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  1. misteral201103

    CanJam Shanghai 2024 Impressions Thread

    Ok, pictures, sorry! Had my camera with to shoot video and was just not in the mood today. Been an age since the last CanJam, I could only go today (Sunday) and it was quieter than I had expected - but in previous years I was there on the first or second day, so maybe that accounts for...
  2. misteral201103

    New Inear Prophile-8

    A recipe for audio heaven! Enjoy :)
  3. misteral201103

    Audeze Mobius Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    I'm a bit disappointed to see Sony buy Audeze. Even though the Mobius is my only Audeze headphone, I respect the work they have done as independent headphone makers. I'm sure it will all be fine and they will be able to continue much as they have done so far, just a bit sad to see another...
  4. misteral201103

    Reply to review by 'misteral201103' on item 'Fiio FW5'

    This was such an excellent review! Really well laid out and structured, and very clear in language and visual elements. Comparisons were relevant and useful. Seriously, I'm so impressed with this.
  5. misteral201103

    AudioQuest NightHawk Impressions and Discussion Thread

    I bought replacement pads designed for "Shure SRH 440 840 940 1840" (that's exactly what it says on the TaoBao page I bought from) Worked a treat. Good fit on the headphones, very comfortable and I don't feel they changed the sound significantly.
  6. misteral201103

    CanJam Global 2022 General

    What's the current thinking on Shanghai this year? Possible? Possible but with a limited range of companies? Impossible due to visa issues?
  7. misteral201103

    7HZ Salnotes Zero is now available at Linsoul Audio!

    Interested to hear from anyone how they sound. That price is absurd! I thought the TaoBao listing was a reservation price until I came back here and double checked!
  8. misteral201103

    AudioQuest NightHawk Impressions and Discussion Thread

    Not sure if you're looking for info on the Owls or Hawks. I can say that I have been running my Hawks straight out of a computer for a few years (they are my "at work" cans) and I still love them. I do not find them dark or muffled. A touch on the warm side, but plenty of detail up top. At home...
  9. misteral201103

    CanJam Global 2022 General

    That's great, the best I could hope for given the circumstances. Thank you!!!
  10. misteral201103

    CanJam Global 2022 General

    Is Shanghai still on for this year? Or "wait and see"? Or flat out cancelled?
  11. misteral201103

    Reply to review by 'misteral201103' on item 'xDuoo Link2 Bal'

    Is it a significant upgrade on the Ovidius B1 to warrant buying? Especially with regard to soundstage (because I assume quality of frequency reproduction would be at least as good!)
  12. misteral201103

    Fiio X5 3rd gen || 2x AKM 4490 || Balanced Out || DSD || DXD | DTS | Android || Dual Card Slot

    So sorry my friend, but a 5 year old machine running Android 5.1 - I doubt the latest Apple Music would run ok on it.
  13. misteral201103

    AudioQuest NightHawk Impressions and Discussion Thread

    I ended up getting replacement pads for Shure SRH 940 (I think) and they worked fine. Decent fit, very comfortable, still sound fantastic.
  14. misteral201103

    Hifiman Ananda

    Thanks for getting back to me - however, I already found a contact via a vendor here in Shanghai and the Ananda's are now on their way to be repaired. Genuine thanks though, had I been a little more patient I would have followed your advice!! Meanwhile, for anyone around Shanghai I'd like to...
  15. misteral201103

    Hifiman Ananda

    Hoping someone can help - maybe even @TeamHiFiMAN Briefly - I am in Shanghai. Two years ago I bought the Ananda. Now the connection on the right side has given out. I would like to have them repaired, I am happy to pay. I have tried contacting the customer service email address but a) they...
  16. misteral201103

    Comprehensive Progress! FiiO Portable Desktop-Class Player M17 Is Officially Released!

    Pretty sure I'm not in the market for this, but would jump at the chance to hear it sometime...
  17. misteral201103

    Reply to review by 'misteral201103' on item 'TForce Audio Yuan Li'

    They look beautiful and if they compete with the Oxygen, that's very high praise in my opinion. Wish I needed another set, I'd love to add these to the collection. Great review, succinct but informative :)
  18. misteral201103

    Reply to review by 'misteral201103' on item 'Unique Melody MEST MKII'

    Fantastic, engaging review - as usual! Nice one :) Though I have the Mk1 it seems our areas of satisfaction align very closely. Like you, I feel the Mest is an IEM which you will keep being thrilled with for years to come.
  19. misteral201103

    Unique Melody Bone Conduction Family (MEST&MEXT and their siblings) Announcement and Impression Thread.

    @14christ " Its a very addictive IEM and it seems the more I listen to it the more I enjoy it. " Amen brother (no pun intended)
  20. misteral201103

    Unique Melody Bone Conduction Family (MEST&MEXT and their siblings) Announcement and Impression Thread.

    Hopefully you'll get a few different views on cables - here's mine. I love the sound from the stock cable and I am fully aware of the price value. For me personally, I find the connectors on the stock cable problematic in terms of comfort, so if I had the chance to get the same sound signature...
  21. misteral201103

    Unique Melody Bone Conduction Family (MEST&MEXT and their siblings) Announcement and Impression Thread.

    Intended to do some of this a while back. Mest Mk1 - followed some guidance from this thread. Here are my results. Cable - Xinhs Graphene So first of all I have to give props out to Xinhs. I was ordering in China at the same time he had his AliExpress sale, so I think he was quite busy. AE had...
  22. misteral201103

    7Hz Impressions & Discussion

    Bought some for my wife, have only listened a little so these are, I guess, initial impressions. Tried them from the Fiio M11, iBasso DX220 and Ovidius B1 as source (balanced from the DAPs). Sounded great, did not in any way sound like they needed more power. They may improve even further if...
  23. misteral201103

    iBasso CF01 (Cable Free), BT MMCX adapter for any MMCX IEM.

    Haha! Yeah, wired is absolutely my preference. However my phone doesn't have a jack. I have a dongle for listening (Ovidius B1, with UM Mest - very nice) but for running and for phone calls, I chose to go with wireless. Also, I do not want to use my Mest for running since I sweat like a waterfall!!!
  24. misteral201103

    iBasso CF01 (Cable Free), BT MMCX adapter for any MMCX IEM.

    Hi all - has anyone had issues with one side not charging? I've not had mine long (love the sound!) and use them for running. Left side is either not charging at all, or not charging past a certain point. I tried running the right side down in the thought that maybe once the right was full the...