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  • Users: padam
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  1. padam

    The Stax Thread III Disassemble and clean, pretty straightforward process.
  2. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    Cheers Bob, I don't forget, since I don't have that many friends :) Those were mine originally, and those drivers were transplanted from am SR-Gamma Pro, since as you said Lambdas are a different shape. Kind of funny that it's just been brought up...
  3. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    The SR-007 Mk2 is an outlier (or rather was, since it has just been discontinued...), not having the thinner, brighter, clarity-focused nature of modern Stax. So yes, very much outdated in that regard. Still not as much as an Mk1, which is the youngest Stax I use regularly, is still up to 25...
  4. padam

    Looking for Shangri La Sr

    Maybe better to post in this thread:
  5. padam

    The Stax Thread III From memory, an X9000 can project an even "bigger sound" with the right recording with many elements, like movie soundtracks. When doing a deep-focused listening (meaning, I kill off all lights and unnecessary...
  6. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    The SR-X1 is the new entry-level model essentially replacing the L300, they've sorted that out. But they will not abandon the space between an L700 Mk2 and an X9000.
  7. padam

    The Stax Thread III He also shortly talks about completing the lineup, which imho could mean that the 007 and 009 may continue in tweaked forms.
  8. padam

    Feedback by 'padam' on listing 'Stax SR-007 Mk1 (70xxx)'

    Super nice guy, prompt payment with great communication, a real asset to the Head-Fi community. Thanks again!
  9. padam

    Stax SR-X1 (new entry model)

    Well it would be quite odd to me, if they suddenly came out with a headphone that I would really love, and it would happen to be their cheapest. I could pre-order it, I just expect it to be popular at this price range, so it will inevitably pop up in the used section or I may just opt to visit...
  10. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    It's a grayscale image, could be either one... They've made a few late SR-007 Mk1 sets in black/brown colour, mainly for the European market, they've called it the SR-007 BL
  11. padam

    Stax SR-X9000

    Given that there is only a 1000$ difference between an SRM-T8000 and a BHSE (w/ DACT), that's not a realistic expectation.
  12. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    I'm quite sure it would be a tweaked model, like the SR-009S coming out 7 years after the SR-009. They can do a lot just with different diaphragm material, thickness, diaphragm-stator spacing, etc.
  13. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    "Our goal is to develop something even better than the SR-X9000" - I'm pretty confident that they are able do that.
  14. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    I have an SRD-X Pro. Performs as advertised, meaning not very well, there are a few Staxes which work reasonably well with it, and it is one of the cheapest and most portable ways to have the vintage Stax sound, so considering those things, I can't see myself not keeping one around. You can't...
  15. padam

    Comment by 'padam' on listing 'Stax SR-007 Mk1 (70xxx)'

    Thanks for the kind words, Joe. Still does not compensate for the fact that I sold "That" SR-X Mk3 PRO to you. :) But at least it still went to the absolute best home it could. Cheers!
  16. padam

    Stax SR-X1 (new entry model)

    I have a message for this new boy: better be ready for the fight with the old boys. By the time it arrives, these two might have a tussle of their own for the connector on the right. And as we know, three into one won't go.
  17. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    It's a lot more 'interesting' headphone than the SR-407 I think it's one of the best (most characterful, "magical") and I'd like to have one yet again - but I am not alone with that thinking... But one of my friends bought one recently with a good setup and he said it was (or that copy was)...
  18. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    There is a fine line. But if people had access to do comparisons undistracted for a certain amount of time, they would have their eureka moments for sure. That's why I wrote that story, it was 3 hours including storytime, he was completely shell-shocked how it was Not like how it was written on...
  19. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    Still a waste of space. It is simply extremely difficult to find good information especially nowadays, if one is unable to use the search function very well - or just does not want to.
  20. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    That's exactly it. You've done well and making a problem out of something that really isn't one.
  21. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    You can see the 009 values are down the drain, at some point they might start to back up a bit, if supply reduces. You've gotta ask yourself: is it because is the deal of the century (cost a lot more to manufacture than a 007 yet it is almost cheaper now) or is it something else. I seriously do...
  22. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    Feel free, as a Carbon owner I am genuinely interested and I am very well aware that it's not quite perfect. Not exactly T2 territory, so I don't expect it. It's just that what it does do, which is having a very smooth solid-state sound with tight, deep and impactful bass, lots of dynamics (if...
  23. padam

    The Stax Thread III

    An adapter based solution is an adapter based solution. If anything, more is dependent on the particular speaker amplifier and the synergy of the whole system than the adapter itself which alters the signal in a certain way that may be beneficial for certain things. The trouble with tests like...