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  • Users: Rob49
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  1. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    As many of you know of my problems with ( 2 ) DMP-Z1’s & could only conclude that i plugged & unplugged too frequently, causing battery replacement, ( besides other parts - the board ?? ) In the now 15 months with no problems, do you think it is worth taking the risk to plug into an extension...
  2. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    @principd if you’re really looking for absolute full sound & REAL musical timbre, then the DMP-Z1 is what you should try & find. It’s the finding bit, that’s the problem.
  3. Rob49

    Sennheiser HD800 S Impressions Thread (read first post for summary)

    That’s inspired me, to listen to some of my SACD’s, first off, Genesis “We Can’t Dance”. ( My ultimate listening experience is my Sony DMP-Z1, player, in balanced mode. )
  4. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    Since having my player back, i hadn’t thought about the filters. Just checked now & it was set to sharp, i assume being first in the list. So, I’m going to experiment, although, i’m not sure if i will personally be aware of any obvious differences ??
  5. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    Well, I’ve had my DMP-Z1 player, back from repair, one year ago, today. 2157 hours of listening. Just done the 4th battery cycle of the year & got 9 & a half hours. ( I let it drain to 3% ) When i think I’ve had two failures, both after 6 months each, I’m grateful.
  6. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    When you say “run pure battery around once a week”, was this running down to 10% 5% ?? Given my experience, just curious……
  7. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    You have a point, my friend. Sony do recommend using the battery once every six months, i think ? I will test on the 28th of this month. Well, suffering from M.E. / also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, my sleep is affected, each & every day. Mainly by not enough, largely due to neighbours...
  8. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    It has been for me ! Probably down to my use ? That’s why I’m now only using battery every three months.
  9. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    I think I’ve always got to just less than 8 hours. I’m waiting for the 28th, to see how many hours I get then ? Fourth cycle of the year. I rip my CD’s to FLAC & always use DSD Re-Mastering Engine. I hope i get 8 hours on the next cycle, or I will be thinking, “What have a done, AGAIN” ? The...
  10. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    Now, that is A LOT ! :relaxed: I know there’s many huge collections, that people have, be it music, or film. ( My partner, is a retired film critic, at nearly 90 years of age, a vast collection. Difficult, to put a figure on ?? ) I tend to buy, just what appeals, although i have bought CD’s...
  11. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    That’s a lot of music ! I have 15.000 & have been collecting music for 50 years.
  12. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    Thank you, i guess I’m putting myself down a bit, but i do have a pair of ears, like everyone else ! The word, “audiophile”, does create an impression of being superior, or more knowledge, than other’s. ( No disrespect to “audiophiles”. ) As i said, i have found the Sony MDR-1ZR’s a bit...
  13. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    I’m so pleased to hear your immediate response & if an inexperienced novice, like myself, compared to other’s on here, says it’s unique, then it is. I don’t use Tidal & as I’ve said, all i ever tried, was connecting to my AVR & try Bluetooth paired with my Sony DAP ZX300. Neither were long...
  14. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    Thank you, for your kind, sincere words & yes, music gets everyone through life. It’s universal ! All i talk about is the DMP-Z1 & probably bore people on here ! :sweat_smile:
  15. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    Thank you, for your kind words & I’m pleased that you find the courage to manage your circumstances & the love & support of your partner. My partner has been with me for over 30 years. We don’t live together, but he has got me through the last 24 years ( & the whole 30. ) My severe M.E...
  16. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    I suffer from severe M.E. Nearly 24 years now. Aged 60. Nothing you can do, other than cope the best you can. I didn’t travel the World, had holidays, but no one knows what is going to happen to them, ( so any advice to anyone - live every moment ! ) I think you will love the DMP-Z1 As my...
  17. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    Sorry to hear of your circumstances. I am disabled and my life is laying down, day after day. The DMP-Z1, gets me through each & every day. When my player was out of action, not expecting it to be repaired, i bought a Shanling M30, which is a Swiss Army Knife, regards connectivity & it sounds...
  18. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    The only wired connection i did, for a very brief period, was to connect to my AVR. I’m not even sure if I liked the sound that way ?? I briefly tried Bluetooth connection & again, it sounded different. More experienced owner’s will give you some idea of connectivity. Ultimately, it’s to enjoy...
  19. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    @Yarbles it’s good that you have the opportunity to test for a few days. From an audio point of view, that should tell you all you need to know, to make your decision.
  20. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    This is something i need an answer too, as well. My situation is well documented on here. That my first player failed after 6 months. Replacement player, also failed after 6 months ( & got my replacement fixed after a 9 month wait & stress, by Sony. ) Had my player back, 1 year, at the end of...
  21. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    When using battery, i let it go no lower than 5% and I use it every 3 months, so obviously 4 times, during this past year. ( Come the 28th, of this month. )
  22. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    …….but I’m not doing that, am i ??
  23. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    Am I doing that ?? It’s on AC power, other than using battery, every 3 months & when using battery, i don’t let it go to 0%. Sorry, you may have been suggesting the reason, for my two player fails ? Even then I never let it go down to 0%, but i think I had a little bit of mentality that this...
  24. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    I have had my player back, nearly 12 months, everything has been fine. Only used the battery 3 times, on June 28th, ( one year ) I will use battery again. I do not power off, using the power button. I automatically let it shut down, each time. It’s 19 minutes, before the player shuts down. Is...
  25. Rob49

    Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread

    Are you saying you leave it on, while away ??