  19. Raidersfan8118

    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    What’s the price of the homage? I’m not seeing it.
  20. Raidersfan8118

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    I’d also like to hear a comparison. I agree with others that it seems to be a very good pad for atrium. Seems like it doesn’t get talked about on the caldera much though.
  21. Raidersfan8118

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    He recommended eq’ing in some bass if you’re using those pads
  22. Raidersfan8118

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    Hopefully Zach doesn’t mind me sharing the measurement he showed me in an email. I was asking him about adding some more bite to guitars and he recommended caldera ultra perf pads to bring up upper mids/lower treble.
  23. Raidersfan8118

    JM Audio Editions XTC Headphones

    I’m actually thinking of retrying a caldera. My issue was the laid back upper mids. The ultra perforated pads bring them up and bass down. They said I could eq the bass back in. That’s good to hear that xtc handles metal well.
  24. Raidersfan8118

    JM Audio Editions XTC Headphones

    I’m hoping for similar detail retrieval as atrium open.
  25. Raidersfan8118

    JM Audio Editions XTC Headphones

    A lot of people have claimed the xtc is more detailed than the atrium