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  1. alucart1985

    EAR HP4

      I've spent the last two years trying to find an amplifier that will make the HD800 sing, and to document my journey:   - Burson Conductor = treble peak from hell, harsh treble - Valhalla = tames the treble, but thin base and lacking resolution - Violectric V200 = tames the treble, but...
  2. alucart1985

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

      I can't speak for the vanilla Pulse as I have the balanced XFi version, but I would imagine that the lack of balanced outputs would make minimal difference if your setup involved single ended outputs to a headphone amplifier and single ended cable to your headphones.    I don't know how...
  3. alucart1985

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Alvin1188 here on Head-Fi resells them worldwide, send him a PM :)
  4. alucart1985

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Hi everyone,   atsq sold me one of his Geek Pulse XFi DAC/Amps (he apparently bought three from the original campaign), and asked me what I thought - I've had it now for three weeks and wanted to add my thoughts, such as they are, because I noticed the relative lack of reviews compared to...
  5. alucart1985

    DUNU DN-2000J -- More Than Evolution?

    Yes, the amp is a tad warm and I don't notice as much sibilance as I hear when plugging the DN2000Js into the Burson Conductor.
  6. alucart1985

    Glove Audio A1 jacket DAC Amp for AK120

      Thanks for the tip! I bought a Black Dragon V2 cable second hand, but once I have enough funds, I'll try the Silver Dragon =)
  7. alucart1985

    Glove Audio A1 jacket DAC Amp for AK120

      Hmm, maybe I'll give it another shot, or wait until my Audeze LCD-2s arrive with a balanced cable =D
  8. alucart1985

    DUNU DN-2000J -- More Than Evolution?

      Thanks! I'll give them an audition.   Just plugged my DN2000Js into my Violectric V200 amplifier - I know its overkill, but no hiss and the music is just sublime, with no hint of sibilance =D
  9. alucart1985

    DUNU DN-2000J -- More Than Evolution?

    Sorry to risk going on a slight tangent - I'm loving the DN2000J while on the move and at work, but wondering what the equivalent full-size headphone for home use?
  10. alucart1985

    Glove Audio A1 jacket DAC Amp for AK120

    I bought a Glove Audio A1 second hand a couple of months ago, and it makes my AK100 sing with my IEMs =D better bass and dynamics.   While the balanced output is certainly more powerful than the single ended output, neither output gave justice to my HE-500 planars, which sounds flat and thin >_<
  11. alucart1985

    Brilliant ER4 tip mod

    Hi sorry to resurrect an old thread, but wanted to thank you guys for the mod - I had moved on from the ER4S to a DN2000J, and while the mod doesn't provide the bass punch and impact that the DN2000J has, it at least has solved the sibilance and narrow soundstage =)
  12. alucart1985

    DUNU DN-2000J -- More Than Evolution?

      Hi, first time poster to this thread - james444 recommended the DN-2000J when I was looking at the Sony EX-1000 as a potential "bassier" upgrade to my ER4S. My DN-2000J just arrived in the post today, and I haven't had the chance to do a formal A/B comparison, but only after an hour of...
  13. alucart1985

    Brand Spanking New A&K AK120II and AK100II

    Thanks for the advice =) I'll keep an eye out on the classifieds!
  14. alucart1985

    Sony EX1000 Review and Impressions Thread (with comparisons to FX700, GR10 and e-Q5)

    I will certainly compare the 2000Js to my ER4S - will post my opinion in the 2000J thread.   Now the constant checking of the parcel tracking begins! 
  15. alucart1985

    Sony EX1000 Review and Impressions Thread (with comparisons to FX700, GR10 and e-Q5)

    I pulled the trigger on the Dunu 2000J - some reviews say that it is not far from the performance of the $1000 AKG K3003, but for a little less than half the price!!!    Thanks for the suggestion! =)
  16. alucart1985

    Sony EX1000 Review and Impressions Thread (with comparisons to FX700, GR10 and e-Q5)

    Thanks for replying so quickly! I've heard about the DUNU 2000J - its a hybrid, so I was concerned about the drivers interfering with one another's sound, but will now check it out further =)
  17. alucart1985

    New Member Introductions thread

    Thanks for the advice =) will definitely look into it! 
  18. alucart1985

    Brand Spanking New A&K AK120II and AK100II

    Hi! Long time lurker but first time poster to this thread - good to see people are still talking about the AK120 II. I have been eyeing this DAP for a while - currently I have an AK100 mk2, which has served me well, but while the WiFi streaming and increased capacity on the AK 120 II are...
  19. alucart1985

    Sony EX1000 Review and Impressions Thread (with comparisons to FX700, GR10 and e-Q5)

    Hi! Long time lurker but first time poster to the EX-1000 thread.   I have been looking at buying one of these for a while now, but they're not anywhere to be found in Australia. Someone has just recently put a good condition used one up for sale for about 325 USD and before pulling the...
  20. alucart1985

    New Member Introductions thread

      Ooh! I remember Jokerl's review of these on the - will check them out, thanks! =) do you find the bass overpowering the mids and highs? It's what I'm worried about - sometimes the RE-600s mid get clouded that way with some songs...
  21. alucart1985

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hi everyone,   Just introducing myself here on Head-Fi forums - long time lurker, but now first-time poster =)    I have just delved into the world of IEMs, having been happy with my Sennheiser HD650s and Hifiman HE-500s until now, but wearing big cans at work seems to draw alot of attention...