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  1. P

    The discovery thread!

    Hell, you can get it for $60. Grand Theft Audio!
  2. P

    The discovery thread!

    Hmm. The title on this vid is illuminating, as the longer I travel on my audiophile journey, the less I like Harman tuning. Just way too much upper mids shout.
  3. P

    The discovery thread!

    Same! My ear canals are like the Holland Tunnel, yet the XL Liqueurs still are a smidge snug.
  4. P

    The discovery thread!

    I do not. Lukewarm toward it because I'm not looking for "a MagicOne with more bass." I like the MagicOne just how it is, and I have the Delci if I want thick bass.
  5. P

    The discovery thread!

    Amen. Give me mid-bass over sub-bass eight days per week. That said, the sub-bass emphasis of the Delci is so fun. Plus the Divinus Velvet tips somehow seem to shine more of a light on the mid-bass with that set, which I like.
  6. P

    The discovery thread!

    The Delci is the easiest $60 slam-dunk recommendation I have made so far this year. The tuning is so appealing and fun. The only people who will dislike it are those who crave reed-thin bass and icy highs.
  7. P

    The discovery thread!

    Throw on some Final Type E tips if you want more bass without bloat.
  8. P

    The discovery thread!

    It's killer if you're not married to Harman and huge bass. Hope you love it.
  9. P

    The discovery thread!

    Yep. S&S should be here within 10-14 days on the slow boat known as the SS AliExpress. :)
  10. P

    Reply to review by 'pk4425' on item 'MEZE Audio ALBA'

    The review is a WIP but already five stars? And eight people have liked a review that's not a review? Head-fi can be a wild place, man.
  11. P

    The discovery thread!

    ...I prefer the Orange with this model. Divinus Velvet: I finally squeezed the bore over the nozzle after about seven tries and equal amounts of "F*CK OFF!" exploding from my lips. These tips are similar to the Penon Liqueur Orange in that they don't neuter the bass while keeping the clean-ish...
  12. P

    The discovery thread!

    Have room for a boarder sometime? I want to visit Eastern Europe, big time.
  13. P

    The discovery thread!

    Agree. First gen looked much more polished. Unveiled looks like a sloppy one-nighter between the Deva and a prototype new Susvara. Don't like the look of the unprotected grills and magnets at all, especially for a $7K flagship.
  14. P

    The discovery thread!

    The MagicOne is my favorite IEM. But all your critiques are valid -- I just dig the stock signature. I have found that Final Type E tips do a very good job of eliciting more sub-bass and mid-bass without crushing the lovely mids. Give it a go, if you're interested.
  15. P

    The discovery thread!

    I don't have a caliper, but Penon Liqueur tips sound like a deluxe match for what you seek.
  16. P

    The discovery thread!

    Bingo. I'm not a perennial IEM all-star like some of you cats, but this description nailed it. The bass on my MagicOne (single BA) is so damn smooth and polite while being present, while the bass on my Kefine Delci (single DD) pushes air and is tactile. Tip choice can also modify those...
  17. P


    Aful MagicOne down to $89 at Amazon: Incredible deal for a unique, great IEM.
  18. P

    The discovery thread!

    No clue. Sorry. Perhaps the avid tip rollers can chime in?
  19. P

    The discovery thread!

    I bought Dunu S&S tips and TRN ST7.
  20. P

    The discovery thread!

    l'm sitting back and chuckling at this discussion about reviewer objectivity. It's pretty simple: ALL reviewers are human, so they have biases. Everyone who reads or watches a review better accept that, or I have oceanfront property in Saskatchewan to sell you. Bias can become a problem when...
  21. P

    The discovery thread!

    One of my five favorite movies of all time.
  22. P

    The discovery thread!

    Ziigaat appears to be the latest new manufacturer to fall through the trap door of grace. The company was bathed in gloss upon the release of the Doscinco, Nuo and Cincotres -- Ziigaat was the belle of the ball and could do no wrong in January and February. Now I'm seeing more and more reviews...
  23. P

    The discovery thread!

    Adventures in new tip rolling with my new budget king, the Kefine Delci: Stock tips: Flimsy as f*ck. But they do emphasize mid-bass punch well if the seal is good. But the stock tips are so damn seal-dependent because the bells are so thin and flimsy. Tri Clarion: Disliked this combo. Neutered...
  24. P

    The discovery thread!

    Yeah, but you folks don't go bankrupt when you suffer a serious illness, unlike the completely f*cked-up for-profit healthcare system in America.
  25. P

    The discovery thread!

    Given how my sonic preferences are very close to yours, my money clip weeps. :)