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  1. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Might be a tough ask with a DD in today’s world. I found this one but can’t seem to find the name. Anyone know?
  2. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    So a neutral with DD and space? Try the Orca. Great switch implementation so can get many different sounds and honestly a very capable set. You’ll have a few bucks leftover too 😁
  3. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    I see Simgot, I see planar, I see pzt. I predict bright 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Oh neat trick!
  5. bschnell9

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    A few scattered thoughts as I A/B the SR8 (DD configuration) and SR9: -For me the treble is almost impossible to tell apart. I know the graphs don’t show it and my ear might not be good enough but they simply both sound fantastic to me -instruments sound almost identical to me as well...
  6. bschnell9

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    Ya two different beasts. I bought and returned doscinco because I could EQ the bass on the SR5 to basically meet the the Dos or get close enough. I love the SR5 bass quality. I think the Dos had brighter treble but not as well done
  7. bschnell9

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    I would consider myself a lover of bass and these things can slam! Never heard like a fat freq or anything but this thing has all the bass I’d need when called upon
  8. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Did you attempt at a Sennheiser logo swirl in your coffee?!
  9. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    I find the treble extended and crispy without harshness. Simply extremely well done. With the right source and a non super bassy song the treble is very present. I must admit I don’t know if that’s a “tasteful V” or not
  10. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Nope. Gentle slope
  11. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Dude every single review or impression has said lots of bass with treble to keep up with it but the mids can be a little full I’ve said that, @Leonarfd basically said that, @Ferdinando1968 hasnt mentioned too much besides bass and @Ozboyblu mentioned bass and treble briefly. I think it’s safe...
  12. bschnell9

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    In a nutshell the 9 has a sizable amount more bass than the 5. The 9 is just a more full bodied sound. Keep in mind, the 5 is in my top 3 IEMs ever. It’s my EDC. I find the upper mids to be slightly more smooth on the 9 and we aren’t talking any sibilance whatsoever on either of them. I have a...
  13. bschnell9

    Sound Rhyme impression thread

    Ya I gotta be honest from my recollection the upper mids on 900 were just too much for me and I couldn’t get past it. Can’t recall how I viewed the treble. I’m sure it was good but for my non super discerning ear there isn’t any way it was better done than on this SR9 (with the right source)...
  14. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Absolutely mind blowing stage, detail and separation on SR9. Like I'm wondering how on earth could something play this back better?!
  15. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

  16. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    This description of the H60 is almost exactly how I’d describe the SR9, to my ears! However you and I have quite different preferences so now I’m wondering how the H60 can be equally as good for me 😂. Ok I’m overthinking it because the bass on this SR9 is scrambling my brain
  17. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Definitely a few that have the H60 in their ears and the SR9 on the way. I will be a little late to that party but maybe the first to have the SR9 in my ears while I ordered H60. I have a feeling this is gonna be a battle. They both graph beautifully but what’s gonna be that deciding factor? 🤔...
  18. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Fantastic bass and with the right source (it seems picky) the treble is seemingly perfect for my ears. Instrument separation and stage are amazing for me as well. But considering what has been said about H60 from numerous peeps I can’t stand not finding out if it’s better somehow so I have to...
  19. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Ugh I just PTT on the H60. One of these is my endgame and I have to find out for myself. If it’s H60 I’m returning the SR9. If it’s SR9 I’m selling H60. Make it stop!!!
  20. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    This will work? Or you needed it plugged into power simultaneously?
  21. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Which iPhone you have? New one with Type C port or lightning port? I can only find type c. If this the case I guess getting a type c to lightning adapter could work but then have a 2 inch stick coming out bottom of phone
  22. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Ya it’s just soooo much more noticeable with this IEM than I’ve experienced with others. And yes the two devices are far apart as well so maybe I just needed to tamper my expectations today. All good tho because the SR5 sounds fantastic with btr15
  23. bschnell9

    The discovery thread!

    Ya gotta be honest it was a relatively disappointing day with the BTR15 and SR9. I need to race home and stick it in the R4 to make sure that sauce is still there. Just too warm on the Fiio. Hopefully the Go Blu is better Edit: Possibly due to Bluetooth vs wired? If this is the case I’ve never...